The Shadow Wolf. Bonnie Vanak

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The Shadow Wolf - Bonnie  Vanak

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boat or the yacht meant noise. However, if she had Jenny create a distraction, they could use the rowboat. She disliked asking her cousin to use powers she had been taught to curb, but it was necessary if they were to escape.

      A few hundred yards from the dock was a single-lane causeway and a bridge connecting it to the mainland. Megan spotted an outboard boat near the bridge. The boater started the engine, heading in her direction. Sweat gathered on her brow as he passed the house.

      A man with silver hair. It was too far away to be sure, but she’d swear it was the same man from the hotel restaurant.

      What did he want? Why was he following them? Was he a rescuer? Or like Gabriel, another enemy who desired the healthy bounty on their heads?

      Gabriel should know. Megan’s pulse sped up. She couldn’t risk telling him, the enemy she couldn’t trust. What if he were working with the silver-haired man?

      The only person she could trust was herself. The twins relied on her. She had to get them off the island.

      Megan found the twins in a large, airy room, playing dolls before a wood dollhouse. Her heart twisted. She hated having them on the run again.

      Better running than dead. Because that’s what Gabriel would do. He might be all smooth Cajun cowboy charm on the outside, but he was nastier than the other Normals. Gabriel would soothe them into thinking all was well, and then …

      Megan shuddered. She motioned to the girls, who reluctantly abandoned the toys.

      “We’re leaving soon. When we do, just stick close to me, okay?”

      Jenny looked upset. “But I like it here. Gabriel’s nice. He promised to make us a nice dinner and we can each have a doll of our own. He wouldn’t hurt us. He’s …”

      Squatting down, she took her cousin’s small, trusting hand into hers. “Honey, we have to get you to New Orleans, remember?”

      Jenny brightened. Both twins had asked Megan why they were headed to New Orleans until she told them about hoping to find a relative there. More information was needed before telling them the relative was their father. The girls must not have their hopes raised and crushed. They’d already endured too much on the island.

      Megan dreamed of finding their father, a man who would smother them with love and protection and send them to school, instead of learning with smuggled books. In the city, she’d blend and find others like her. Together they’d work to free all Shadows from captivity so future generations wouldn’t fear imprisonment again.

      Megan went downstairs into the living room. Arched windows looked out onto the green Gulf of Mexico. White cypress walls gave the living room an airy feel that flowed onto the beach. The furniture was durable, but expensive.

      Megan peered into the kitchen. The housekeeper was cleaning the counter, her car keys out on the table.

      She ran upstairs to join the twins. When the housekeeper popped her head in the doorway and announced she was leaving, Megan felt a rush of relief.

      “I just wanted to see if you needed anything,” Mrs. Hemmings said.

      “We’re fine. Thank you for the lovely meal.”

      “That was Mr. Gabriel who did the cooking.” The woman studied her so intently, Megan felt like an animal in a zoo.

      “You take good care of yourself, honey. Things will be fine from now on. You’re safe here. Mr. Gabriel, he’s a good man. You can trust him.”

      The woman could not know the delicate intricacies of their world. Regret filled Megan. She wanted badly to trust someone. Too much was at stake to risk it.

      When the housekeeper left, Megan retrieved their backpacks and returned to the girls.

      They were leaving. Right now.

      Chapter 3

      Sprawled on a lounge chair on the rear deck, Gabriel studied the sky for signs of the approaching hurricane. Just an hour ago, the water mirrored a blue sky sharp as a sickle. Now puffy indigo clouds drifted on the horizon, and lacy whitecaps tossed their heads back and forth.

      He had to get them off the island soon.

      Picking up an icy water bottle, he took a deep swallow and thought of Megan’s pink mouth, the way her teeth worked at her lower lip, her delicious floral fragrance. The natural sensuality of her throaty voice, the spark of passion in her eyes, her sweetly rounded hips swaying as she walked.

      His body tightened as he remembered her rosy mouth parting as if anticipating his kiss. The sultry awareness in her eyes, the longing for connection. How sturdy and soft her shoulders felt beneath his caressing fingertips.

      He’d almost kissed her. Megan Moraine aroused him in a way no escaped Shadow ever did. He had to keep his distance. Even if her mouth was so damn soft and wet.

      The haunting loneliness dogging his steps tormented him with a bitter memory. Another woman, years ago, her eyes filled with love, then growing wide with horror….

       Your eyes, Gabriel, oh your eyes!

      Cussing, he set down the bottle and fished out his cell. Gabriel punched in the same number he’d called ten minutes earlier. The Friend he needed to escort Megan and the little girls to the next safe house still wasn’t answering and his voice mailbox was full.

      Deeply troubled, he thumbed off the phone. He hedged moving Megan and the twins until he felt certain they would be safe. Each Friend, a guide who would help an escaped Shadow Wolf to the next safe house, was known just to one link in the chain. Only Gabriel knew all of them. And the fact that he’d called all the others and got no answers from them, either, worried the hell out of him.

      Someone had infiltrated their network. He had to stay deep undercover. If anyone discovered his secret …

      Muscles on his back contracted, as if his skin anticipated the twenty lashes the Council of Draicon would order. Next they’d ensure his gene pool was permanently drained.

      The back door banged. He’d trip-alarmed the property to prevent Megan from leaving and he’d sabotaged the boats. Nostrils flared, he picked out the scent and relaxed.

      “Mr. Gabriel? I finished cleaning the downstairs and I’m headed out now.”

      “Thanks, Jean. I left an extra something in your envelope for all your hard work. Won’t need you for a few days.”

      Flushing with pride, she shook her head. “You’re too good to me, Mr. Gabriel. You’d better leave soon. Storm’s coming in, will be here by tonight, they say.”

      “We’ll be fine,” he assured.

      The middle-aged woman looked worried. “There’s something about that woman, Miss Megan. She reminds me of the war refugees who came to my home country years ago. That one has been hurt, badly.”

      She has. A fierce protective need rose to keep Megan from ever being hurt again. Gabriel made a mental note to find the sonofabitch who had beat her, and let him know the raw power of his raging wolf. “Don’t worry, they’re in good hands.”


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