Theosis. Группа авторов

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Theosis - Группа авторов Princeton Theological Monograph Series

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in us”20 and “participation in the divine life”21 is closely connected to the regenerating efficiency of the sacraments of baptism and the Eucharist. Continuous human progress in theosis that culminates in transformation into full maturity of Christ’s image, is intimately connected to divine indwelling, that both initiates divine filiation, and sustains human progress in the divine life of Christ. Such important traditional theological language that is closely affiliated with theosis, as “image” and “likeness,” “human perfection,” “virtue,” “participation,” sharing in Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection, the role of prayer and asceticism, just to name a few, is adequately expounded in overarching biblical and christocentric perspectives. Keating’s book presents a good summary of theosis that in well-balanced and concise form outlines and explains the main elements intrinsically connected to the Christian understanding of human deification. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is interested in theosis.

      With such ostensive number of publications on theosis that have sprung up in recent years, our current volume attempts not to summarize, or repeat, what has been already expounded on the subject, but to contribute to the ongoing interest in Christian understanding of deification. The complex terminological, experiential, speculative, mystical, soteriological, historical, and theological intensity that are inherently present in understanding the meaning of theosis in Christian theology, manifested themselves from the early patristic period, and never ceased to amaze and bewilder anyone who approached this theme.

      This book is aimed at both those who are already students of theosis and those who are looking for an introductory text. For example, Ivan Popov’s essay on history of theosis in the early Eastern Church—virtually inaccessible before and known only to a very few experts—presents a valuable analysis of deification that is for the first time available in English. Other contributions to this volume cover subjects that in the opinions of their authors have not yet received sufficient attention, or were under-represented. They comprise both historical analyses and theological developments on the appropriation of theosis in Christian tradition both past and present. The volume is supplied with a comprehensive up-to-date bibliography for resources on theosis.

      Finlan concludes that many Gospel passages support, or at least allow for, the idea of deification: Synoptic references to the kingdom “near,” to being pure of heart or doing the will of God, and Johannine references to the indwelling presence of Jesus and the Father. Finlan also analyzes two sayings in The Gospel of Thomas that refer to the kingdom within, and comes to the conclusion that Gnostic texts do not always have more inwardness than orthodox texts.

      Ivan Popov’s essay, “The Idea of Deification in the Early Eastern Church,” rendered in English by the leading translator of Russian religious philosophy and theology Boris Jakim, requires a little introduction to its author. Ivan Vasilevich Popov (1867–1938) is one of the prominent Russian patristic scholars of the early twentieth century. He was the son of a parish priest in Vyazma, Smolensk region. Popov followed an education pattern typical for the clergy class in the imperial Russia. He studied at the Vyazma Spiritual School, then in the Smolensk Spiritual Seminary, wrapping up his education at the Moscow Spiritual Academy. He was invited to join the faculty of the Academy upon graduation. Additionally, Popov studied in Germany, where, among other things, he attended lectures of Adolf Harnack. Popov taught in the Moscow Spiritual Academy until it was closed by the Bolshevik government in 1919. After 1919, Popov was systematically arrested, exiled, imprisoned, and released. While in exile, in September of 1937, he was arrested again, and on February 5, 1938, sentenced to be shot. Popov was executed in Eniseysk on February 8, 1938. In 2003 he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

      Ivan Popov is the author of numerous articles and monographs that broadly cover both Latin and Greek Fathers. His academic and research interests were not limited only to the study of early Christianity. Popov published a number of works in ethics, philosophy, and psychology. Among his major works in patristics are The Religious Ideal of St. Athanasius of Alexandria (1904), Mystical Justification of Asceticism in Works of St. Macarius of Egypt (1904), St. John Chrysostom and His Enemies (1908), Personality and Teaching of the Blessed Augustine (1917). His two extensive biographies of Amphilochius of Iconium and Hilary of Poitiers were written during the Soviet period and published posthumously (1968–1971). Popov’s “The Idea of Deification in the Early Eastern Church” presents the first comprehensive and critical theological assessment of this notion in modern patristic scholarship. Published in Russian and not translated in any Western languages, this seminal work remained virtually unknown outside of Russia until now.

      In my essay, “Clement of Alexandria on Trinitarian and Meta-physical Relationality in the Context of Deification,” I assess an intricate application of a metaphysical aspect of theosis in Clement and its contextualization in Clement’s trinitarian theology. In Clement’s understanding of God the Father as unoriginated First Principle without beginning or end, God is portrayed as a transcendent monad—one as one, solitary unity without distinctions or intervals. The Logos of God is also monad, but in a different way. The Son becomes an interesting point of both connection and distinction between one and many—the one as all things. In the Son Clement has a monadic transition from one to many, incorporated with his understanding of apocatastasis as a return from many to one. The role of the Holy Spirit is intimately correlated with this process. The Holy Spirit, as the co-educator with Christ, is the unifying principle of soteriological significance. Metaphysical unfolding of trinitarian interrelation serves in Clement, in my opinion, as a principle of unity and a vehicle of the return from many to one, to the harmonious unity of the universe, and provides a unifying and deifying human cosmic identity.

      My second essay, “Basil of Caesarea and the Cappadocians on the Distinction Between Essence and Energies in God and Its Relevance to the Deification Theme,” is predominantly a critical response to the Neopalamite argument that we should view Basil of Caesarea and the Cappadocian Fathers as precursors of the Palamite distinction between divine essence and divine energies. After a brief overview of Palamism and particular emphasis on the essence/energy distinction in Neopalamism, as well as the importance of this distinction for Eastern Orthodox understanding of deification, I discuss claims proposed to sanction this distinction as a normative element of Cappadocian theology. Then I review the role of energeia in the Cappadocian trinitarian discourse and their general application of energeia terminology. The final part of my essay deals with the importance of the notion of participation in God for the Cappadocians in the context of divine essential incomprehensibility and human theosis.

      While not necessarily denying the theological legitimacy of this distinction for Gregory Palamas and subsequent development of Eastern Orthodox theology, to see in Basil and the Cappadocians the articulation of this distinction is not

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