The Urantia Book. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book - Urantia Foundation

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no arbitrary secrets in the universe; therefore will I never cease in my efforts to solve the mystery of the isolation of these Spirits belonging to my order of creation.

      19:5.12 (221.2) And from all this, you mortals, just now taking your first step on the eternal journey, can well see that you must advance a long way before you will progress by “sight” and “material” assurance. You will long use faith and be dependent on revelation if you hope to progress quickly and safely.

      19:6.1 (221.3) The Havona natives are the direct creation of the Paradise Trinity, and their number is beyond the concept of your circumscribed minds. Neither is it possible for Urantians to conceive of the inherent endowments of such divinely perfect creatures as these Trinity-origin races of the eternal universe. You can never truly envisage these glorious creatures; you must await your arrival in Havona, when you can greet them as spirit comrades.

      19:6.2 (221.4) During your long sojourn on the billion worlds of Havona culture you will develop an eternal friendship for these superb beings. And how deep is that friendship which grows up between the lowest personal creature from the worlds of space and these high personal beings native to the perfect spheres of the central universe! Ascending mortals, in their long and loving association with the Havona natives, do much to compensate for the spiritual impoverishment of the earlier stages of mortal progression. At the same time, through their contacts with ascending pilgrims, the Havoners gain an experience which to no small extent overcomes the experiential handicap of having always lived a life of divine perfection. The good to both ascending mortal and Havona native is great and mutual.

      19:6.3 (221.5) Havona natives, like all other Trinity-origin personalities, are projected in divine perfection, and as with other Trinity-origin personalities, the passing of time may add to their stores of experiential endowments. But unlike the Stationary Sons of the Trinity, Havoners may evolve in status, may have an unrevealed future eternity-destiny. This is illustrated by those Havoners who service-factualize capacity for fusion with a non-Adjuster Father fragment and so qualify for membership in the Mortal Corps of the Finality. And there are other finaliter corps open to these natives of the central universe.

      19:6.4 (221.6) The status evolution of Havona natives has occasioned much speculation on Uversa. Since they are constantly filtering into the several Paradise Corps of the Finality, and since no more are being created, it is apparent that the number of natives remaining in Havona is constantly diminishing. The ultimate consequences of these transactions have never been revealed to us, but we do not believe that Havona will ever be entirely depleted of its natives. We have entertained the theory that Havoners will possibly cease entering the finaliter corps sometime during the ages of the successive creations of the outer space levels. We have also entertained the thought that in these subsequent universe ages the central universe may be peopled by a mixed group of resident beings, a citizenship consisting only in part of the original Havona natives. We do not know what order or type of creature may be thus destined to residential status in the future Havona, but we have thought of:

      19:6.5 (222.1) 1. The univitatia, who are at present the permanent citizens of the local universe constellations.

      19:6.6 (222.2) 2. Future types of mortals who may be born on the inhabited spheres of the superuniverses in the flowering of the ages of light and life.

      19:6.7 (222.3) 3. The incoming spiritual aristocracy of the successive outer universes.

      19:6.8 (222.4) We know that the Havona of the previous universe age was somewhat different from the Havona of the present age. We deem it no more than reasonable to assume that we are now witnessing those slow changes in the central universe that are anticipatory of the ages to come. One thing is certain: The universe is nonstatic; only God is changeless.

      19:7.1 (222.5) There are resident on Paradise numerous groups of superb beings, the Paradise Citizens. They are not directly concerned with the scheme of perfecting ascending will creatures and are not, therefore, fully revealed to Urantia mortals. There are more than three thousand orders of these supernal intelligences, the last group having been personalized simultaneously with the mandate of the Trinity which promulgated the creative plan of the seven superuniverses of time and space.

      19:7.2 (222.6) Paradise Citizens and Havona natives are sometimes designated collectively as Paradise-Havona personalities.

      19:7.3 (222.7) This completes the story of those beings who are brought into existence by the Paradise Trinity. None of them have ever gone astray. And yet, in the highest sense, they are all freewill endowed.

      19:7.4 (222.8) Trinity-origin beings possess prerogatives of transit which make them independent of transport personalities, such as seraphim. We all possess the power of moving about freely and quickly in the universe of universes. Excepting the Inspired Trinity Spirits, we cannot attain the almost unbelievable velocity of the Solitary Messengers, but we are able so to utilize the sum total of the transport facilities in space that we can reach any point in a superuniverse, from its headquarters, in less than one year of Urantia time. It required 109 days of your time for me to journey from Uversa to Urantia.

      19:7.5 (222.9) Through these same avenues we are enabled to intercommunicate instantaneously. Our entire order of creation finds itself in touch with every individual embraced within every division of the children of the Paradise Trinity save only the Inspired Spirits.

      19:7.6 (222.10) [Presented by a Divine Counselor of Uversa.]

      The Urantia Book

      << Paper 19 | Titles | Content | Paper 21 >>

      Paper 20

      20:0.1 (223.1) AS THEY function in the superuniverse of Orvonton, the Sons of God are classified under three general heads:

      20:0.2 (223.2) 1. The Descending Sons of God.

      20:0.3 (223.3) 2. The Ascending Sons of God.

      20:0.4 (223.4) 3. The Trinitized Sons of God.

      20:0.5 (223.5) Descending orders of sonship include personalities who are of direct and divine creation. Ascending sons, such as mortal creatures, achieve this status by experiential participation in the creative technique known as evolution. Trinitized Sons are a group of composite origin which includes all beings embraced by the Paradise Trinity even though not of direct Trinity origin.

      20:1.1 (223.6) All descending Sons of God have high and divine origins. They are dedicated to the descending ministry of service on the worlds and systems of time and space, there to facilitate the progress in the Paradise climb of the lowly creatures of evolutionary origin—the ascending sons of God. Of the numerous orders of descending Sons, seven will be depicted in these narratives. Those Sons who come forth from the Deities on the central Isle of Light and Life are called the Paradise Sons of God and embrace the following

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