Code Of Conduct. Rich Merritt

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Code Of Conduct - Rich Merritt

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no hesitation, Don kissed Patrick. The younger man’s lips felt firm and pliable and Patrick eagerly received Don’s caress. Don wondered if time had come to a screeching halt for Patrick as well. How he wanted this sensation to last! He set his beer on the bar behind the slightly taller Marine and firmly embraced the younger man. Patrick’s tongue found its way into Don’s mouth and it tasted bittersweet but delicious from the rich beer. Behind Patrick, from across the patio, Don’s friends made loud comments and clapped. The sudden attention caused his emotions to retreat. He pulled his head back a few inches and stared deeply into Patrick’s green eyes. “I’m not into PDA at all—but there are exceptions to every rule.”

      Patrick nodded. “I’d say that was quite exceptional.”

      “I’m—” Don prided himself on his usually perfect bearing but right now he had none. He didn’t care, though, because somehow he knew that Patrick didn’t care. A mutual understanding passed between them that simply staring and smiling at each other was okay. They didn’t need to say or do anything to impress the other. Don assumed Patrick was twenty-four or twenty-five, the age of most lieutenants coming out of flight school, but he looked a couple of years younger. He’d probably been a later bloomer in puberty, as well as in coming out. Don tried to recall the few details Chris had shared with him. Whatever Chris had said, it was understated. “You were Chris’s student? How’d you figure each other out? He must be even brighter than I thought ’cause I never would’ve pegged you as gay. Well, not until I kissed you.”

      “Chris said he guessed I was gay early on—I don’t know if he’s just saying that or what. But he laid the bait for me and I followed it—eagerly—out to the beach, Memorial Day weekend.”

      “He still pulling that trick? We gotta get him some new material.” Don laughed. “Or not. It’s still working—I’m very glad to see. He didn’t tell me much about you, though.”

      “Didn’t tell me much about you, either.” Patrick whispered. “If he had, I would’ve cut my leave short and made it out here a hell of a lot sooner.” Goose bumps formed on Don’s arm and neck. He whiffed Patrick’s aftershave, an off-the-shelf drugstore brand that was earthy and masculine. “Please forgive me if I’m being a little—aggressive—but something about you brings that out in me. I want to see you again, like, tomorrow.”

      Don gulped, “Okay.” Part of him wanted to say, I want to see you again in less than an hour, under my sheets with all your clothes off. Instead, he said, “Tomorrow’s great.”

      Eddie said, “Pardon us for interrupting—”

      “Fuck that—I’m Karl, this is Robbi and our token squid here is Eddie. Patrick, I presume?”

      “Meet the family,” said Don. “Guys, this is Patrick.”

      “Chris’s friend from Pensacola?” Eddie asked. “His friends are our friends.”

      “Welcome to San Diego, Patrick,” Robbi said as she shook Patrick’s hand. “I’m Robbi.”

      “‘Robbie?’” Patrick asked.

      “‘It’s spelled R-O-B-B-I,” said Karl. “But you can call her Roberta.”

      “Call me Roberta one more time, Karl, and I’ll fucking slice your nuts off with a dull razor.”

      “Ouch!” said Patrick. “Sweet to sassy in under two seconds! I like you!”

      Just as quickly as she’d turned on Karl, Robbi regained her earlier cuteness. “I wish I could’ve charged admission to that little show you put on. You’re the hottest ticket at WC’s!”

      It was Patrick’s turn to blush. “Um—great to meet all of you—”

      “It’s a little overwhelming, I know,” said Eddie in a reassuring voice. “New city, new—”

      “You a top? Or a bottom?” Karl asked. “’cause if you’re hookin’ up with Don, then—”

      “Karl!” Robbi punched Karl hard. “Oh my God! You are absolutely impossible!”

      “Do I need to tell you to ignore him?” Don asked Patrick. Staring at Karl, Don’s eyes gave a clear order. Not this time! Karl’s submissive expression told him he got the message. Don usually tolerated Karl’s bluntness but he wouldn’t allow anything to screw up his chances with Patrick. As he watched and listened to Patrick converse with his friends, he fell even deeper for the guy. Looking back over his life, there were many twists and turns Don hadn’t seen at the time. This was different. He knew that right now, in the moment, he’d never be the same again. And he was glad.


      “You’re strong,” the Sailor said. “I like that in a man.”

      Jay wrapped his arms around the man’s waist and gave him a firm squeeze. “You twenty-one?” He hoped his playfulness seemed sincere. “They gonna arrest me for buying you drinks?”

      “Well, thank you!” The Sailor slurred his words. “You’re so sweet! I’m almost twenty-two!” Turning his glass upside down, he swallowed the last of his vodka. “Whoops! All gone.”

      Jay ran his hand through the Sailor’s hair. “What’s your name, handsome?”

      “I told you already. It’s Jerry.”

      “Just ‘Jerry’? No last name?”

      “My my, you ain’t supposed to ask that until the second date,” Jerry whispered in Jay’s ear. “Tell you a secret. It’s Giles. With a G.” Jay grabbed him as he stumbled. “Wanna know another secret? My last name ain’t all I’ll give up on the first date.”

      “Something tells me it’s no secret you’re easy, ‘Jerry Giles.’ Your name is easy, too. Easy to remember.” He pointed to the anchor and USN on Jerry’s chest. “Like your tattoo.”

      “That old thing?” the drunken Sailor asked. “You can lick it if you want.”

      “I’ll wait.” Jay winked, asking, “Your friends in the Navy?”

      “Why? You interested in them?” Jerry pouted. “I thought you liked me.”

      “I do. But I like to hang out with you military guys. You’re so sexy.”

      “We are? Aw, you say the sweetest things.” Jerry looked across the pool table and pointed. “He is. He used to be. That hottie’s a SEAL. That one pretends to be whatever will get him laid. And this one’s a Marine.” Jay congratulated himself on his correct assumptions. “A lot of the military guys are stuck up. They hang out on the roof.”

      “The roof?” Jay asked. “They let people on the roof?”

      “Oh yeah!” said Jerry. “It’s nice up there. Want me to take you?”

      Before Jay could say “yes,” one of Jerry’s friends interrupted. “No you don’t, Jerry. Time to go. You been falling down for an hour. We’re taking you home and putting you to bed.” Jerry mumbled his dissatisfaction.

      “See ya next week!” Jerry waved as his friend helped him leave.

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