Wildfire Island Docs: The Man She Could Never Forget / The Nurse Who Stole His Heart / Saving Maddie's Baby / A Sheikh to Capture Her Heart / The Fling That Changed Everything / A Child to Open Their Hearts. Marion Lennox

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Wildfire Island Docs: The Man She Could Never Forget / The Nurse Who Stole His Heart / Saving Maddie's Baby / A Sheikh to Capture Her Heart / The Fling That Changed Everything / A Child to Open Their Hearts - Marion  Lennox

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moved, their bodies were now touching from shoulder to hip and their clasped hands were in Keanu’s lap.

      Worse was the cloud that had wrapped around them, some unseen yet almost tangible blanket of desire.

      Or maybe he couldn’t feel it.

      Maybe it was just her.

      Being silly.

      Imagining things.

      ‘Not going away, is it, this attraction?’ he said quietly, and she knew it wasn’t imagination.

      ‘Not really,’ she answered, although the truth would have been not at all.

      He turned away from a fascination with the moon to look directly at her.

      ‘So, how do we tell?’

      ‘If it’s love?’ she asked, guessing his earlier experience of attraction had made it hard to use the word. ‘I wonder …’

      Although maybe she knew.

      Didn’t her heart beating faster when she caught a glimpse of him, or heard his voice or even thought of him suggest it had to be love?

      Was lying sleepless in her bed, her body wired, wanting …?


      Was that love?

      Or was it old friendship mixed up with attraction?

      For a long time he didn’t speak, and she wondered if he’d been giving it the same thought she had but had come to a different conclusion.

      ‘So much has happened between us,’ he said quietly. ‘I let you down once before, Caroline, and please believe me when I say that it hurt me too. Then marrying. Not telling you. I let you down again. But now—now I’d cut off my hand if it would help you to forgive me.’

      Her heart was juddering in her chest, the beat every which way, while some kind of madness filled her mind—a madness begging her to take him to her bed, to rip off all his clothes and dispense with the agony that was attraction.

      With Harold and Bessie here?

      So lighten up!

      ‘And what would I do with a bloody hand?’ she teased, and though he laughed, she hadn’t quite achieved her aim for he’d let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, drawing her closer, close enough to look into her eyes and probably see through them to the muddle in her head.

      The kiss, when it inevitably came, was like nothing she’d experienced before. A barely there brush of lips on lips, then butterfly kisses across her cheeks, her eyelids and her temple.

      With maddening deliberation, his mouth eventually returned to hers, but only to tease again, his teeth nibbling softly at her lips, tongue darting in to touch her tongue, withdrawing, darting, departing so her lips were hot then cool, and the pressure building within her was volcanic—a volcano about to blow.

      He must have kicked with his foot, for the swing began to move again, and the movement lulled her senses, so when his tongue invaded her mouth and his hand brushed against her breast, she sighed and leaned into him, welcoming him, kissing him back, the intensity of the kiss growing until it blotted out her mind.

      It was such a cliché, sitting on a porch swing, kissing like this.

      Keanu was desperately trying to keep a grasp on reality, to keep his mind from going blank and letting his body take over all his actions.

      They’d stop soon—well, they could hardly make love out here, especially not when there might be murderous miners wandering around.

      But right now kissing Caroline was filling his soul with delight. His body wasn’t quite so delighted, wanting more than fervid kisses.

      Did he love her?

      Her tongue was tangling with his, and he felt almost painfully aroused, but he couldn’t break the kiss, couldn’t pull his lips from hers, his arms from around her body.

      She was his.

      That was what the kiss was saying.

      His kiss, and her response, making a statement.

      About the future?

      Or about attraction?

      ‘Go to bed,’ he whispered, his lips close to her ear. ‘Maddie is back tomorrow, and a FIFO nurse is joining her, so we’ll both have time off. We’ll talk.’

      ‘About?’ she murmured back.

      ‘About us, and our future, and attraction and love and all kinds of things.’

      She smiled and kissed him gently on the lips, her eyes bright with unshed tears.

      Tears of happiness this time, the brilliance of her smile told him that.

      He stood up and pulled her upright, then turned her and nudged her towards the front door.

      ‘I’ll sleep on the couch out here. Reuben’s got some sensible young men staked out around the veranda, and Harold’s in a swag in the kitchen.’

      He knew she was going to protest, so he kissed her again—swift and hard—then pulled back.

      ‘Go,’ he said.


      KEANU WAS DOWN at the hospital early—just the thought of Caroline asleep inside the house had been enough to keep him sleepless. Deciding to use the time productively, he stopped in at the office, realising it had been a couple of days since he’d dealt with his emails. He logged on to the computer and drummed his fingers as he waited for the screen to load.

      And suddenly, there it was. An email from his solicitor in Cairns. So it was official—just like that, and without a word exchanged between him and his ex, his marriage was dissolved. He was a free man, although in truth he’d never been free. Not from the only person who’d ever held his heart. Just what did this mean for him and Caroline? In so many ways this wasn’t the right time, but if not now, then when? If she could forgive him, then maybe, just maybe, she could love him.

      But Keanu was roused from his musings by the sudden appearance of Sam in the office.

      ‘Keanu, I’m glad you’re here. I’ve just been looking at that ulcer again. The more I see it, the more convinced I am that we’re dealing with something different here. I’d value a second opinion.’

      Forcing his thoughts back to his work, Keanu nodded briskly. ‘Of course. I agree that there’s more to this than meets the eye. Has our patient said anything else about it to you?’

      Sam shook his head as he pushed open the door to the ward, Keanu following right behind. They made their way to Raoul’s bedside, where Keanu leant over to examine the uncovered wound.

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