Phantom Wolf. Bonnie Vanak

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Phantom Wolf - Bonnie  Vanak

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signaled as they all moved into position.

      And then a woman stepped out of the house onto the patio and sank into a chaise longue by the pool.

      Damn! Shay lifted his binoculars. The female daylight hugger must be the nanny. He bit back a curse and spoke into his throat mic, breaking radio silence.

      “Alpha One, this is Bravo Two. I have a visual on Tango Five. Oscar Mike.”

      Double clicks on the radio acknowledged the transmission.

      It took seconds for him to analyze the new threat. He could take her out, but brass wanted her for questioning. Instead of stealth, he opted for shifting. His magick was powerful, but the form was nonthreatening.

      Inside he smiled.

      Little Miss Sunshine, you’re all mine.

      Every bone in her body hurt. As part of the game, they’d beat her while she tried to stifle her screams to keep from terrifying Billy. Kelly refused to talk as they tried to get information on how she’d discovered their operation. As punishment, the Mages would dump her in the cell for a few minutes to assure Billy she was still alive and then put her into the sunshine.

      Unlike other Arcanes, Kelly healed from exposure to direct sunlight. Probably a result of wearing the powerful triskele for so many years.

      They’d bring her back into the darkness when she recovered. Just to hurt her all over again. Only this time, they’d beaten her a little harder. Billy had given her back the triskele to wear.

      “Please, Kelly. It has good magick and will help you,” he’d whispered.

      She closed her eyes, and the ache in her muscles eased as the triskele amplified the sun’s gentle strength. She heard a small, hopeful meow.

      House cat. She gave a vague smile.

      “Where did you come from, kitty? I thought the vamps didn’t let anything smaller than a tank hunt on their turf?” Too hurt to wonder what it was, she closed her eyes. And then she heard a scream upstairs.

      Billy! She started off the chaise.

      Bam! Next thing she knew she was lying flat on her stomach, a heavy male weight pressed into her back.

      “Chief Petty Officer Sam Shaymore, U.S. Navy SEALs,” he whispered into her ear.

      Warm breath feathered over her cheek. The delicious masculine scent of leather and sage became stronger and enveloped her like a lover’s arms. She knew this scent. Knew this body…had felt it atop hers years ago.

      When he’d laid her down on his bed, kissed her and then had taken her virginity.

      The muscled SEAL’s heavy weight shifted, allowing her to roll over. He straddled her, sitting on her hips, his hands easily pinning her down.

      Indifferent, almost cruel concentration on his face turned to shock. Those penetrating hazel eyes widened and then darkened.

      “Kelly,” he said softly.

      A gleam of recognition and pure sexual awareness. She felt the jolt as if Sam had branded her with a white-hot iron. Sheer desire whipsawed through her, making her tremble as he held her down. The last time they’d been in this position, Sam had been thrusting deep inside her, as she’d clung to him and moaned.

      The erotic current between them fizzled as anger flushed his handsome face. “What the hell are you doing here?”

      Power hummed in the air, radiating off him in waves. Sam could generate electromagnetic current strong enough to turn a building into dust. A navy SEAL and a Phantom Mage? Forget the vampire guards. They had baby teeth compared with Sam’s T. rex magick.

      Fear coated her mouth. Kelly wriggled, but he held her down easily. Disgusted with her weakness, she scowled into his face.

      “Mind getting off me, Sam? We’re not lovers anymore, and this brick is awfully hard.”

      Those chiseled features narrowed. He wore a black headband around his forehead, keeping his shoulder-length brown hair in place. A nasty-looking weapon hung from one broad shoulder. He was clad in some kind of green camouflage. Kelly felt a shiver snake down her spine.

      “Let me go. I have to get to Billy…”

      He touched an earpiece and glanced upstairs. “Billy is safe.”

      “But the Mages…”

      “Dead.” His gaze flattened. “Why did you take him, Kelly? This your new hobby, stealing innocents?”

      “I didn’t kidnap Billy. I was trying to free him when I got caught. My organization is Sight Finders.”

      Those dreamy hazel eyes widened. “Those nutjobs? The ones who steal Mage children in domestic disputes?”

      “My organization rescues Mage children in trouble.”

      “My organization is the U.S. Navy. You’re my prisoner.” Sam eased back and snapped plastic ties around her wrists.

      Her jaw dropped. “You can’t do this!”

      “Just did.”

      “But I’m on your side.”

      “Can’t trust that, until the situation is secured.” Then for a sheer moment, the indifferent mask dropped. Torment shadowed his face as he stroked a light finger down her cheek. His touch made her shiver, and remember.

      “Sam,” she began, but he slid off and pulled her upright. Even with his incandescent rage, his touch was considerate and gentle.

      Always the Southern gentleman. Even when taking prisoners, she thought dully.

      She struggled against the ties but failed to break them. Sam gave her an amused look. “Don’t waste your energy. I laced them with magick. I’m an Elemental.”

      “You were,” she whispered. “Now you’re just a bastard. When did you become one, Sam?”

      Regret flashed in his eyes, and then the hardness returned. “The day your father escaped after killing my whole family.”

      He walked her to a sturdy coconut palm. Before he secured her to it, he cupped her cheek with his palm. Despite the wet, thick gloves, she felt the warmth of his touch like a brand. He studied her solemnly. “Kel,” he murmured.

      So close he seemed ready to kiss her. She closed her eyes, remembering those firm, warm lips nestled against hers.

      When she opened her eyes, he’d vanished.

      Kelly struggled against her bonds. Gunfire erupted amid loud explosions upstairs. A SEAL emerged from the house, carrying a terrified Billy. He was sobbing.

      “Give him to me,” she cried out.

      Sheer strength and her own secret store of magick shattered her bonds. Kelly rushed forward, only to feel the cold pressure of a gun barrel pressed to her temple. “Don’t move,” came Sam’s

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