The Historical Collection 2018: The Duchess Deal / From Duke Till Dawn / His Sinful Touch / His Wicked Charm. Candace Camp

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The Historical Collection 2018: The Duchess Deal / From Duke Till Dawn / His Sinful Touch / His Wicked Charm - Candace  Camp

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must, he’d replied.

      The duke will expect an heir. How could I bear to lie with . . . with that?

      With “that,” she said.

      Not with “him.”

      With “that.”

      Ash had prepared himself for her visit, or so he’d believed. He thought he’d steeled his pride sufficiently against a horrified reaction, the reluctant agreement of a joyless bride.

      He’d been wrong. Her words had gutted him. He was not even a man anymore. He was a “that.”

      “Do you want the truth, Emma?”

      The lift of her shoulders was more shiver than shrug. “Why not? We have always had honesty, if nothing else.”

      “The truth is this.” He took her in his arms. “I cared for Annabelle Worthing’s feelings more than I cared for yours.”

      She sobbed and struggled. “Then let me go.”

      “I’d sooner die.” He lashed his right arm around her waist and used his good hand to cup her chin, tilting her face to his. Holding it tight, forbidding her to turn away. “Look at me.”

      She sniffed, blinking away the rain.

      He gripped her chin and gave her head a little shake. “Damn it, Emma. Look at me.”

      Look at me. Look at me. Because you’re the only one who does. Likely the only one who ever will.

      At last, her dark eyes tipped up to meet his.

      The wounded look in her gaze . . . it clubbed him like a cudgel made of shame. Closing his eyes, he framed her face between his hands. He pressed his forehead to hers, sheltering her face from the rain.

      “No, Emma. I didn’t care for your feelings. It didn’t matter if you wanted me or if you didn’t. I didn’t have the patience for courtship, couldn’t take the time to make you feel brave and witty and pretty and intelligent, and all the things I adored about you from the first. I certainly didn’t have the decency to let you walk away. I cared only for myself. Do you hear me? I only knew I had to have you.”

      Not only have her, but keep her. Make her his own.

      Even now, the thought of letting her walk away . . . he couldn’t bear it.


      He wouldn’t allow it.

      This wasn’t tenderness that filled him with a fiery resolve. It was possession. Pure, raw, wild. If she could glimpse the brutish, primal impulses coursing through him, she would run like a rabbit flees a ravening wolf.

      And he would catch her.

      “You’re mine,” he said hoarsely, lifting his head and staring deep into her eyes, willing her to believe. “If you leave, I will follow. Do you hear me? I will follow and find you and cart you home.”

      Lightning flashed, slicing through the dark. For the briefest of moments, everything was bright and clear. The alley around them, the sky above. The space between her body and his, and every emotion she wore so bravely on her face.

      Just before they lost the moment to darkness, he crushed his mouth to hers in a desperate kiss.

      Then the force of thunder exploded through him, splitting him into a thousand pieces—some of which were surely driven into her, embedded as deeply as the metal shards that lodged beneath his scarred flesh. Impossible to retrieve.

      Yes, she was his. But bits of him were hers now, too. No matter how deeply he kissed her, he would never get them back.

      He made the futile attempt anyway, clutching her tight. Her arms went around his neck, pulling him down. Her lips softened and parted as she opened to him. Welcomed him.

      A deep, grateful moan rose from his chest. He deepened the kiss, stroking her tongue with his. He couldn’t get enough of her. He’d run his tongue over every inch of her body, but he’d never tasted her this way. A sweetness like cool, fresh water mingled with the salt of tears.

       Oh, Emma. You beautiful, addled thing.

      Only a fool would weep over him.

      He kissed her cheeks, her jawline, her neck—kissing away her every tear. And then, suddenly, she was returning the gesture, tugging him down and pressing her lips to his face. She kissed his lips. She kissed his nose. She kissed his ear and his neck and both of his trembling eyelids.

      She kissed his twisted, monstrous scars.

      Time stopped. The raindrops seemed to hang in the air. For this moment, there was no before and no after. There was only now, and now was everything.


      “I . . .” She blinked a few times. “I . . .”

      His mind completed her interrupted thought in a dozen dangerous ways. Don’t be stupid, he told himself. She could have all manner of things to tell him. It could be anything.

      I . . . have a pebble in my shoe.

      I . . . want a pony.

      I . . . would do murder for a cup of tea right now.

      Very well, Emma would never say that last. Probably not the second, either. But she absolutely, positively was not going to say that other thing. The-Thing-That-Must-Not-Be-Named. Or Thought, or Uttered, or, heaven forfend, Hoped.

      “Ash, I think I—”

      His heart thrashed in his chest.

       Get to it, woman. This is agony.

      Instead of putting an end to his torture, his bride of convenience did the worst, most inconvenient thing.

      She went limp in his arms, fainting dead away.

      Emma could not have been insensible more than a few seconds, but by the time she came back to her surroundings, he had lifted her off her feet and into his arms. Her head was tucked against his broad chest, and he’d wrapped his cape about her shoulders. The familiar scent of him anchored her. Cologne, shaving soap, the leather of his gloves.

      If he was still recovering strength in his injured arm, she would never have known it now. He held her in an iron grip and covered the ground in brisk, determined strides. Beneath the layers of his waistcoat and shirt, she could hear his heartbeat, steady and strong.

      By contrast, she felt weak. She couldn’t seem to stop shivering.

      “I’m better now,” she said, trying to brace her chattering teeth.

      “No, you’re not.”

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