Vision of Seduction. Cassie Ryan

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Vision of Seduction - Cassie  Ryan

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watch every morsel of sweets I eat.”

      Great, I’m having sexual fantasies not only about a woman, but about a pregnant queen.

      Katelyn shoved aside her reactions and focused on the woman before her, who was not exactly what she would expect a queen to be like. Yet, Katelyn couldn’t help but like this easygoing woman instantly. And talk about a relaxed dress code for royalty!

      “So, you’re a queen. Is there a king hiding around here, too?” Katelyn chose what looked like a tart and took a bite. Some type of green fruit oozed from the top. Flavor burst across her tongue, and she gave her own sigh of ecstatic bliss. She waited for another bout of physical reactions, but none came, so she relaxed.

      If everyone ate like this here, why weren’t they all three hundred pounds–plus?

      “If he’s smart, King Stone will stay out of my way until I finish this pastry and maybe several others.” Alyssa took another healthy bite and chewed. When she swallowed, she fixed Katelyn with an expectant gaze. “Are you going to ask me if this is all real? I’m not sure if I’d handle waking up on a new planet as well as you have.”

      Katelyn sighed and sat back against her wooden chair. “I’ve tried to avoid thinking too much about it until I could ensure the room wouldn’t spin every time I move. I remember the attack at my shop, and I’m not sure what to make of that. Either I’m insane, this is an extremely vivid vision, complete with breakfast, or I’m truly on another planet talking to a queen.” She shook her head at the absurdity of the situation. “At this point, I’m not even sure which to hope for.”

      Katelyn thought the queen would laugh, but instead, she steepled her fingers against her full lips. “Let me put it this way. My reality growing up on Earth was much different from my current reality as queen on Tador. But I would gladly hand over my sanity or anything else to stay here.” Alyssa laughed, a short, humorless sound. “You’re welcome here as long as you like, Katelyn.”

      Something told her the queen had left something unsaid, but she wasn’t exactly in a position to ask outright. Unsure how to respond, Katelyn reverted to her comfortable, sarcastic humor. “Not a bad offer if all the men look anything remotely like Grayson.”

      Alyssa laughed again—a genuine sound of mirth this time—and her eyes danced with mischief. “Let’s just say you’ll be pleasantly surprised in that regard. Although I have a feeling Grayson won’t like your appreciation of any of the other men’s good looks, or even the women, for that matter.”

      Katelyn bristled at any discussion of Grayson becoming possessive or proprietary over her. Katelyn had always prided herself on being independent and her own woman. If Grayson had a problem with that, they needed to resolve that misconception first thing.

      Her brain suddenly caught up with her indignation, and she processed the last half of Alyssa’s sentence.

      Katelyn’s cheeks burned, and a lead ball of mortification settled inside her stomach. Was Alyssa psychic? Had she picked up on Katelyn’s strong attraction to her?

      A crease formed between Alyssa’s dark brows, and she leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table. “Oh, I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I guess I thought, because you are partly human, Tador wouldn’t affect you the same way it does the natives.” She reached out for the pitcher of tea and poured it into a tall glass. “I assume from your reaction that you’re experiencing strong sexual urges. Don’t be embarrassed—sexual energy here on Tador is just as important as food or water. It most likely means you need sexual sustenance to fully recover.”

      Katelyn’s temples throbbed. Grayson had said as much in their dream vision, but he hadn’t mentioned that she would suddenly be attracted to women, too. “I’m not sure what’s happening to me. I’ve always had a healthy libido, but oh, my Goddess. Does the planet also make you attracted to people you weren’t attracted to before?”

      Alyssa took a drink and set her glass on the table. “You can rest easy on that subject—you’re not crazy. Tador is a world of sexual energy, and there are very few things forbidden here. The planet will pull you strongly toward what you need to ensure you retain enough energy.” She brushed a braid over her shoulder. “When you see Grayson you should have him give you a tour so you can see for yourself.” The queen leaned back in her chair and studied Katelyn. “I like you already. If Grayson had to bring someone back through the between, I’m glad he found someone with a sense of humor.”

      Confusion flitted through Katelyn’s brain. She set the pastry on the plate in front of her and wiped her fingers on a pillowy soft napkin. “Between?”

      The queen nodded and then swallowed. “I’m sorry, let me back up. The between is a portal between our world and Earth. It’s a dark void, and I’ve never met anyone who likes using it, but it’s an easy way to travel, once you learn how to open the portal.”

      “Is it hard to learn?” It would be a relief to know Katelyn didn’t have to rely on the Klatch to decide to let her leave.

      “It took me a while. However, I think only Klatch or Cunts are able to open one.” Alyssa’s brow furrowed, and she seemed about to say something more when she stopped and shook her head. “Anyway, I haven’t had much of a chance to talk to Grayson yet this morning, and he’s been busy recovering from the injuries he received the other night. But he should be down in a few minutes.”

      Katelyn’s palms grew clammy as unease trickled along her spine. “Other night? How long was I out?”

      “Two days.” Alyssa bit her bottom lip, choosing her words. “Well, I assume you mean in Earth terms. When it’s night there, it’s day here. So, when Grayson brought you back through the between, it was two nights ago, Earth time, or two days ago, Tador time.”

      Sick dread pooled inside Katelyn’s stomach. Rita had probably reported her missing by now. Crap! “I have to get back. Rita will be freaking out.”

      Alyssa placed a hand over Katelyn’s. The queen’s hand was soft and warm, and Katelyn had a sudden urge to graze her thumb over the back of it the way Grayson had done to Katelyn’s after her vision at her store.

      Unaware of Katelyn’s thoughts, or maybe in spite of them, Alyssa continued. “I figured you’d be worried about your store, so I had one of the guards write a note to your co-owner. They also cleaned up as best they could and brought your purse—it’s in the bottom drawer of the nightstand in the room where you woke. Rita will think you and Grayson have run off for a weeklong cruise.” Alyssa cocked her head to the side to study Katelyn’s reaction. “We’ve also left discreet guards in place around the neighborhood, and some inside the shop, to ensure the Cunts don’t harm Rita to try to get to you.”

      Katelyn caught her breath. She’d been so busy coming to terms with her own situation, she hadn’t stopped to consider Rita might be in danger. Hell, she still wasn’t sure why she was in danger. “Thanks. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to her.” The comforting balm of relief slid through Katelyn, and she sighed. At least Rita wouldn’t worry about her.

      She took a breath to ask Alyssa why either she or Rita were in danger, but then Alyssa squeezed Katelyn’s hand and let go to relax against her chair.

      The breath backed up in Katelyn’s lungs, and she swallowed hard as another thick surge of arousal surged through her. Her labia throbbed, and her nipples were suddenly sensitive, her breasts heavy and aching.

      A gentle breeze teased the queen’s hair, and

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