Shannon McKenna Bundle: Ultimate Weapon, Extreme Danger, Behind Closed Doors, Hot Night, & Return to Me. Shannon McKenna

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Shannon McKenna Bundle: Ultimate Weapon, Extreme Danger, Behind Closed Doors, Hot Night, & Return to Me - Shannon McKenna The Mccloud Brothers Series

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had saved her. From Georg, from herself. How dare he.

      Val pushed her against the wall, wrenching her arms behind her, and for some reason, his smoldering barbarian energy did not piss her off. She’d encountered that conquering warrior vibe in her lovers before, and had been secretly amused by it. Never tempted. Never stirred. It was just another weakness to be exploited, another blind spot to turn to her advantage. She’d toyed with men’s vanity, their illusions about themselves. She’d made them dance to her tune when she bothered with them at all. Puppets. Clowns. Big bore.

      But Val was no clown. He had no illusions, no vanity. Val danced to no tune but his own. And she was anything but bored.

      He was going to throw her down on the bed and fuck her, and she could not wait. She was going to explode, combust. She needed Val’s delicious hot scent to drive away the memory of Georg’s bitter odor, Georg’s sour breath, the damp, bruising clutch of Georg’s hands. After today’s nightmare, she was crazy for it, but she just couldn’t…stop…struggling. Her muscles trembled with the electric compulsion.

      He immobilized her in his huge embrace and leaned, pinning her body against the wall. “Tell me that you want me,” he said.

      She squinted, disoriented. “What?”

      “Tell me that you want me,” he repeated impatiently. “I don’t trust myself to read you.”

      She wrenched at her trapped wrists. “Why the hell not?”

      He made a frustrated sound. “I want it too much,” he burst out. “I need it too much. I do not want to…how did you put it? Project my gutter fantasies onto you?”

      She shook with breathless, hysterical laughter, every inch of her tensed against his body. “Why this sudden insecurity?”

      His face was tense, a mask of rigid self-control in the shadowy room. “I do not want to be like him,” he said starkly.

      Tam gasped in astonishment. The idea was so incongruous, she almost couldn’t process it. “Him? Georg? Hah!” Her voice cracked. “You are nothing like him! As if!” She shoved him hard to punctuate her statement. “You are his polar opposite!”

      His grin flashed. “Ah. Good, then. This heartens me.”

      She made a frantic growling sound, lunged forward, and sank her teeth into his neck, hard enough to hurt. “Goddamn it, Val,” she hissed when she let go. “Don’t be sweet. Not right now. You’re ruining the barbarian conqueror vibe. Keep waffling like this, and I’m going to have to put you down.”

      He laughed, a free, delighted sound. Plaster dust and flakes of paint pattered down on the antique tile floor as he pushed her back against the wall. He wrenched her jacket down over her shoulders and off, then attacked the buttons of her blouse.

      She gave him a shove that rocked him back a bare couple of inches. “Hey. If you rip the only clothing I have to put on my body, I swear to God, I will kill you. Slowly and painfully.”

      He slowly uncurled his fisted fingers and let go of the handful of silk, but he did not step back. “Take it off,” he commanded.

      She unbuttoned the blouse, and that was as far as his patience would stretch. He wrenched the sleeves down, flung the blouse away.

      He stared at her breasts, his gaze hot and intent as he slid his sensitive fingertips slowly around her nipples. Tender, lazy strokes that left glowing streaks of light and heat in their wake, every nerve wanting him back. Hungering for more. Her nipples tingled. He bent low, and she gasped at the faintest contact, the scratchy brush of his stubbled cheeks, the softness of his lips. His swirling tongue, the wet suckling pull of his hot mouth. He kept her like that, topless and trembling against the wall while he made love to her breasts, until her tension melted, softened.

      He gathered her up into his arms and tossed her on the bed. His huge shoulders were silhouetted against the dim light filtering in the door as he loomed over her, his face in menacing shadow. He tugged off her boots, her pants. Flung them behind him. His own clothes followed.

      He was naked. So strong and powerful and hot against her skin. The empty shackle of the handcuff dangled, a kinky fashion accessory swinging and glinting on his wrist.

      Something to push against, that was what he’d offered her the night they met. That was exactly what she needed, to keep pushing and pushing, until she finally pushed through that wall into someplace where she could stand to be. Someplace where her nerves weren’t firing in crazy panic. Someplace where she could let herself relax and feel it.

      Val could give her that. He was tough enough. Brave enough.

      He climbed on top of her, folding her legs high, draping them over his shoulders. Stroking his hands down the fine, sensitive skin of her inner thigh. He covered her with his body, caressing her pussy, and found her slick and wet.

      But not wet enough for his first deep, relentless thrust.

      She cried out and scratched his chest, drawing blood. He just stared down, pinning her beneath him against the swaying bed.

      “Do not ever do that to me again,” he said.

      She swatted at him, hard. “Do not think your big dick gives you the right to give me orders, loverboy.” She spat the words at him.

      He seized her hands, pinned them on either side of her head. “Never…again,” he repeated hoarsely, punctuating each word with a deep, jarring lunge of his body.

      She writhed and wiggled, squeezing and clenching around his thick shaft. “You still don’t get it, do you? It was the only way!”

      He went still on top of her, his fingers tightening painfully around hers. “I will never get it,” he said. “It is too much. Do not ask it of me.”

      She wound her legs around his hips, squeezing the little muscles of her pussy around his cock with all her strength. Lifting herself against him, to feel that sweet, hot, gliding thickness caressing her deep inside. “I’m not asking anything of you but this,” she said fiercely. “So why don’t you just shut the fuck up and give it to me?”

      He did. Deep and hard, every thrust jolted her wonderfully closer to the place she needed to be. With each thrust she grew slicker, hotter, more eager for the next, more desperate for the licking flames, the unbearable sweetness, brightening, sharpening. Piercing bliss.

      The bed squeaked and groaned. Val’s breath was hard, panting. She gasped for breath. Small sounds against the vast, diffused backdrop of lashing rain outside the open door, distant thunder, wind whipping the foliage outside, the fragrant, rain-scented chill. Their twined bodies churned, clenched around a molten core of sensation.

      It exploded into bloom. Melting sweetness throbbed through her, endlessly. She floated through that infinite realm. Filled with grace.

      He took longer to finish, gathering handfuls of her hair and burying his face against his shoulder. His climax tore through him violently. His hips pounded hard against her body.

      They lay together, limp and damp afterward. Their twined bodies generated sensual, enfolding heat, despite the cold of the room. Day had faded completely. They rested, formless as clouds in the blue half light, in an otherworld apart from all the pain and confusion and danger.


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