To Become A Bride. Carole Mortimer

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To Become A Bride - Carole  Mortimer

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softly behind her, loath to let her father or Audrey know she had heard any of their conversation.

      Weeks…! My God, did that mean—? Was her father—?

      She didn’t care whether Jonas Noble wanted to see her again or not—he was damn well going to. Because she was determined to get some answers from somewhere—and at the moment Jonas Noble seemed to be the man who had them all!

      It was warm and comfortable in the back of the Rolls Royce, and Jonas could feel the effect of that warm comfort as his eyes once again began to close sleepily. Thank goodness it was the weekend and he could sleep in late tomorrow.

      You’re getting too old for this, Noble, he told himself. One sleepless night had reduced him to being almost a walking zombie. Almost, he smiled to himself sleepily. He had been awake enough to visit his patient today.

      And he had certainly been awake enough to appreciate the beautiful, if caustic, Danie Summer!

      He shook his head as it rested back against the leather seat, smiling slightly, his eyes closed. Not a woman to be trifled with, he decided, knowing that she believed he had done exactly that. And had resented him intensely for it. He—

      ‘I’m going to pull over, Mr Noble,’ Charles announced from the front of the car, glancing in his driving mirror as Jonas opened his eyes to look across at him. ‘Miss Danie seems to want a word,’ Charles added helpfully.

      Miss Danie—!

      Jonas sat up straighter in his seat, turning to look out the back window of the car. But as far as he could see, ‘Miss Danie’ was nowhere to be seen. There was only a motorbike behind them, a huge monster of a black machine, with its rider bent low over the handlebars—

      Jonas narrowed his eyes to look more intently at the driver of the powerful black bike, instantly recognising the deep green eyes that could be seen clearly beneath the black crash-helmet.

      When she wasn’t flying planes, it seemed Danie Summer rode a motorbike that looked powerful enough to crush her if it fell on her! Not that it ever would, Jonas decided; it wouldn’t dare!

      A woman who liked to live life dangerously, he decided.

      He turned to sit patiently in the back of the car while Charles got out to talk to Danie. The back passenger door opened seconds later and Danie Summer herself climbed into the back of the vehicle to sit beside him.

      Jonas raised dark brows as he looked at her. She had taken off the black helmet, releasing that cascade of flamered hair. The black leathers she wore seemed moulded to the curves of her body—and very sexy it looked too, Jonas realised as he felt a faint stirring of his own body in response to such feminine perfection.

      ‘To what do I owe the honour?’ he prompted sarcastically, annoyed with himself for his own reaction to this woman. Beauty, he knew, was only skin deep; Danie Summer was the most outspokenly rude woman he had ever had the misfortune to meet.

      Her mouth twisted derisively. ‘You forgot to say goodbye,’ she murmured huskily.

      Jonas looked at her through narrowed lids. He didn’t believe for one moment that was the reason she had followed him. Although it was becoming patently obvious that was exactly what she had done…

      ‘Goodbye, Danie,’ he said.

      She smiled. ‘Very politely delivered, Jonas.’

      He gave an acknowledging inclination of his head. ‘My mother made a point of instilling good manners into all of her children,’ he returned.

      Danie nodded. ‘But does it have to be goodbye?’ She quirked dark brows, eyes gleaming brightly.

      With what, Jonas wasn’t sure. A cross between challenge and flirtation, he thought; although the latter seemed unlikely in the circumstances!

      He eyed her warily now. ‘What did you have in mind?’ he asked slowly.

      Danie shrugged, colour heightening her cheekbones even as she spoke. ‘I was wondering if you would have dinner with me this evening?’

      Jonas drew in his breath quickly. He wasn’t fooled for a moment into believing this young woman really wanted to have dinner with him—her motives for the invitation, in view of her earlier curiosity concerning the reason for his visit to her family home today, were all too obvious!—but at the same time, he was intrigued in spite of himself…

      ‘In a word—no,’ he told her bluntly, his gaze becoming amused as he saw the way angry colour suffused her cheeks now; obviously not a young lady who was used to hearing that particular word!

      She swallowed hard—doing her best to swallow down a blistering response at the same time!—eyes flashing with resentment. ‘Why not?’ she demanded.

      Jonas smiled at the return to her previous bluntness. She certainly hadn’t been able to maintain that air of flirtatiousness for long! But, he realised, he thought he preferred her rudeness; it was certainly more honest, and at least he knew where he stood!

      And there was no denying that Danie was amazingly beautiful…

      ‘I wasn’t saying no to dinner, Danie, just not tonight,’ he heard himself say. ‘It probably hasn’t escaped your notice, but I’m having trouble keeping my eyes open!’

      Her anger at his refusal rapidly faded, to be quickly replaced by scorn. ‘Of course.’ She nodded. ‘You mentioned earlier that you had very little sleep last night.’

      And, of course, she had already drawn her own conclusions concerning that sleeplessness.

      Jonas gave an inward smile at the knowledge. Not that he hadn’t had relationships in the past, and they had certainly quite often involved getting a minimum of sleep, but this particular period of time there wasn’t a woman in his life. Nor had there been for some while. Mainly because he had found he was tired of relationships that seemed, ultimately, to be leading nowhere.

      In fact, he had found himself doing quite a lot of soul-searching in recent months. He enjoyed his work, and good relations with his mother, and his sisters and their respective families, but just lately he had wondered if there wasn’t something missing from his own life, had found himself possessed of a restlessness that neither his work nor his family could assuage.

      But maybe it was the fact that there wasn’t a woman in his life at the moment that had caused that restlessness in the first place!

      While he didn’t think having dinner with Danie Summer would help that situation, he had no doubts it would prove entertaining.

      ‘Tomorrow evening, however, would be no problem—if that would suit you?’ he suggested.

      And then wondered if he weren’t making a big mistake. While she might be breathtakingly beautiful, he hadn’t particularly liked Danie Summer so far in their acquaintance, and he was halfway sure she shared the feeling. Halfway? Damn it, she had given every indication she heartily disliked him!

      Tomorrow evening should be fun, Jonas thought. If Danie accepted… Which, right now, she seemed to be having difficulty doing, Jonas noted shrewdly. From what Rome had told him about his daughters, Danie wasn’t married, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have someone in her life. Which might make seeing him

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