Scent of Magic. Maria Snyder V.

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Scent of Magic - Maria Snyder V.

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help with the ruse that I’d died.”

      “How do I explain the extra time it took for me to catch up to them?”

      “You’re supposed to be grieving, so it should be obvious even to Quain why. But if anyone asks, just give them that stony stare and they’ll back right off.” I met his gaze. “Yes, that one.”

      “I’m not happy about this,” he said, but he handed me a pouchful of coins. “There should be enough in here for a couple months.”

      He wrapped me into a fiercely protective hug before kissing me. His magic shot through me. If I were a plant, I’d have grown roots.

      I pulled back before I changed my mind and stayed with him. “I’ll see you in Zabin.”

      “You better.”

      Squeezing his hand, I said goodbye and headed southeast. When I glanced back, he remained where I had left him, watching me. I shooed. He hefted his pack and turned north.

      Although we were apart, the woods vibrated with his magic. A tingle zipped along my skin whenever I touched a leaf or brushed against a bush. Kerrick was keeping track of me. When I rested the next day, I kept my hand on the ground. That evening, his magic disappeared abruptly. Which, I hoped, meant he had reached the pass through the Nine Mountains and didn’t mean he’d encountered trouble.

      A sharp ache of loneliness consumed me along with a horrible feeling that I’d never see him again.


      Kerrick hefted his pack, heading north toward the main pass of the Nine Mountains. But after a few steps, he paused and glanced back. Avry had disappeared from sight, but thanks to his magical connection, he felt her passage through the woods. Unlike other intruders in the forest, she didn’t irritate the foliage and wasn’t deemed a nuisance to the living green.

      No, she saved those special qualities just for him, driving him crazy with her stubbornness and risky schemes. He should follow her. Despite her promises to be careful, these were perilous times. Tohon and his abominations aside, mercs and gangs still roamed what was left of the Fifteen Realms.

      The thought of losing her again sent sharp needles of pain into the center of his heart. He rubbed his hand over the stubble on his chin. The scent of vanilla filled his nose, and the memory of stroking Avry’s neck came unbidden. Avry’s new scent since the Peace Lily saved her life. Before she had smelled of honey and the lemon-scented soap she favored. While it was an interesting side-effect of her recovery, Kerrick didn’t care why it had happened. She was alive, that was all that mattered to him.

      The desire to rush after her pulsed in his chest. He could send Ryne a note, telling the prince to meet him in Zabin. Except Avry wouldn’t be happy and he had no legitimate reason to change their plans to gather troops in Ivdel before marching south to aid Estrid. That would alert Ryne. And, for now, Kerrick knew that if everyone believed Avry dead, especially Tohon, she would be safer. Unless she tipped her hand.

      He sighed. Best to meet up with Ryne as quickly as possible so they could deal with Tohon once and for all.

      It took him a day to reach the road up to the main pass. Although it was spring and many of the other passes had opened, they were more difficult to climb. Kerrick weighed the risks. Tohon would expect him to go to Ivdel. If Kerrick headed east across Pomyt and used the Milligreen pass, the journey would be about twenty-two days. But if he crossed the main pass, it would take him closer to seventeen days. Unless he ran into one of Tohon’s ambushes.

      The smart move would be to go the longer, safer route. Except Tohon might expect him to do just that and have that pass blocked. Milligreen was narrow and twisty, creating plenty of hiding spots, while the wider main pass gave him more room to maneuver.

      In the end, speed won over all the other factors. Kerrick increased his pace, hoping to traverse the nine ridges in five days. His connection with Avry stopped when he stepped from the tree line. Worry for her flared. He concentrated on his progress to keep his imagination from running wild. It was all he could do at the moment.

      After he crossed three ridges, he relaxed a bit. Surely Tohon’s men wouldn’t come this far to ambush him. By the fifth day, he descended the Nine Mountains and entered a lush valley in Ivdel Realm.

      He breathed in deep, letting his tight muscles relax. The smells of pine and the sea mixed into a familiar scent. It’d been three years since he’d been in the northern realms. The Realm of Alga … home was twelve days to the west. His brother, Izak, and Great-Aunt Yasmin still lived in the Algan Palace in Orel.

      Ryne’s castle was located about the same distance in the opposite direction. Kerrick turned east. Regret that he wouldn’t be able to check in on what remained of his family settled deep inside him. He’d send them a letter once he reached Ryne’s.

      Someday, he’d return to Alga with Avry. After Tohon’s defeat and the Fifteen Realms restored. Kerrick had to believe that in order to keep fighting.

      With his thoughts on Avry, he paralleled the east/west path below the foothills of the Nine Mountains. Keeping to the forest, he sensed a few other groups of travelers but avoided them even though the northern realms had been living in relative peace for the past two years.

      He didn’t encounter any trouble until the eighth day of his eastern trek. Kerrick heard a sound that made his blood turn to ice. A throaty growl full of menace. He reached farther out with his magic. Aside from birds, rabbits and squirrels, the forest surrounding him was empty of larger predators.

      Another growl sounded. It was louder and closer. This time Kerrick recognized the creature. An ufa. He pulled his sword and backed against a thick trunk, debating if he should climb the tree before the ufa attacked. He nixed the idea. Ufas had sharp claws to match their razor-sharp teeth.

      Leaves rustled. Why couldn’t he sense it? Kerrick pulled power, blending in with the mottled browns and black of the trunk. But his scent gave him away. A large ufa broke through the bushes, heading straight for him.

      Images from another attack flashed in his mind. The memory of burning pain and the sound of ripping flesh as teeth punctured his throat caused sweat to pour from his body. Not again.

      Kerrick pointed his sword at the beast, but it stopped a foot from the blade’s tip. The ufa was as long as Kerrick was tall. Gray brindled fur covered solid muscle. It stared at Kerrick with cold dead eyes. Horror welled. Tohon was one sick bastard.

      More rustling announced the arrival of another five dead ufas. They always traveled in packs. They fanned out, blocking any chance for escape. Not as if he could outrun one, let alone six.

      Kerrick tried to influence the vines growing nearby, hoping they would tangle in the ufas’ legs, but the forest didn’t sense the ufas as a threat, even as they moved through the underbrush. Dead flesh nourished the living green and was an accepted part of its ecosystem. And the tree canopy above him contained nothing but healthy strong limbs.

      With no other recourse left, he gripped the hilt of his sword, hoping to take a couple out before they finished him.

      CHAPTER 2

      I reached the outskirts of Mengels fourteen days after I left Kerrick. Bypassing Zabin had been tedious. I’d spent more time hiding than walking. The High Priestess Estrid’s holy army

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