Tea Cups and Carnage. Lynn Cahoon

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Tea Cups and Carnage - Lynn Cahoon A Tourist Trap Mystery

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think I did something?” I swatted him with a bar towel.

      He looked around the empty shop. “No one else is here. It had to be you. So spill, what did you girls talk about? Did you tell her the mayor has the hots for her? That would send anyone screaming into the night.”

      “No, I didn’t tell her that.” A giggle burst out of me. “Now, I kind of wish I had though.”

      “See, true evil.” He reached around me for the staff schedule and looked at it. “You have me working late Saturday. I can’t work the truck that long, I’m on patrol for a double shift.”

      “I didn’t put you late on Saturday.” I grabbed the chart and studied the schedule. Well, it looked like I had. Crap. “I’ll fix it. I’ll work the truck with Nick and Aunt Jackie and Sasha can handle the shop.” I corrected the page and handed it back to him. “Any other changes you need?”

      “Sarcasm doesn’t work on you.” Toby scanned the revised schedule. “Nope, everything else is great. Although Sasha’s going to be tired of seeing me this week, so it’s just as well we cancelled our Monday night date. She claimed she had laundry to do—or maybe she had to wash her hair.”

      “You guys are seeing a lot of each other. Do I need to write up some workplace policies? What happens if you break up? Will I lose one of you?” I tried to keep the conversation light, but in truth, I was concerned about half our staff dating. Of course, with four, now five people including me, the percentages were a little skewed.

      “You know both of us. We’re taking it slow and seeing if there’s anything there. Besides, she’ll probably get fed up with my work schedule and dump me sooner than later. I’m never home.” He grinned. “Of course, you know that since I live in your shed.”

      “Speaking of that, I thought you were getting back into your apartment?” I rubbed a spot of water off the counter, not looking at him. Maybe this was the avenue I could use to ask him about the check.

      “You ready to kick me out and build that home gym? That’s harsh.” He sipped his coffee.

      Backtracking now, I leaned under the counter and brought out more cups to stock the front counter. “No, I like having you nearby and I like the extra money. I just thought you’d said your sub-leaser would be out by now.”

      “He was supposed to be, but he came up with a sob story and I extended his lease. And he upped the rent so I’m getting a bit of money from him each month, which goes into my savings.” He looked at the dessert case. “Grab me one of those Apple Caramel cheesecake things. I didn’t get time for breakfast before I left home.”

      I dished up a piece and slid it over to him. He pointed to the paper stuck between the cash register and the coffee machine. “Don’t forget to write it down. Jackie doesn’t like us eating for free.”

      I shook my head. “My treat today.” I dished a second slice for me and walked around to sit next to Toby at the counter. “So why are you working so many hours? When did you become all about the money?”

      “I’m trying to save up to buy a house. You can’t imagine how expensive everything is around here. All I want is a little three-bedroom house, but the down payment is holding me back.” He wolfed down several bites of cheesecake.

      Looking at the almost empty plate, I grinned. Toby could eat an entire pizza by himself. I guess all the hours working kept him active enough to burn off the calories.

      “This is one of Sadie’s best creations, next to the Triple Chocolate layer one she baked last month. All the girls loved it.” Toby held a bite on his fork and waved it at me.

      “Don’t change the subject. You’re buying a house?”

      He paused in between bites. “I want to buy a house. Right now, Claire says I could swing the mortgage, if I could come up with the down. So that’s what I’ve been working on. Of course, with low interest rates for the mortgage, that also means low interest rates on my savings account.” He finished the last bite of cheesecake and took the plates to the sink to rinse. “I guess I need a rich uncle to leave me an unexpected inheritance.”

      I considered the idea. “Do you have a rich uncle?”

      “Not that I know of. Uncle Walter died last year and according to Mom, he was her only brother. I guess I’m just going to have to work for what I want.” He picked up the keys to the food truck. “Which means, I need to go get the annex set up. People should be showing up around ten.”

      “I’ll check in on you after I leave here. Nick’s starting at noon, which should give you all the help you need until the beach activities close up at eight.” I glanced at the now adjusted schedule. “I hope we have enough staffing to get through this week.”

      “If we have that many visitors, I’ll be shocked. Besides, I’m looking for more hours, remember?” He glanced at the office door. “Do you need me to make the deposit as I leave?”

      The bank envelope from yesterday sat in my desk drawer. I’d told Aunt Jackie that either she or I would be the only ones making the deposits until we figured out the mystery of the missing money. I hated suspecting Toby and Sasha, but that much missing money was a big deal. When did my life turn into a Nancy Drew book? “I’ll take it once Jackie takes over here. I need to talk to Claire about something anyway.”

      I needed to transfer money so the check I’d wrote Aunt Jackie for the event site wouldn’t bounce and cause all kinds of issues. I’d planned on doing the exchange last night, but once we’d finished with dinner, I’d forgotten. Well, I’d forgotten with a little help from Greg. The memory made me smile.

      “What?” Toby paused at the office door.

      “Go open CBM annex.” I waved him on.

      He leaned against the doorway, juggling the keys from hand to hand. “Fine, keep your secrets. I’ll find out sooner or later anyway. You know guys talk.”

      “Just go.” Now my face heated and I glanced in the mirror that lined the back of the coffee bar. Yep. Red as a Maine lobster.

      * * * *

      Atomic Power was living up to its name. We’d been able to hear the band for the last block as we walked toward the winery. The good news is the band played a mix of covers from several decades, appealing to the wide generational span that frequented the South Cove Winery. Greg held the door open and we wandered into the almost packed tasting room.

      The first day of the festival had been busy. Several business owners nodded as we passed by their tables. I slipped into the first unoccupied table and tilted my head toward Greg. “Looks like I wasn’t the only one who needed a drink after today’s events.”

      He kissed the top of my head. “Beer or wine?”

      “Get me that new blueberry draft Darla’s been talking about.” I put my feet up on his chair. “I’ll hold down the fort. But don’t be too long, I’m too weak to fight for the table.”

      “I don’t know, with the muscles you’re building in the training class you should be able to fight off a horde of frat boys with no problem.” His lips curled into that lopsided grin that tended to melt my resolve.

      “Keep saying stuff like that, buddy. You might just win boyfriend

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