Polemic in the Book of Hebrews. Lloyd Kim

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Polemic in the Book of Hebrews - Lloyd Kim Princeton Theological Monograph Series

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on the New TestamentNICNTNew International Commentary on the New TestamentNIGTCNew International Greek Testament CommentaryNovT Novum TestamentumNovTSupNovum Testamentum SupplementsNPNF1Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series 1NPNF2Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series 2NRSVNew Revised Standard VersionNTCNew Testament CommentaryNTSNew Testament Studies PDParole de DieuQDQuaestiones disputataeQRQuarterly ReviewReshScRelRecherches de science religieuseResQRestoration QuarterlyRevExpReview and ExpositorRevQRevue de QumranRSPTRevue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques RTRReformed Theological Review SBSources BibliquesSBLDSSociety of Biblical Literature Dissertation SeriesScEsScience et EspritScrHierScripta Hierosolymitana SE Studia EvangelicaSEÅSvensk exegetisk årsbokSemSemiticaSJTScottish Journal of TheologySNTSMSSociety for New Testament Studies Monograph SeriesSOTIStudies in Old Testament InterpretationSRStudies in Religion SUNTStudien zur Umwelt des Neuen TestamentsSwJTSouthwestern Journal of TheologyTaiJTTaiwan Journal of TheologyTJTrinity Journal TTETheological Educator: A Journal of Theology and MinistryTynBulTyndale Bulletin TZTheologische ZeitschriftVTVetus TestamentumVTSupVetus Testamentum SupplementWBCWord Biblical CommentaryWCJSWorld Congress of Jewish StudiesWMANTWissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen TestamentWTJWestminster Theological JournalWUNTWissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen TestamentZNWZeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche


1–2 Macc1–2 Maccabees
BelBel and the Dragon
SirSirach/ Ecclesiasticus

      Dead Sea Scrolls

11QTTemple Scroll
1Q34Liturgical Prayer a
1Q34bisLiturgical Prayer b
1QHHodayot or Thanksgiving Hymns
1QMMilhamah or War Scroll
1QpHabPesher Habakkuk
1QpMicPesher Micah
1QSSerek Hayahad or Rule of the Community
1QSaRule of the Congregation (Appendix a to 1QS)
1QSbRule of Blessings (Appendix b to 1QS)
4Q400Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice
4QPNahPesher Nahum
CDCairo Genizah copy of the Damascus Document
MMTMiqsat Ma‘asê ha-Torah


Ag.Ap.Against Apion
Ant. Jewish Antiquities
J.W.Jewish War

      Old Testament Pseudepigrapha

L.A.B.Liber antiquitatum biblicarum (Pseudo-Philo)
Pss.Sol.Psalms of Solomon
T. DanTestament of Dan
T.Benj.Testament of Benjamin
T.GadTestament of Gad
T.Iss.Testament of Issachar
T.Jos.Testament of Joseph
T.Jud.Testament of Judah
T.LeviTestament of Levi
T.Mos.Testament of Moses
T.Naph.Testament of Naphtali
T.Reu.Testament of Reuben
T.Sim.Testament of Simeon


Alleg.Interp.Allegorical Interpretation
DecalogueOn the Decalogue
DreamsOn Dreams
DrunkennessOn Drunkenness
GiantsOn Giants
HeirWho Is the Heir?
Her.Quis rerum divinarum heres sit
Ios.De Iosepho
Migr.De migratione Abrahami
MigrationOn the Migration of Abraham
Mos.De vita Mosis
Mut. De mutatione nominum
Opif.De opificio mundi
PlantingOn Planting
Prob.Quod omnis probus liber sit
ProvidenceOn Providence
QEQuaestiones et solutiones in Exodum
QGQuaestiones et solutiones in Genesin
Sacr.De sacrificiis Abelis et Caini
SacrificesOn the Sacrifices of Cain and Abel
Somn.De somniis
Spec. De specialibus legibus
Spec. LawsOn the Special Laws
WorseThat the Worse Attacks the Better


Ben.De beneficiis


      Defining Anti-Semitism and Anti-Judaism

      Anti-Semitism versus Anti-Judaism

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