Touch of Power. Maria Snyder V.

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Touch of Power - Maria Snyder V.

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along. He was too weak to resist. Fun. I dumped him onto one of the cots in the sitting room before releasing Melina and the other girls. They rubbed their wrists and followed me out to the main room. They froze when they spotted Kerrick.

      “You remember Kerrick from the inn, don’t you?” I asked Melina.


      “He’s part of the rescue team.”

      She glanced around. “Are there others?”

      “Ah … No. We had been expecting one man. Not four.”

      Melina shuddered.

      “And we have a bit of a problem.” I explained our situation to the three of them.

      They offered to help.

      “Where’s the chimney?” I asked Kerrick.

      Although dubious of my plan, he explained how I could find the metal pipe in the dark. It took me longer to locate the chimney than I had hoped. Kerrick had shoved a clump of muddy leaves to block it. I cleared it and hurried back.

      While I was gone, Bianca—the girl with the fading bruises—Peni and Melina had dragged the unconscious men into the hideout. They’d shackled the men to the cots in the back room and locked the door. Nice.

      Empowered, they discussed what they’d like to do to the men in great detail. Kerrick muffled a horrified croak. He had one foot resting on the dirt floor. “If you ladies are done plotting revenge, you might want to cover our tracks outside before the others reach us.”

      “How long do we have?” I asked him.

      “Ten, maybe fifteen minutes max.”

      Damn. I rushed outside and let my eyes adjust to the darkness. Between the scuff marks from the fight and the drag marks, even I could figure out which way we went. They would discover the hidden cabin in no time.

      Melina relayed instructions from Kerrick as I smoothed the ground with my hands and …”Are you sure he said to sprinkle the leaves?” I asked her.


      I worked as fast as I could to hide the marks, backing up until I reached the cabin. Standing in the threshold, I studied my efforts. We were in big trouble.

      Nothing more to do, I closed and latched the door. I gave Bianca my knife before picking up Kerrick’s sword. Both Melina and Peni armed themselves with kitchen knives.

      “Give me your other knife,” Kerrick said.

      I had forgotten about the one in my boot. But he hadn’t.

      When I handed it to him, he said, “Help me stand.”

      “But you’re too—”

      “They don’t know that.”

      Good point. I grabbed his wrists, pulling him to his feet. A weak pulse of magic traveled up my arm. I had a brief sense of the travelers close by before I let him go. He wobbled, but steadied himself with a hand against the dirt wall.

      Bianca and I positioned ourselves on each side of the door. Ready for … I wasn’t entirely sure. I strained, listening for any sounds, but I watched Kerrick’s expression.

      A few minutes passed without incident. Then Kerrick straightened.

      “They’re suspicious,” he whispered.

      “What are you doing?” I asked, pitching my voice low.

      “Increasing the camouflage around the door.”

      All color drained from his face. “I …” He swayed and reached for the cot. “They’re …”

      I debated for a second before abandoning my post. Kerrick sat on the edge. Taking his hand in mine, I released my healing power, sending it into him. Energy flowed through him as it drained from me. Through Kerrick, I learned the moss on the door had thickened and grown over the bare spots that would have given us away.

      Magic surrounded two of the nine people searching outside. Kerrick’s awareness stretched farther into the forest. Finding what he searched for, Kerrick shook a tree about a mile away. A dead limb crashed to the ground. I felt the impact through Kerrick. The noise drew the others away.

      He released my hand.

      “But I can—”

      “No. Save your strength.” His voice rasped.

      Melina came over. “Are they …?”

      “Gone.” Keeping one foot on the ground, Kerrick lay back on the cot and fell asleep in an instant.

      I stood on unsteady legs.

      Melina twisted the bottom of her tunic. “Can we leave now?”

      “No. We have to wait for Kerrick to regain his strength. Sorry.”

      “He’s a magician, isn’t he?” she asked in a low voice.

      “Yes. Although I don’t think it’s common knowledge.”

      She nodded as if she understood. “I don’t blame him. With ten golds being offered for information on the whereabouts of magicians, I’d keep quiet, too.”

      “Ten golds? Why?”

      “Mom told me that since many of the Realms’ legitimate leaders have died, the remaining powerful people are all scrambling to amass armies, grab Realms and stockpile resources, including magicians.”

      “I thought that was just one of those paranoid rumors.”

      “Where have you been?” she asked, but didn’t wait for an answer. “We had a customer from Grzebien who told us his town was in the middle of reorganizing when a large army arrived to help. Except they set up their own town watch and declared the city an official member of the Ozero Realm, and under the protection of the High Priestess’s holy army.”

      “Was there any resistance?”

      “I doubt it. If Grzebien is anything like Mengels, there’s not enough people or energy to put up much of a fight.” She glanced at the back door. “If the High Priestess’s army can stop bastards like them and bring peace back, I’m more than happy to wear one of those red robes and give thanks to their creator.”

      Which, from what I’d learned from Tara, Melina would be forced to do. The High Priestess, also known as Estrid of Ozero was intolerant of other faiths, and required her subjects to be members of her cultlike religion. Was she better or worse than Tohon? I mulled it over as I rummaged for food. Bianca and Peni helped me cook a simple vegetable soup. Melina’s pale face worried me. She sat nearby, holding a wet cloth to her bleeding cheek. I asked her who the other powerful survivors were to distract her from the pain.

      “Tohon of Sogra and Prince Ryne of Ivdel until he disappeared. I’ve also heard a couple Algan princes, President Lyady’s daughter and a few other minor nobles

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