A Thief in the Night. David Chandler

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A Thief in the Night - David  Chandler

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was halfway down the rope when he looked up…

      Chapter Thirty-Nine

      They had not had the presence of mind to gather…

      Chapter Forty

      The marketplace corridor led hundreds of feet back from the…

      Chapter Forty-One

      Coarse sand crusted Croy’s cheek, digging into his flesh. He…

      Chapter Forty-Two

      Mörget had both their packs open and the contents spread…

      Chapter Forty-Three

      Malden climbed into the brazen cage and braced himself by…

      Chapter Forty-Four

      Slag’s path led them through the largest forge Malden had…

      Chapter Forty-Five

      Malden dropped the bar instantly. He grabbed up a candle…

      Chapter Forty-Six

      “What was that sound, just now?” Croy asked.

      Chapter Forty-Seven

      Croy and Mörget moved forward silently, taking light steps to…

      Chapter Forty-Eight

      Malden heaved at the iron bar again, and the stone…

      Chapter Forty-Nine

      “No, damn you,” Slag wheezed. “No! The book was clear.

      Chapter Fifty

      Croy went first down the secret tunnel, Ghostcutter drawn and…

      Chapter Fifty-One

      The demon flowed across the floor, the edges of its…

      Chapter Fifty-Two

      The blue-haired creature walked on its knuckles toward Malden and…

      Chapter Fifty-Three

      Cythera clutched her hands together, beseeching the dwarf one last…

      Chapter Fifty-Four

      Malden stepped carefully outside the door, watching the floor carefully…

      Chapter Fifty-Five

      Croy desperately needed to rest. Yet he would not, not…

      Part 4


      Chapter Fifty-Six

      Malden lifted the lantern high and scanned the rest of…

      Chapter Fifty-Seven

      “There!” one of the dwarves shouted.

      Chapter Fifty-Eight

      Malden’s head spun. Lights burst in the backs of his…

      Chapter Fifty-Nine

      Malden howled in anger and horror. He forgot all about…

      Chapter Sixty

      Outside the throne room, Mörget and Croy hid behind thick…

      Chapter Sixty-One

      Malden hurried forward through the red-shadowed streets of the dormitory…

      Chapter Sixty-Two

      The foundry offered a hundred good places to conceal Malden.

      Chapter Sixty-Three

      A cry went up immediately, and someone shouted “He has…

      Chapter Sixty-Four

      Croy signaled for Mörget to come forward. It looked like…

      Chapter Sixty-Five

      “Malden stood here, yes. He must have been under attack…

      Chapter Sixty-Six

      The female dwarf hurried ahead, while Mörget and Croy took…

      Chapter Sixty-Seven

      Malden and Cythera each took one of Slag’s arms, but…

      Chapter Sixty-Eight

      “I’m Balint, by the way,” the female dwarf announced, when…

      Chapter Sixty-Nine

      Croy barely noticed the brass lift. It was magical in…

      Chapter Seventy

      The elves took them down a crude flight of stairs…

      Part 5


      Chapter Seventy-One

      Once the Hieromagus had withdrawn, the revelers in the great…

      Chapter Seventy-Two

      The elves led them down the spiral staircase to a…

      Chapter Seventy-Three

      Eventually the light at the top of the stairs went…

      Chapter Seventy-Four

      Croy’s blood pounded in his temples. His fingers twitched and…

      Chapter Seventy-Five

      After Slag was taken away, the night passed without further…

      Chapter Seventy-Six

      “Good,” the Hieromagus said, sinking back on his couch once…

      Chapter Seventy-Seven

      Every elf Malden had seen had been beautiful—their graceful, exotic…

      Chapter Seventy-Eight

      Balint had led them to a great communal kitchen on…

      Chapter Seventy-Nine

      “Stop, please,” Cythera begged. “I feel I might burst!” She…

      Chapter Eighty

      “Eight hundred years ago,” Aethil told them, as they trooped…

      Chapter Eighty-One


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