White Hot Kiss. Jennifer L. Armentrout

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White Hot Kiss - Jennifer L. Armentrout

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      Obviously, Posers were a real problem unless you considered a zombie apocalypse fun times. Only good thing was that Posers were rare, and every time one bit somebody, its lifespan was shortened. They usually had about seven good bites in them before they went poof. Sort of like a bee and its stinger but dumber.

      Posers could look like anything they wanted. Why this one was rocking an outfit like that was beyond me.

      Stacey made a face as the Poser moved on to her third burger. She wasn’t aware of us watching her. Posers weren’t known for their keen powers of observation, especially when preoccupied with secret-sauce awesomeness.

      “That’s disgusting.” Stacey turned back around.

      “I think the sweater is hot.” Sam grinned around another mouthful of my fries. “Hey, Layla, do you think Zayne would let me interview him for the school paper?”

      My brows rose. “Why do you want to interview him?”

      He gave me a knowing look. “To ask what’s it like to be a Warden in D.C., hunting down the bad guys and bringing them to justice and all that jazz.”

      Stacey giggled. “You make the Wardens sound like superheroes.”

      Sam shrugged bony shoulders. “Well, they kind of are. I mean, come on, you’ve seen them.”

      “They’re not superheroes,” I said, falling into the standard speech I’d been giving ever since the Wardens went public ten years ago. After the skyrocketing increase in crime that had nothing to do with the economic downturn the world faced, but was more like a signal from Hell saying they no longer wanted to play by the rules, the Alphas had ordered the Wardens to come out of the shadows. To humans, Wardens had come out of their stone shells. After all, the gargoyles adorning many churches and buildings had been carved to resemble a Warden in his true skin. Sort of.

      There were too many demons topside for the Wardens to continue to operate without exposure. “They’re people. Just like you, but—”

      “I know.” Sam held up his hands. “Look, you know I’m not like those fanatics who think they’re evil or something stupid like that. I just think it’s cool and it would be a great piece in the paper. So what do you think? Would Zayne go for it?”

      I shifted uncomfortably. Living with the Wardens often made me one of two things: a back door to gain access to them, or a freak. Because everyone, including my two closest friends, believed I was just like them. Human. “I don’t know, Sam. I don’t think any form of press makes them comfortable.”

      He looked crestfallen. “Will you ask him at least?”

      “Sure.” I fiddled with my straw. “But don’t hold your breath.”

      Sam leaned against the hard seat back, satisfied. “So guess what?”

      “What?” Stacey sighed, exchanging a woeful look with me. “What random piece of knowledge are you going to wow us with?”

      “Did you know you can freeze a banana until it’s so hard you can actually nail something with it?”

      I lowered my sweet tea. “How do you know these things?”

      Sam finished off my fries. “I just do.”

      “He spends his entire life on the computer.” Stacey pushed thick black bangs off her face. I don’t know why she didn’t cut them. She was always messing with them. “Probably searches for random crap for the fun of it.”

      “That’s exactly what I do when I’m at home.” Sam rolled up his napkin. “I search for little-known facts. That’s how cool I am.” He threw the napkin at Stacey’s face.

      “I stand corrected,” Stacey said unabashedly. “It’s porn you spend all night searching.”

      The hollows of Sam’s cheeks turned bright red as he straightened his glasses. “Whatever. Are you guys ready? We’ve got some outlining to do for English.”

      Stacey groaned. “I can’t believe Mr. Leto wouldn’t let us do our classics report on Twilight. It is a classic.”

      I laughed, momentarily forgetting about the job I had to do. “Twilight is not a classic, Stacey.”

      “Edward is definitely a classic in my book.” She pulled a hair tie out of her pocket, tugging her shoulder-length hair up. “And Twilight is way more interesting than All Quiet on the Western Front.”

      Sam shook his head. “I can’t believe you just used Twilight and All Quiet on the Western Front in the same sentence.”

      Ignoring him, her gaze bounced from my face to my food. “Layla, you haven’t even touched your burger.”

      Maybe somehow I’d instinctively known I was going to need a reason to stick around. I sucked in a sigh. “You guys go ahead. I’ll meet up with you in a few minutes.”

      “For real?” Sam stood.

      “Yep.” I picked up my burger. “I’ll be down in a few.”

      Stacey eyed me suspiciously. “You’re not going to bail on us like you always do?”

      I flushed with guilt. I’d lost count of how many times I’d had to ditch them. “No. I swear. I’m just going to eat my food and I’ll be right there.”

      “Come on.” Sam wrapped an arm around Stacey’s shoulders, steering her toward the trash can. “Layla would’ve been done eating by now if you hadn’t talked to her the entire time.”

      “Oh, blame it on me.” Stacey dumped her trash, sending me a wave as they headed out.

      I set the burger back down, watching Lady Poser impatiently. Pieces of bun and meat fell out of her mouth, splattering on the brown tray. My appetite was effectively slaughtered within seconds. Not that it really mattered. Food only eased the ache gnawing at my insides, never stopping it.

      Lady Poser finally completed her feast of fatness, and I grabbed my bag as she ambled out the door. She plowed straight into an elderly man, knocking him right over as he tried to come in. Wow. This one was a real gem.

      Her cackle could be heard inside the noisy restaurant, sounding as thin as paper. Luckily, some dude helped the man up as he shook his fist at the retreating demon.

      Sighing, I dumped my food and followed her out into the late-September breeze.

      Different shades of souls were everywhere, humming around bodies like an electrical field. Traces of pale pink and robin’s-egg blue trailed behind a couple walking hand in hand. They had innocent souls—but not pure.

      All humans had a soul—an essence—good or bad, but demons weren’t rocking any such thing. Since most demons topside looked human at first glance, the lack of soul around them made my job of finding and tagging them easy. Besides the soulless factor, the only difference between them and humans was the odd way their eyes reflected light like a cat’s.

      Lady Poser shuffled down the street, limping slightly. Out in the natural light, she didn’t look well. She’d probably already bit a few humans, which

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