Logan McRae Crime Series Books 1-3: Cold Granite, Dying Light, Broken Skin. Stuart MacBride

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Logan McRae Crime Series Books 1-3: Cold Granite, Dying Light, Broken Skin - Stuart MacBride

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up as the police walked into the living room. Just sat staring blankly at the television, watching Dumbo being tormented by the clowns. Logan looked expectantly at the Family Liaison Officer, but she was doing her damnedest not to make any sort of eye-contact with him.

      Logan took a deep breath. ‘Miss Reid?’

      No reaction.

      Logan sank down on his haunches in front of the sofa, blocking her view of the television. She stared right through him as if he wasn’t even there.

      ‘Miss Reid? Alice?’

      She didn’t move, but the older woman scowled and bared her teeth. Her eyes were puffy and red, tears glistening on her round cheeks and jowls. ‘How dare you!’ she snarled. ‘You useless bunch of sh—’

      ‘Sheila!’ The older man stepped forward and she shut up.

      Logan turned his attention back to the comatose figure on the couch. ‘Alice,’ he said, ‘we’ve found David.’

      At the sound of her son’s name there was a flicker of life in her eyes. ‘David?’ Her mouth barely moved, the word more breathed than spoken.

      ‘I’m sorry, Alice. He’s dead.’

      ‘David. . .’

      ‘He was murdered.’

      There was a moment’s silence and then her father exploded. ‘Fuckin’ bastard! Fuckin’, fuckin’ bastard! He was three!’

      ‘I’m sorry.’ It was all Logan could think of to say.

      ‘You’re sorry? You’re sorry?’ Mr Reid rounded on him, his face scarlet. ‘If you bunch of useless bastards had got your fingers out of your arses and found him when he went missing, he’d no’ be dead! Three months!’

      The Family Liaison Officer made flapping, placatory gestures, but Mr Reid ignored her. He was trembling with rage, tears sparking in his eyes. ‘Three! Bloody! Months!’

      Logan raised his hands.

      ‘Look, Mr Reid, calm down, OK? I know you’re upset—’

      The punch shouldn’t have caught Logan by surprise, but it did. A fist like a breezeblock slammed into his stomach, tearing at the scar tissue, making fire rip through his innards. He opened his mouth to scream, but there was no breath left in his lungs.

      Logan’s knees buckled. A rough hand grabbed the front of his jacket, pulling him forward, keeping him on his feet as another fist was drawn back, ready to turn him into a bloody pulp.

      WPC Watson shouted something, but Logan wasn’t listening. There was a crashing sound and the hand holding him let go. Logan collapsed onto the carpet, curling into a ball around his burning stomach. An angry shout, followed by WPC Watson yelling that she was going to break Mr Reid’s arm if he didn’t calm down.

      Mr Reid cried out in pain.

      The floral battleship screamed, ‘Charlie! Stop it for God’s sake!’

      WPC Watson said something highly unprofessional and after that everyone was silent.

      The patrol car flashed across Anderson Drive, siren blaring. Logan sat in the passenger seat, his face grey and clammy, hands wrapped around his stomach, teeth gritted at every bump and pothole.

      Mr Charles Reid was strapped in the back, seatbelt done up over his handcuffed wrists. He looked scared.

      ‘Oh God, I’m sorry! Oh God, I’m so sorry!’

      WPC Watson screeched the car to a halt in front of Accident and Emergency. In one of the spots marked ‘AMBULANCES ONLY’. She helped Logan out of the car as if he was made of glass, pausing only to tell Mr Reid, ‘Keep your damn arse in that car till I come back or I’ll have your guts for garters!’ Just to be safe she plipped on the alarm, locking him in the car.

      They made it all the way to the reception area before Logan passed out.


      Grampian Police Headquarters. The building was grey concrete and glass, a seven-storey tower block, topped by emergency broadcast systems and radio antennas, tucked out of the way at the end of Queen Street, right next door to the Sheriff Court, opposite the grey, granite wedding cake of Marischal College and just around the corner from the Arts Centre, a mock-Roman temple thrown up by the Victorians. Force HQ was a testament to the developer’s love of ugly buildings. But it was a stone’s throw from the Town House, council chambers and about a dozen pubs.

      Pubs, churches and rain. Three things Aberdeen had in abundance.

      The sky above was dark and low, the sodium glow of the streetlights giving the early morning a jaundiced feel, as if the streets were unwell. Last night’s torrential downpour hadn’t let up at all, the heavy raindrops bouncing back off the slick pavements. The drains were already overflowing.

      Buses grumbled their way along the road, sending up fountains of spray for anyone daft enough to be out on a day like this.

      Cursing, Logan gripped his overcoat closed with one hand and wished a fiery death on all bus-driving bastards. He’d had a bloody awful night: a punch in the guts followed by three hours being prodded and poked by doctors at Accident and Emergency. They’d finally turfed him out into the cold, driving rain at quarter past five this morning with a bottle of painkillers and an elasticated bandage.

      He’d managed a whole hour’s sleep.

      Logan squelched into the Queen Street lobby, and stood dripping at the curved reception desk. His flat was less than two minutes’ walk away, but he was still soaking.

      ‘Good morning, sir,’ said a pointy-faced desk sergeant Logan didn’t recognize, from behind the glass partition. ‘Can I help?’ He put on his polite smile and Logan sighed.

      ‘Morning, Sergeant,’ he said. ‘I was supposed to be working with DI McPherson—’

      The polite smile vanished as soon as the desk sergeant realized Logan wasn’t a member of the public.

      ‘You’ll have a hard job: knife in the head.’ He made stabbing motions and Logan tried not to flinch. ‘Are you. . .’ He consulted a pad on the desk, flipping the pages back and forward until he found what he was looking for. ‘Detective Sergeant McRae?’

      Logan admitted that he was, flashing his warrant card to prove it.

      ‘Aye,’ said the desk sergeant, his face not moving a muscle. ‘Very pretty. You’re to report to DI Insch. He’s giving a briefing. . .’ He glanced up at the clock. ‘Five minutes ago.’ The smile flashed again. ‘He doesn’t like it when people are late.’

      Logan was twelve minutes late for the seven-thirty briefing. The room was filled with serious-looking police men and women, and all of them snapped around to look at him as he crept around the door, closing it gently behind him. At the front of the room DI Insch – a large, bald man in a brand new suit – stopped in mid-sentence and scowled as Logan limped his way across to an empty seat in the front

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