Paddington Complete Novels. Michael Bond

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Paddington Complete Novels - Michael  Bond

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it much farther?” she asked.

      Paddington, who was sitting beside her on the front seat, consulted his map. “I think it’s the next turning on the right,” he announced, following the route with his paw.

      “I do hope so,” said Mrs Brown. They had already taken one wrong turning that morning when Paddington had followed a piece of dried marmalade peel on his map by mistake.

      “Fancy turning right at a piece of dried marmalade peel,” grumbled Mr Brown. “That policeman didn’t like it at all.”

      Anxious to make amends, Paddington stuck his head out of the window and sniffed.

      “I think we must be getting near, Mr Brown,” he called. “I can smell something unusual.”

      “That’s the gas works,” said Mr Brown, following the direction of Paddington’s paw. “The river’s on this side.”

      Just as he spoke they swept round a corner and there, straight in front of them, was a broad expanse of water.

      Paddington’s eyes lit up as they all clambered out of the car and while the others were unloading the supplies he stood on the water’s edge and surveyed the scene. He was most impressed.

      The towpath was crowded with people and there were boats everywhere. Rowing boats, canoes, punts and sailing boats with their white sails billowing in the wind. As he watched, a steamer packed with more people swept by, sending a large wave shooting across the water and causing all the smaller boats to rock. Everyone on board seemed very cheerful and happy and several of them pointed towards Paddington and waved.

      Paddington raised his hat in reply and then turned to the others. “I think I’m going to like the river,” he announced.

      “I do hope so, dear,” said Mrs Brown uneasily. “It is your treat.”

      She looked at the row of boats moored by the landing stage. The day before it had seemed a very good idea of Mr Brown’s to have a picnic on the river. But now they were actually here she had a nasty feeling in the back of her mind and she knew Mrs Bird was feeling the same way. Close to, the boats looked awfully small.

      “Are you sure they’re safe, Henry?” she asked, looking at them nervously.

      “Safe?” echoed Mr Brown, as he led the way on to the landing stage. “Of course they’re safe, Mary. You just leave everything to me.

      “I’ll put you in charge of all the ropes and things, Paddington,” he called. “That means you can steer.”

      “Thank you very much, Mr Brown,” said Paddington, feeling most important. His eyes gleamed with excitement as he climbed into the boat and carefully examined everything with his paws.

      “The boatman’s rather busy,” said Mr Brown, as he helped the others in. “So I said we would shove off by ourselves.”

      “Paddington!” exclaimed Mrs Brown, as she picked Mrs Bird’s best sun hat off the floor of the boat. “Do mind what you’re doing with that fishing net. You’ll have someone’s head off.”

      “I’m sorry, Mrs Bird,” said Paddington. “I was only testing it.”

      “All right,” said Mr Brown, as he settled himself on his seat and took a firm grip on the oars. “Here we go. Stand by at the helm, Paddington.”

      “Do what, Mr Brown?” cried Paddington.

      “Pull on the ropes,” shouted Mr Brown. “Come on – left paw down.”

      “Oh dear,” said Mrs Bird nervously, as she clutched the side of the boat with one hand and gripped her sunshade with the other. Out of the corner of her eye she could already see a number of people staring in their direction.

      In the back of the boat Paddington pulled hard on the two ropes tied to the rudder. He wasn’t quite sure whether Mr Brown had meant his, Mr Brown’s, left, or his own left, so he pulled both just to make certain. Everyone waited expectantly while Mr Brown strained on the oars.

      “I should have thought, Henry,” said Mrs Brown, after a few moments had gone by, “it would have been much easier if you’d untied the boat from the landing stage first.”

      “What!” exclaimed Mr Brown. He mopped his brow and looked crossly over his shoulder. “Hasn’t anyone done that yet?”

      “I’ll do it, Mr Brown,” called Paddington importantly, as he clambered along the side of the boat. “I’m in charge of ropes.”

      The Browns waited patiently while Paddington examined the rope. He wasn’t very good at knots because they were rather difficult with paws, but eventually he announced that all was ready.

      “Right!” shouted Mr Brown, as he braced himself once more. “Here we go. Cast off, Paddington. Hold on, everyone!”

      “Do what, Mr Brown?” cried Paddington, above the splashing of the water. Having a picnic on the river was much more complicated than he had expected. There were so many ropes to pull he was getting a bit confused. First of all Mr Brown told him to untie the rope. Now he had shouted to everyone to hold on.

      Paddington closed his eyes and held on to the rope with both paws as tightly as he could.

      He wasn’t quite sure what happened next. One moment he was standing on the boat -the next moment it wasn’t there any more.

      “Henry!” shouted Mrs Brown, as there was a loud splash. “For goodness’ sake! Paddington’s fallen in the water!”

      “Bear overboard!” cried Jonathan, as the boat shot away from the bank.

      “Hold on, Paddington!” called Judy. We’re coming.

      “But I did hold on,” cried Paddington, as he came up spluttering for air. “That’s how I fell in.”

      Mrs Brown lunged into the water with her sunshade. “Do hurry, Henry,” she cried.

      “I’m sure Paddington can’t swim,” said Judy.

      “What did you say?” called Paddington.

      “She said ‘you can’t swim’,” yelled Mr Brown.

      When he heard what Mr Brown said Paddington began waving his paws wildly in the air and there was a gurgle as he promptly sank.

      “There now, Henry,” exclaimed Mrs Brown. “Now look what you’ve done. He was all right until you spoke.”

      “I like that!” said Mr Brown, giving his wife an expressive look.

      “It’s all right,” shouted Jonathan. “Someone’s thrown him a lifebelt!”

      By the time the Browns reached the landing stage Paddington had already been rescued and he was lying on his back surrounded by a large crowd. Everyone was staring down at him making suggestions while the man in charge of the boats pulled his paws back and forth, giving him artificial respiration.

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