Like No One Else. Maureen Smith

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Like No One Else - Maureen Smith

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even a hint of possessiveness.

      Impatient to get the introductions under way, Zhane thrust his hand toward Paulo. “Zhane Jeffers. And you are…?”

      “Paulo Sanchez.” He shook Zhane’s hand before turning to the woman at his side. “This is my cousin Daniela Santiago.”

      Tommie’s eyes widened. “Your cousin?” she blurted without thinking.

      “That’s right,” Paulo murmured, his eyes glinting with amusement because he knew she’d mistaken the woman for his lover. “Daniela, I’d like you to meet Tommie Purnell.”

      “Tommie?” Daniela Santiago repeated.

      Tommie didn’t know how to interpret the look that passed between Daniela and Paulo; it was so fleeting she could have imagined it. Only she knew she hadn’t. Had Paulo discussed her with his cousin?

      “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Daniela said, smiling warmly at Tommie.

      “Likewise,” Tommie murmured.

      “How long have you and Paulo known each other?”

      “Yes, honey, do tell,” Zhane eagerly chimed in. “Inquiring minds wanna know.”

      Resisting the urge to kick him under the table, Tommie answered, “We met at my sister’s wedding four years ago.”

      “I had the pleasure of escorting Tommie at the ceremony,” Paulo added, a lazy smile playing at the corners of his lips. “It was one of the best weddings I’ve ever been to.”

      “Oh, I’ll bet it was.” Unable to resist, Tommie added sweetly, “How is she, by the way? You know, the lovely young brunette I caught you molesting in the bridal suite?”

      Paulo chuckled softly, shaking his head at her. “Still holding a grudge about that, Tommie? Tell you what. The next wedding we attend together, I’ll let you molest me during the reception. Afterward, too, if you’re really good.”

      “Paulo!” Daniela gasped, torn between shock and amusement.

      With a mischievous grin, Zhane suggested, “Hey, you never know. The next wedding you two attend together might be your own.”

      This time Tommie did kick him under the table. Hard.

      “Ouch!” he howled.

      Tommie just glared at him, unrepentant.

      “Your wings and waffles are making my mouth water, Tommie,” Daniela said, her hazel eyes still twinkling with laughter. “I’d better go order my own before I dive face-first into your plate.”

      “Why don’t you and Paulo join us?” Zhane offered, all but daring Tommie to kick him in the shin again. “I know how hard it is to get a table in here. Makes no sense for y’all to wait around when we’ve got plenty of room to spare.”

      “That’s very sweet of you, Zhane. Do you mind?” Daniela asked, dividing a glance between Tommie and Paulo, who looked distinctly amused as he held Tommie’s gaze.

      “I don’t mind,” he drawled. “Miss Purnell?”

      “Of course I don’t mind. You’re both welcome to join us.” Really, what else could she say?

      Daniela smiled. “Great! I’ll go order our food. No, stay,” she insisted when Paulo offered to take care of it. “I got it. You always mess up the order, anyway.”

      “I’ll go with you,” Zhane said, already on his feet. As he and Daniela started away together, he said to her, “Say, you wouldn’t happen to be a member of the Santiago family, would you?”

      “Guilty as charged.”

      Zhane let out a delighted squeal. “Go on, girl! You’re like Houston royalty!”

      Daniela’s laughing response was drowned out by the noisy din of the restaurant as they moved off. Tommie and Paulo stared after them for a moment, then looked at each other, chuckling quietly.

      “Your friend’s quite a character,” Paulo commented.

      “Yeah. He reminds me of the friends I had back in New York.” Tommie sighed contentedly. “It’s great to have soul mates.”

      Paulo cocked an amused brow at her, but said nothing. When he slid into the booth beside her and his knee accidentally brushed hers, heat shot through her veins. She opened her mouth to ask him what the hell he was doing, then changed her mind. She knew he’d sat down next to her, purposely ignoring the other side of the booth, just to unnerve her. She refused to give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d succeeded.

      “You come here often?” he asked.

      “Every Tuesday. What about you?”

      “Haven’t been here in months. It’s one of Daniela’s favorite restaurants.”

      “Mine, too.” Tommie chuckled. “Zhane thinks it’s a greasy spoon.”

      “Yet he comes here every week. Just for you.”

      “That’s what friends are for.” Tommie gave him a whimsical smile. “Daniela’s beautiful. She looks a lot like her brother, Rafe.”

      “That’s what everyone always says.”

      “Is she a lawyer like the rest of the family?”

      “Yep. Best civil litigation attorney in the state. If you ever need legal representation, she’s your woman.”

      “I probably couldn’t afford her,” Tommie said wryly.

      Paulo chuckled. “That makes two of us.”

      They grinned at each other.

      Without thinking Tommie reached out, touching the smooth, angular curve of his cheek. “You shaved.”



      “Thanks,” Paulo murmured. “Every now and then I try to look civilized.”

      Tommie smiled softly.

      As they gazed at each other, she was acutely aware of the heat from his body, the teasing scent of his aftershave, the melting intensity of his dark eyes. Light caught in his black hair, which hung over the collar of his turtleneck. Tommie had an overwhelming urge to run her fingers through the soft, thick strands. In her mind’s eye she saw herself gently pulling his head toward hers, bringing their hungry mouths together. She saw him touching her, his lips and hands caressing her body.

      Paulo’s gaze darkened, as if he’d intercepted her thoughts. He shifted closer on the seat, making her breath catch in the back of her throat. Her pulse drummed.

      She wanted him. God, she wanted him. If he’d taken her hand at that very moment and led her out of the restaurant, she wouldn’t have resisted, as long as their next destination had a bed.


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