How To Sell The Way Your Customer Buys. Des Hunt

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How To Sell The Way Your Customer Buys - Des Hunt

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      More importantly, I hope you use it to boost your sales.

      You are in one of the most important professions there is, because nothing happens until somebody sells something.

       You are in one of the most important professions in the world.

      Every time you sell something, you keep another bunch of people in work.

      The politicians can talk forever about creating jobs, which is all they ever seem to do, but they will never be able to create jobs like you can.

      So, do us all a favour — keep on selling.


      Des Hunt

      Adelaide 2008

       And a word from Andrew Cole

      I have been involved in sales for all of my professional life and I believe ‘selling’ to be the key to all transactions between people. You need to sell yourself in a job interview. You need to sell ideas in the workplace, as well as the traditional meaning of selling products and services.

      This book is an easy read with some powerful messages to take away. It goes beyond the general theories of selling. It translates it right down to selling to individuals – which is really what selling is all about. It is based on the principles in Des Hunt’s best-selling book, ‘What Makes People Tick’ which I would highly recommend you also read.

      As a professional sales trainer with a background in sales dealing in multi-million dollar sales budgets, I utilise Des’s simple models in all the training I deliver. Please read it, take just a few tips away to implement and see the changes to your results.

      Andrew Cole

      Adelaide 2008

2People don’t buy things, they buy how it will make them feel

      If you’re thinking of selling using logic, forget it. People aren’t logical creatures; they’re feeling creatures.

      We come out of the womb as feeling creatures and stay that way for the rest of our lives.

      If human beings were logical we would all be wearing the same clothes, driving the same type of car, choosing partners that were the same, and none of us would drink or smoke.

      Emotions and feelings are where it’s at when it comes to knowing what makes people tick.

      Logic only makes people think, it’s emotions and feelings which make them act.




























       The First Law of Human Nature

      The first law of human nature is: People will move towards feelings that are pleasurable and move away from feelings that are painful.

      When was the last time you climbed the stairs instead of taking the lift?

      When was the last time you chose to park your car a good step from the shop, rather than as close as you could get to the door?

      When was the last time you sat in the front rows of a lecture theatre when the back rows were empty?

      The reason we do things is all about pleasure and pain.

      We are fairly clever when it comes to finding the right ‘facts’ to justify our feelings. We are good at making the facts fit our fictions.

      To test the theory, simply involve somebody in a political, or religious, or any other discussion that they feel strongly about, and watch them find the ‘facts’ which supports their opinion-feelings.

       The head will always find reasons for what the heart wants to do.

      My friend the smoker points out people who have lived to a grand old age and who smoked all their lives.

      Another way to test the theory is to listen to someone who has paid too much for something justify why they paid so much. We can justify murder if it fits in with our feelings.

       People are Happiness-Seeking Creatures

      We spend our lives trying to have our wants satisfied.

      Almost everything we do and say is to fulfil a want.

      Happiness is having our wants satisfied.

      It could be said that we are a bunch of wants in constant search of having them satisfied. And when they are satisfied, it gives our lives a sense of meaning and purpose.


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