The Sicilian Marriage. Sandra Marton

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The Sicilian Marriage - Sandra Marton

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hair, tumbling over her shoulders to frame a face dominated by sea-blue eyes. That mouth, yes, rosebud-pink and just full enough to make him wonder how it would feel to sink into its soft warmth. The high breasts, slender waist, delicately rounded hips and long, hell, endless legs.

      At least she wasn’t trying to freeze him with a look. How could she, when she gave him a glance that lasted no more than a second?

      “Bree, this is Gianni Firelli. Gianni, my baby sister, Bree.”

      “It’s Briana,” the blond vision said, and turned her attention to Fallon. “The baby fell asleep as soon as I put her in her bassinet. I left her with her nanny. Is that all right?”

      “It’s fine. Uh, Bree? Gianni’s one of Stefano’s oldest friends.”

      This time, Gianni got the full force of her icy gaze. “How nice for them both. If you’ll excuse me…”

      “Why should I excuse you?” he said, before he could stop himself. He stepped away from Fallon, moved closer to Briana and pitched his voice slow enough that only she would hear him. “Are you always so rude, or is this personal?”

      Those deep blue eyes met his and suddenly he saw something in their depths, a flash of heat so intense it threatened to sear his soul.

      “You flatter yourself,” she whispered.

      And then she was gone.

      Gianni had never understood what people meant when they said their blood was boiling, but he understood it now. He stared after her, imagined the pleasure of going after her, grabbing her and shaking her until she begged for mercy…

      Or of swinging her into his arms, carrying her away, taking her to a room where he could strip her of that green dress and that icy look, put his hands in her hair and kiss her until she was helpless and pleading for more…

      “I’m terribly sorry, Gianni.”

      He blinked, focused his eyes on Fallon’s face. She looked as shocked as he felt.

      “Bree’s not—She’s not a rude person. I don’t know what came over her.”

      Summoning a smile wasn’t easy, but he managed. “It’s all right.”

      “No, it’s not. Look, let me go find her and—”

      “No.” His voice was sharp. Carefully he manufactured another smile and started over. “Really, Fallon, I’m not offended.”

      “Well, you should be. When I get her alone later—”

      “Forget it. Maybe she had a difficult day.”

      “Bree? A difficult day?” Fallon gave a ladylike snort. “I don’t know how. My sister doesn’t do anything that might be considered difficult.”

      Except treat men as if they were contemptible, Gianni thought, but he wasn’t going to say anything like that. Her sister’s behavior wasn’t Fallon’s responsibility.

      “Doesn’t she have a job?”

      “An endless succession of them. She’s been a photographer, a travel consultant, a salesclerk, a game show research assistant…” Fallon smiled. “Our mother says she’s still finding herself but to be honest, my other sister and I don’t think she ever lost herself in the first place. She’s just, well, flighty.”

      It was a nice way of saying Briana O’Connell was unreliable, not just rude and sullen. The woman wouldn’t be any sane man’s type, let alone his.

      “Fallon,” he said, taking his hostess’s hands in his, “I’ve had a wonderful afternoon.”

      “You’re not leaving?”

      He smiled and brought her hands to his lips, pressed a light kiss to the back of each.

      “I’m afraid I must. I have a dinner appointment this evening.”

      “Ah. Too bad. Stefano and I hoped you’d stay after the others left. He loves to talk about old times with you.”

      “Another time, I promise. Make my goodbyes to him, will you?”

      “Yes, absolutely.” Fallon linked her arm through his as they walked slowly through the foyer. “And Gianni…I’m really terribly sorry about my sister.”

      “No need. I’ve been rebuffed before.”

      Fallon laughed, turned to him and cupped his face in her hands.

      “You’re a bad liar, Gianni Firelli. We both know that there’s not a woman alive who wouldn’t do a maidenlike swoon if you smiled in her direction.”

      “From your lips to God’s ear,” he said lightly.

      She laughed again, rose on her toes and pressed a demure kiss to his lips.

      “It was good seeing you. And thank you for the beautiful gift for Cristina.”

      “My pleasure. Ciao, Fallon.”

      “Goodbye, Gianni.”

      The elevator was waiting. He stepped inside, kept smiling until the car doors closed. Then he let the scowl he’d been fighting darken his face as he took his cell phone from his pocket.

      Lynda answered on the first ring. “Hello,” she said in that breathless whisper that always made his muscles tighten.

      Strangely enough, they didn’t tighten this time.

      “It’s me.”

      “Gianni.” Her whisper became a purr. “I hoped you’d call. Are you coming over?”

      The elevator reached the lobby. He stepped briskly from the car, nodded to the doorman when he opened the door that led to the street.

      “Let’s have dinner.”

      “Of course, darling. Are we going out? Shall I put on something pretty…Or shall I stay as I am? I just took a bath and all I’m wearing is that pink silk robe you gave me.”

      Pink. Rosebud-pink, like Briana O’Connell’s mouth.

      “Gianni? Can you hear me?”

      He cleared his throat. “I hear you, Lynda.”

      “What do you want to do? We could try that new restaurant everyone’s talking about. You know, Green Meadows. It’s supposed to be spectacular.”

      Green, like the dress that outlined Briana’s supple body. Spectacular, like her magnificent face…


      All at once, Gianni knew what he wanted to do. It had nothing to do with Briana O’Connell. Nothing at all. It was just something that had been coming for a few weeks, and it was time he dealt with it.



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