Seduced by the Wolf. Bonnie Vanak

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Seduced by the Wolf - Bonnie  Vanak

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people would never accept such a child.” Ariel couldn’t do this. Not with Jarrett. Too much was between them.

      “They would. They need an heir. I need you, Ariel. I want you.” His voice became rough with desire. “You belong in my bed.”

      “There’s nothing between us but the past.”

      He set down the soap. Cupping her chin in one hand, he forced her to turn.

      Jarrett took her mouth.

      His lips were firm and commanding as he kissed her. His scent of pine and spice filled her senses, sent the wolf inside her whining with excitement, ready to mate. Jarrett coaxed her lips apart and plunged his tongue inside. Sexual need made her body soft and pliant, willing. Ariel turned into the kiss, tasting him, her mouth moving against his. She sensed rather than saw the glow of white sparks, like tiny fireflies, rising from her wet skin.

      No. Not again. Not ever. Ariel pulled away.

      His mouth was on her skin now, lips lightly tasting the droplets on her shoulder. Ariel’s breasts tingled. She opened her eyes, saw her lower body shimmering with white light. Panic raced through her.

      He must not see. But soon he would, and then…

      “I can’t do this. There’s nothing between us anymore.” Ariel wriggled, trying to free herself, but he held her tight against him.

      “Liar,” he said softly. “I can scent your arousal.”

      Jarrett stroked the bar of soap up and lathered one breast. He trailed a finger lazily over a pebbling nipple. She ached for his touch. Moisture gathered between her legs, her body betraying her.

      She threw her head back in a small moan as he thumbed her nipple, flicking it expertly.

      “Give in,” he murmured. “Let it go, Ariel. Let it go.”

      “I can’t.”

      The pleasure built higher and higher, her body growing tight and hot. No longer was she cold, she was fire, molten fire with the heat at her core intensifying….

      Through the silk boxers, his erection prodded at her backside. It grew thicker and longer. His strokes grew harder, more intent. She sensed he was slipping, his arousal becoming painful and urgent. Soon…he’d lose control.

      Jarrett growled deep in his throat. “Damn,” he grated out, the roughness of his voice turning guttural. “Have to have you. Now. On your knees and spread your legs.”

      “No. Stop, please.”

      Words whispered, fear seeping from her pores. Ariel wriggled against his grip, but he was stronger and taller. He could force her easily.

      “Jarrett.” She said his name louder. “Jarrett!”

      Then his arm loosened around her waist. She turned and backed against the shower knobs. They dug painfully into her back, but not as painful as the stunned realization on his face.

      Jarrett stepped back, shock whitening his mouth. Amber flashed in his eyes, the glow of the wolf’s change emerging. Ariel slid her hands down her hips, willing her desire to fade. Slowly, he breathed in and out, wrestling for control of the beast.

      “Shit,” he murmured. “That never happened before.”

      “I wouldn’t let it. Because we never got to that point before, Jarrett. And that day in your bed, I felt it happen, felt myself becoming aroused to that point…” Ariel gulped down a breath. “That’s why I left you and never looked back. It was too dangerous.”

      Claws poked through his fingertips, then slowly receded. Jarrett wrestled the beast back into its cage.

      “This is why I can’t mate with you, Jarrett.” Her throat closed tight. Too many memories and regrets. “I am a Lupine Fae and it’s safest to have sex with another of my kind. None of your people have ever seen this. Experienced it. And if the males do…”

      “They’ll be unable to stop themselves from coming after you.”

      Ariel nodded, shielding her breasts with her hands, feeling her nakedness. “It’s in your blood, the pheromones my body emits are irresistible to male werewolves. It will drive them mad with lust, and they’ll come after me. You won’t let that happen.…”

      “And I’ll be forced to take them down. Fight my own damn pack. To the death.”

      Chapter Four

      Jarrett’s jaw clenched. The need for Ariel was burning, his body tight, his cock painfully thick and hard. Never before had he craved release so badly. Having Chloe as a mate, oh, he’d loved her. Protected her, kept her safe. Theirs had been a relationship filled with pleasantries.

      Not like this, the crazed, mindless frenzy to mate driving him blind with lust. He could barely think.

      Inside, the wolf howled for release. Passion drove it to the surface. Jarrett grimly forced down the beast, his human half struggling for control.

      He rubbed the nape of his neck. “We’ll work around it.”

      Ariel shrank against the wall of the shower as he reached past her to turn off the water. He hated the flash of fear in her eyes.

      “I won’t hurt you,” he promised. Damnit, he would claw himself apart before allowing that.

      Had to get out, get away from her delicious scent shooting through his body and firing his blood. Jarrett stepped out of the shower. He stripped off the boxers, wincing as the silk scraped against his erection. He reached for a towel, glanced at Ariel, and tossed it to her.

      Wrapping the towel around herself, she left the shower. He hated the misery on her face, her own sexual need reflecting in those deep blue eyes. A white glow tinged her pale flesh. She smelled sweet as chocolate and sinfully dark. His hands reached out for her. Jarrett forced them to drop.

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