Moonspun. Michele Hauf

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Moonspun - Michele  Hauf

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around,” she insisted. “Let me see those powerful delts and obliques. Oh yeah. That’s the way to make this wolf growl.” An appreciative growl felt very necessary.

      Sliding her fingers down her stomach, she strolled them over her cleft, but didn’t want to finger herself. The visual was enough. Besides, if she clenched her legs together, that primed her just enough to take this fuck-yeah bath over the top. “Briefs down, big boy.”

      He turned slightly and tugged down the briefs, letting them drop. Viewed from the side, Creed’s powerful frame was wide about the chest and thighs. He looked as though he spent hours daily in the gym, but it was his vampire nature that kept him lean and tight, an iron-strapped god of flesh and bone. And there, his cock, upright and proud, and ready for action. Uncircumcised, the foreskin had slipped down beneath the bold, red head of it, and Blu imagined the feel of it entering her, pushing forcefully to ease into her pussy.

      He spread his arms and tilted forward a hip. “You like to look at my cock?”

      “Fuck yeah.”

      “You want to touch it?”

      “Ye—erm…no.” Tugging her lip down with her teeth, she devised a more intriguing plan. “I want to watch you stroke yourself. Slowly.”

      With an approving shrug, Creed stepped a few feet closer to give her a front-row view. Grabbing his cock, he moved his fingers expertly up and down what Blu knew must feel like molten steel in his grip. Even though they made love often, she knew he jacked off as well. Didn’t bother her. He was a man; it was what men did. And hell, she jilled off, because thinking about Creed when he wasn’t around demanded immediate satisfaction.

      “That’s my big guy,” she cooed. “You like it firm and faster?”

      “Mm…” he replied, picking up the pace. His gaze had been focused on her, but as his strokes grew faster, his eyelids shuttered and mentally, he turned inward.

      Man, she loved watching him do this. So focused, intent, vigorous. Come to think of it, that was a good way to describe how he handled a battle sword. He really gave the thing a workout and he wasn’t gentle with it.

      Note to self: whack that thing around next time she had it in hand. It could take it, and he preferred it rough.

      Her thoughts made her smile, and she slipped an arm over the tub side and rested her chin on the edge to get a closer view of her husband’s sex show. His tense abs tightened, shaping skin over hard muscled ridges, his hips shivering minutely. Breaths gasped through his lips quickly, and his fingers raced.

      “Going to come?” she asked.

      “Soon. You watching me…so good…” He winced and his muscles flexed and trembled.

      Blu licked her lips and cooed.

      He spurted up over his chest and cried out forcefully, catching his free hand on the edge of the tub. Blu stretched her fingers up through his hair.

      “Come join me, lover. Now it’s my turn.”

      * * *

      “I have to run out tonight.”

      Creed sat up in bed, stretching out his neck with a smart twist. Usually Blu stuck around after sex, unless… “You going to let your wolf out for a run?”

      “Yes, it hasn’t been out in a few weeks, and I’m prickling for some laps in the field.” She leaned in and kissed him, sliding her hand down to squeeze his cock. “Don’t wait up for me. I want to feel the sun rise on my fur.”

      “All right. I might head out myself. To uh…you know.”

      She kissed him again. “I know.”

      If he couldn’t bite her once a week, then he had to get his sustenance somehow. They’d come to terms he would bite men more often than women, because it bothered Blu that the bite was a sexual thing, and though she knew it wasn’t cheating on her husband’s part to take a woman in his arms and bite her, she preferred he keep the intimate embraces with the females to a minimum.

      “See you in the morning, lover.”

      Blu grabbed a strappy sundress fashioned from blue-spangled sari material and pulled it on. She padded out of the bedroom, giving her hair a fluff. She wore her natural, midnight-black hair uncovered more frequently now because she had nothing to hide from Creed. Once she’d been all about the brightly-colored wigs, because she’d thought they kept men at a distance, something she’d needed after growing up with the aggressive males in the Northern pack. Her father had actually given her to the males as a sexual gift, and there had been nothing she could do about it.

      Until she’d been forced to marry Creed. And her world had changed for the better. Creed made her feel protected and loved. Always. Nothing to hide.

      “Except this one small thing,” she thought about tonight’s planned foray.

      * * *

      Blu shifted from four-legged wolf to human shape in the center of the forest near the mossy dais. She didn’t feel at all self-conscious to wander the forest naked. Wasn’t like wolves returned to were form clothed. And Creed owned a couple dozen acres, so she was confident her moonlit peepshow would never be discovered by, say, a hunter or hiker. Not on private Saint-Pierre property. Old man Schmidt’s land was a dash away, and she was ever leery of that gun-toting, tobacco-chewing artifact, but didn’t plan to go near his property tonight.

      In a few nights the moon would be full and her werewolf would demand release. The werewolf was her half human, half wolf form, and she only let it out during the full moon—and when Creed was in the mood for some real vigorous sex. Sometimes her werewolf wanted sex, and it didn’t matter if it was with a vampire. She needed that bond, that joining. She loved him for that, because heaven only knew any non-werewolf having sex with a werewolf did face challenges, such as talons and a big, toothy maw. She tended to go beyond rough when in werewolf form, but the vamp could handle her talons, and he did like her aggression, and matched her every move.

      But fore? Her animal nature felt the urge to procreate under the full moon. The only way a werewolf could conceive was while in full wolfed-out shape.

      Smirking at their active and delicious sex life, she tiptoed over a thick padding of moss, setting a fragrant crush of oleander perfume into the air. A red fox darted across her path as if hell were on its tail. It sensed her animal nature, surely. A pale moth fluttered before her, and she reached out, allowing it to land on her forefinger like a living ring. Everything was magical this time of night.

      “Can I wish upon you?” she wondered, then blew gently to set it on its way.

      Bree had video-conferenced her with the instructions needed for this night. And Blu had muttered the ritual all day, making sure she knew it by heart.

      Taking a deep breath, she whispered the sidhe words. “Sheimme, shuom, galimmour. Hear me through the veil and know I come with open heart and clear soul.”

      The air immediately shifted about her, not like wind, but as if it were moving through her skin and swirling in her veins. Suddenly as giddy as bubbles in champagne, she clasped her hands to her chest in expectation and searched the night.

      Shimmers danced before her

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