The Urantia Book. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book - Urantia Foundation

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Space Functions of Paradise 124 8. Paradise Gravity 125 9. The Uniqueness of Paradise 126 12. The Universe of Universes 128 1. Space Levels of the Master Universe 128 2. The Domains of the Unqualified Absolute 130 3. Universal Gravity 131 4. Space and Motion 133 5. Space and Time 134 6. Universal Overcontrol 135 7. The Part and the Whole 137 8. Matter, Mind, and Spirit 139 9. Personal Realities 141 13. The Sacred Spheres of Paradise 143 1. The Seven Sacred Worlds of the Father 144 2. Father-World Relationships 147 3. The Sacred Worlds of the Eternal Son 149 4. The Worlds of the Infinite Spirit 149 14. The Central and Divine Universe 152 1. The Paradise-Havona System 152 2. Constitution of Havona 154 3. The Havona Worlds 155 4. Creatures of the Central Universe 156 5. Life in Havona 158 6. The Purpose of the Central Universe 160 15. The Seven Superuniverses 164 1. The Superuniverse Space Level 164 2. Organization of the Superuniverses 165 3. The Superuniverse of Orvonton 167 4. Nebulae—The Ancestors of Universes 169 5. The Origin of Space Bodies 170 6. The Spheres of Space 172 7. The Architectural Spheres 174 8. Energy Control and Regulation 175 9. Circuits of the Superuniverses 176 10. Rulers of the Superuniverses 178 11. The Deliberative Assembly 179 12. The Supreme Tribunals 180 13. The Sector Governments

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