The Clamour of Silence. Valerie Pybus

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The Clamour of Silence - Valerie Pybus

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With disappointment.

      “Oh Ryan, I wanted to show you my itinerary for my next trip. Never mind, it will have to keep. You must bring this young lady to dinner and soon.”

      Her voice had taken on the ever so brittle grating tone she used with him, inexplicably he felt guilty as he usually did when he ended the call. He had, from a small boy, always called his mother by her Christian name, at her insistence.

      At last the appointed day dawned. He did a little work on his computer. With lots of time in hand he retraced his journey to the southern suburbs, past the marina heading south to one of Sydney’s best surf beaches. The weather had cooled considerably in the past few days and this Saturday was overcast and promised light showers. He mentally gave thanks, for that meant the restaurants wouldn’t be bursting at the seams with towel carrying sandy- footed customers.

      Ryan hesitated as he entered the restaurant looking for a table which would give him a clear view of the entrance door. He found a discreet table for two and settled down to wait. His breath tightened in his chest with a tingle of anticipation.

      He leaned back in his chair. Mustn’t appear too anxious. Suddenly two hands descended on his shoulders from behind. Two generous breasts massaged the back of his neck. He went rigid with surprise.

      “Ah there you are. You’re nice and early. You must be keen!” Margot’s voice breathed in his ear.

      Ryan was unable to utter a word. He gaped at the person he least wanted to see.

      “But how? What?” He spluttered unable to marshal his thoughts.

      “Ah, you’re wondering how you missed me. Silly boy! I got here before you and I was powdering my nose, back there in the ladies.” She giggled, obviously thinking he was nonplussed by her sudden appearance from behind.

      Margot settled herself in the chair opposite him, bracelets jangling, rings twinkling and those dreadful red nails. For her age she was an attractive woman, just not his type of woman. Ryan’s mind was now rapidly turning over ideas about how to deal with this new situation. There must have been mixed communications. This woman was his means to Julia. He would have to be very careful not to hurt her feelings. His good manners not deserting him he summoned a waitress to take their order. Whilst Margot was busy deciding between scones and cream or French pastries his mind was working overtime.

      Ryan courteously made small talk and discussed the previous party hoping to steer the conversation towards Julia. Suddenly Margot leaned closer to him and whispered, “Now Ryan why did you want me to contact you?” She smiled and tapped him playfully on the hand. Ryan looked blank; she went on. “The card, your business card; the one you gave the girl in the kitchen to give to me!”

      He was about to blurt out that his card was meant for the goddess in the green dress, when he remembered with a shock Margot had also been wearing a dark green cocktail dress. The girl must have seen him give Margot the flowers and given his card to the wrong green clad woman.

      It all fell into place. At first, a jolt of disappointment that Julia had not been interested in him; now he had an embarrassing situation that must be resolved gently.

      He began, “Yes Margot, I did want to see you again; I had something I wanted to ask you.” He went on earnestly to tell her that he was re-furbishing the balcony of his apartment. He had admired her patio furniture and wanted to know where she had purchased hers, so that he could go and investigate what was available.

      He finished with, “You have excellent taste Margot, and everything blends together so beautifully in your home.”

      Although Margot’s demeanor showed more than a touch of disappointment, she was mollified by his artful praise.

      “Well, actually Julia is responsible for the décor of my house.” Margot continued, “She has a wonderful eye for line and effect. Such a flair for the small finishing touches I give her carte blanche. She shops around and gets the best bargains for me.”

      Ryan was happy to learn so much about Julia’s prowess. He felt he was getting to know her. He made more small talk and then quite casually asked Margot how he could get in touch with Julia as he might need someone capable to help decorate his apartment.

      Margot replied. “Actually I am meeting Julia at 1pm for lunch not far from here. She is going to show me some material swatches for my bedroom.” She went on, “Why don’t you join us? I am sure Julia won’t mind.”

      Ryan had a problem hiding his obvious pleasure at this suggestion. Before long they were walking along the promenade that followed the beach area. It was a bracing and pleasant walk as the sun decided momentarily to re-appear. The sandy beach changed from a dull brown to reflect minute sparkly crystals. The waves lazily stretched and yawned in lace trimmed contours tugging at the rocks to join them in play in the distant depths.

      As they approached the restaurant his eye was caught by a solitary female sitting on a bench facing out to the sea. The figure was leaning slightly forward, face uplifted to the warmth of the sun, the strong breeze caressing her hair. It was a delightful pose indicating the person’s participation with the movement of wind and sun. Of course, it was Julia. He had known that from a distance and felt his spirits lift at her nearness.

      Julia was friendly but guarded. “Hello Ryan, I was not expecting to see you here today.” It was frustrating for Ryan when he felt with just a few words he could have explained that he had been trying to contact her. She obviously surmised that his interest lay in Margot. Why else would he be meeting the woman for coffee on a busy Saturday morning?

      Julia tried desperately to keep her composure. But if Ryan had looked more carefully he would have seen a wild pulse beating in her neck. This man turned her inside out. He only had to stand near her and her heart raced, her face felt hot, her breathing became uneven. She had met many eligible men in her life, some at the office and a few in her deaf community. In particular, Harry, the man who had shared her childhood at their special school and together they had enjoyed many productions in the deaf theatre.

      Her mother pushed this particular friendship in every way, inviting Harry to meals, Christmas celebrations, and birthdays. It was as if she wanted Julia to secure the relationship because there might not be any other male on the horizon who would accept a deaf woman. She often remarked about how Harry was thoughtful, attentive and had a good safe job.

      “Julia you must settle down.” She said. “I know Harry thinks the world of you!” Another conversation, “Julia if you don’t encourage Harry he will move on and where will you be then?”

      Julia put her arm round her mother and replied.

      “Mum please, stop worrying. I don’t think about Harry in that way. I want to be madly in love, I want it all, the shooting stars, everything!” Quietly adding, “I won’t settle for less.”

      Julia remembered these conversations as the three took their seats in the restaurant. She clenched her hands under the table in her lap lest their trembling should be noticed by her companions.

      Lunch passed pleasantly and Margot explained to Julia that Ryan had admired her décor choices and needed advice on his alterations. Julia demurred at first insisting that she was not a professional. Decorating was just one of her interests. She only worked with close friends.

      Ryan addressed Julia directly, “I really would appreciate any help you can offer. I am sure we could become friends.”

      Julia smiled at him, which

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