Vision of Seduction. Cassie Ryan

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Vision of Seduction - Cassie  Ryan

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high school.

      “I see.” His voice sounded smug and possessive. “Would you like to have that drink first, or jump straight into the contents of your vision?”

      Her eyes flew open, and she pulled her hand from his grasp as her anger and self-protective instincts flared to life. “I don’t remember sharing with you the contents of my vision, and even if I had, you’re getting awfully cocky and sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

      His grin widened, sparking her anger and she opened her mouth to let him know what she thought of conceited men.

      The front door slammed open.

      Katelyn startled and spilled the remaining water on her skirt. As the cold liquid hit her, the chimes hanging on the back of the door flew off to land on the floor.

      Five attractive blond men filled her doorway—their pale skin gleaming, their gazes narrowed and hostile.

      Their eyes turned murderous when they saw Grayson.

      “Fucking Klatch! The Seer is ours.”


      Grayson de Klatch, the Seventh Prince of Klatch, cursed as five pale Cunt warriors filled the doorway. The traitor race that had caused a civil war on his home world of Tador had been banished, and their name had become something of an epithet on Earth and on Tador ever since.

      Grayson stood with his back to Katelyn, shielding her from any attacks. “Leave or die, Cunts. There are no other choices. The Seer will be safe from you regardless.”

      Katelyn gasped behind him, most likely misinterpreting his use of the term, as it was usually only applied to females here on Earth—and incorrectly, at that.

      She bolted from her chair and ran behind the glass counter, surprising him, since she was no doubt still weak from her vision.

      Grayson took advantage of the distraction and raised his hand to send a bolt of deadly pink energy sizzling from his fingertips across the room toward the Cunts. The leader blocked the bolt with a hastily thrown energy field, but Grayson’s beam bounced away to hit another Cunt squarely in the chest.

      A hint of relief rolled through him. If the Cunts couldn’t control where their energy beams bounced, Katelyn was still safe hiding behind the display counter. Energy would automatically go toward the next easiest target, but couldn’t bend around corners.

      The affected Cunt groaned as he slumped to the floor.

      Four blue beams sizzled toward Grayson from the remaining Cunts. He dropped into a crouch, tossing out an energy shield with his left hand, and shot anther pink beam toward them with his right.

      Their blue beams sizzled against his shield, slowly draining his energy and showering him with blue sparks.

      Every hair on his arms stood at attention, and a smell like burned electrical wires filled the air. He strengthened his shields and shot another quick bolt toward his enemies.

      Sizzling pink energy caught one Cunt in the calf, dropping him on top of his downed friend.

      A growl of rage rolled out from one of the Cunts before he and the other two sent a concentrated blast of blue toward Grayson.

      Grayson dove to the side, not willing to risk his shields in a head-on assault from the mingled energy beam.

      Burning heat prickled over his hip and then receded as his body hit the hard shop floor.

      His shoulder slammed against a display shelf. Sharp stabs of pain lanced through him as muscles tore and tendons popped.

      He bit back a groan, but allowed himself a few curses. Now he was injured, and his ill-advised dive had taken him farther from Katelyn.

      Before Grayson could recover, the Cunt closest to the Seer bolted toward her and disappeared behind the counter.

      A band of panic constricted inside Grayson’s chest. Katelyn was at the mercy of the Cunt.

      Grayson had to disable the two Cunts in front of him before he could help her.

      He poured more energy into his shield as he shot quick bursts of pink power toward the pair in front of him.

      Blue sizzling energy crackled from behind the counter. Grayson ground his teeth. What had the Cunt done to Katelyn?

      Surprise filtered through him again when she stood up. She held a small black instrument in front of her. It crackled blue energy of its own between two small metal tips.

      Her green eyes blazed with anger as she glared from one Cunt to the other. She looked like a queen defending her castle.

      A blue beam caught her in the stomach, and she screamed—an angry sound rather than one of pain or fear.

      Red-hot rage seared Grayson’s insides, fueling his powers. If his future mate sustained any permanent damage, he would hunt down every last member of the Cunt clan.

      He poured the energy born of adrenaline into the twin pink bolts he sent hurtling toward the remaining two attackers. The beams sliced through their shields like a knife through tissue paper. The bolts hit them squarely in the throats and their screams sent warm satisfaction through him.

      The last two Cunts dropped to the floor in boneless heaps, and Grayson resisted the urge to kill them. He needed stamina to survive the trip between and to make sure Katelyn was safe—especially now that he’d have to use precious energy to function with his injuries.

      Grayson’s shoulder throbbed, but the adrenaline racing through him numbed it enough so he could manage to cross the room. He circled around the display case and stepped over the downed Cunt to kneel next to the Seer.

      Katelyn’s mane of unruly red hair was latticed over her face, and she groaned. He gently brushed the locks away before lifting her with his good arm, and hefting her over his shoulder. He bracketed his arm behind her knees to keep her from sliding, the thin material of her flowy skirt allowing him to feel every warm inch of her.

      Her soft curves pressed against his chest and shoulder, causing his cock to spring to life inside his tight jeans. He groaned as he shifted to a more comfortable position. He didn’t have time for this. He had to get her to safety, then he could worry about the rest.

      Gritting his teeth, Grayson raised his injured arm and drew a large portal in the air with his hand, using his last reserves of power. The air shimmered, and the portal expanded until it was an oval large enough for him to walk through.

      He took one last look to ensure none of the Cunts could follow, and then stepped forward into the bone-chilling cold that was the between.

      The air around them crackled with energy, sending a march of goose bumps over his skin.

      Grayson shivered as the dark, still air surrounded them, making it difficult to breathe. He inhaled deeply, trying to find every last bit of oxygen in the thin air, and took a few minutes to let his body adjust to the vastly different environment. It was obvious why it had been named the between, but he still hated each and every trip through the portal.

      The Seer groaned, and he laid his good hand on Katelyn’s

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