The Naughty List Bundle with The Night Before Christmas & Yule Be Mine. Fern Michaels

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The Naughty List Bundle with The Night Before Christmas & Yule Be Mine - Fern  Michaels

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the one who decorates Tate Toys every year, aren’t you?”

      How did he—

      “Daniel’s told me how much you love this time of year.” His gaze darted to her jingle bell sweater. “And it’s kinda…easy to see.”

      She lifted the present. “I-I’ll just…put this under the tr—tree.” Dammit, she hated her nervous stutter. Just when she thought she’d had the thing under control, Jonas stared at her and—wham, it was back. She sucked in a breath and tried again, “I-I’ll just put this under the tree with the—”

      “I’d rather you opened it now.”

      Why did his voice sound like sex? Well, not like sex, but that rumble made her think of sex. Of sheets and darkness, of a strong body surrounding hers and of a growl telling her to—

      “Actually, before you open it, we need to talk.” He stalked toward her. The fire crackled behind him and sent a blaze of warmth into the room. “Over the years, we haven’t done much talking, have we?”

      She shook her head, aware that her heartbeat had kicked way up.

      “I’ve done a lot of watching you.” His gaze was on her. His hand lifted and brushed a lock of hair back from her cheek. “Sure as hell a lot of fantasizing.”


      “But not a whole lot of actual talking.”

      She might have swallowed her tongue. Christie tried to clear her throat, then said, “You never…seemed much interested in talking.” After he’d graduated, he’d joined the force. He’d fast-tracked to the narcotics division then—

      “When I was undercover”—he shook his head—“you didn’t want to be around me.”

      “That’s not true! I—”

      “I spent my days with criminals. I lived their lives.” His hand dropped. “I didn’t want you to know the things I did. Didn’t want any part of that world to touch you.”

      He’d cared? Her stomach tightened. “I…didn’t realize you’d even—” Noticed me. Okay, she couldn’t say that. She had her pride. But the years had trickled away, and he’d spared her the briefest of greetings when their paths had crossed. She hadn’t thought he’d noticed her as a woman, and she certainly hadn’t realized the guy was interested.

      Until last night.

      “Always the princess,” he murmured, and his gaze raking around her house, “safe in the castle.”

      She stiffened. Yes, the Tate family had money. A lot of it. But she wasn’t some spoiled debutante who didn’t know the meaning of work, and she wasn’t some weak-willed woman who’d break at the first sign of a bleak reality. “I don’t live in a castle. I live in the real world. I work every day. I earn my own money, I—”

      He kissed her. A light, sensual brush of his lips that halted her words and stirred the need that had built within her.

      “I know what you do,” he muttered, pulling back from her. “I know so much more than you think.”

      Her brows lifted even as she licked her lips. Trying to taste him. She had it bad. A crush that should have ended years ago, but now—

      I know he wants me. There was no holding back for her.

      “It’s not about revenge, is it?”

      He’d lost her. Totally. “Uh, Jonas—”

      “I heard one of your coworkers last night. The folks who saw us in the elevator spread word pretty fast about what we were doing.”

      Making out in that tight elevator. His body pressed to hers. His tongue in her mouth.

      More, please. “Ah, how does that mean I want revenge against you?”

      “Not me, baby. Your ex. The dumbass who came barreling into your office like he had some kind of right to be there, with you.”

      A surprised laugh broke from her lips. “Charles? You think I want revenge on Charles?” She shook her head but never eased her hold on the package. “My brother owns the business, remember? If I wanted revenge, the guy would be out looking for a new job.”

      His gaze measured her. “But you don’t work that way.”

      No. “You heard what I told him. Charles and I are over.” She forced a shrug. “End of story.” The minute Jonas’s lips had brushed hers, she’d barely even been able to remember Charles’s touch.

      “Good to hear.” His gaze dropped to the box. “Got a deal to offer you.”

      A deal?

      “You told me what you wanted last night.”

      Ah, yes. Champagne and false Christmas courage. A dangerous mix. “I told you but, um, you were the one who followed me.” She had to point that out. It wasn’t like she’d forced him to do anything. “You came after me, you kissed me.”

      “And I plan to do a hell of a lot more than kiss you.” His voice roughened.

      Christie rocked forward a bit.

      His eyes narrowed. “You want your good time? Well, baby, I can promise you the best sex you’ve ever had.”

      She locked her knees. “Awful s-sure of yourself.” Since she’d had three lovers who’d delivered only average sex, and one other guy who’d been really disappointing, odds were high that Jonas could make good on his promise. Not that she’d tell him and his ego that.

      “I’m sure of you,” he said. “When I touched you…”

      Her nipples tightened.

      “You went up in flames. Since I’m going to do a lot more touching, I know just how hot your body is going to burn for mine.” His green eyes glittered. “I can give you what you want for Christmas. Exactly what you want.”

      She knew he could. “Great sex, no strings,” she whispered. Not boring, not with him.

      The faint lines around his eyes tightened.

      She’d heard her brother talk often about Jonas and his women over the years. Jonas and his flavor of the week. Daniel had been right when he warned her last night. Jonas wasn’t a commitment kind of guy. “Not forever.” The words slipped out.

      He gave a hard nod. “Just sex.”

      Her chin lifted even as her heart slammed into her chest. She’d been brave last night. She could pull on the mask again. “The best we’ve both ever had.” No stutter.

      His breath came harder. “Open the box.”

      Her fingers jerked at the bow. Ripped away the paper. She fumbled with the box top, opened it, and found—

      A small scrap of lace. She lifted

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