Gossamyr. Michele Hauf

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Gossamyr - Michele  Hauf

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Not in this half-blood’s veins, she thought wistfully.

      Gossamyr felt her father’s sadness ran far deeper than he would ever show. Had Veridienne’s departure been rebellion? To journey to the Otherside had always been her dream, but a dream tainted by the reality of her mother’s absence.

      “I have been nothing but clear regarding your never Passaging to the Otherside.”

      A shiver prinkled up Gossamyr’s spine. Would he yet deny her this mission? Forbid her from yet another enticing fragment of life? Champions were made, not hired! And such an experience for the future lady of Glamoursiège! There was yet opportunity…

      She scuffed her palms across her leather braies and scanned the gloss shimmering in her father’s violet eyes.

      “It is dangerous. We both know that.” Shinn’s breaths settled in the air between them, heavy with something akin to dread. “But the time has come to release you from a father’s protective obsession.”

      Apprehension tightened Gossamyr’s limbs so she stood boldly erect.

      “Yes, you see, even I have my obsession. I cannot protect you once you leave Faery.”

      She needn’t protection. With staff in hand and a keen eye for danger, Gossamyr invited the experience.

      “Just remember,” he said. “Always Believe—”

      “And I will Belong. I know, Shinn. Worry not, I will never lose mind of my home. Will there be revenants on the Otherside?”

      “No, they flee to Faery as quickly as the essence is stolen.”

      “Which is why you must remain here.”

      “Indeed. A fée can only travel to the Otherside on so many occasions before Time masters his body. I have journeyed there many a time. Would that I could accompany you.”

      “You mustn’t risk it.”

      “I will muster my troops and prepare for a sure battle. I sense their numbers will only increase as the Red Lady remains unstopped. I have been witness only to those who return to Glamoursiège. I expect other Faery tribes have been attacked, as well.”

      “These revenants, what happens when one does manage to obtain an essence?”

      “That would leave an innocent fée dead, and the revenant would have its final twinclian.”

      “Would not the innocent become revenant?”

      Shinn nodded. “You understand this vicious cycle could cripple Faery.”

      Further reason to avoid delay. Time must be faced. “I can do this.”

      His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I know.”

      Why did a prinkle suddenly cleave to Gossamyr’s spine? This is what she most desired.

      “I should not send you alone.”

      “There are none in Faery who can accompany me.” For there were none with mortal blood to protect them from the Red Lady’s seeking lure. “You’ll need your troops here to fight the revenants.”

      “Perhaps a pisky guide—”

      “What of Mince?”

      “She is far too aged, and honestly, much too plump to keep your pace. The Disenchantment would take her swiftly.”

      Indeed. Gossamyr would not risk the matron, even as she dreaded leaving her maternal influence. The only kind arms she had known following Veridienne’s departure, for Shinn did not express his concern with sympathetic touches but with stronger actions, such as teaching her to fight.

      “I will fare well on my own.”

      “Mayhap a fetch?” Shinn nodded, pleased with his notion. “Indeed, I will send one along to repeat back to me your successes.”

      She liked that he already thought of her success.

      “Now, Disenchantment occurs quickly,” he warned. “Once you set foot on the Otherside you’ve perhaps less than a day before you lose all glamour.”

      “I have no glamour!”

      “You’ve a cloak of glamour.” He splayed his fingers before her face, raising a sensation of warmth in her flesh, drawing the shimmer of the fée to the surface. There in the blazon tracing her collarbones and upper chest did she feel the magic, the innate being of her kind. The prinkles dancing on Gossamyr’s spine subsided.

      “It has seeped into you over the years,” Shinn assured.

      So she twinkled. That did not mean she could perform twinclian. Hers was a false glamour. No flight, no twinclian, no glamour. Lousy fée she had turned out to be. Half-blooded was nothing more than mortal.

      Gossamyr tightened her grip about the staff and strummed her fingers across the clutter of stringed arrets dangling from her braided-leather hip belt. “What of my skills, my speed?”

      Shinn set a hand on her shoulder. Violet eyes looked into hers, as if to leap into her being. “The skills you have honed over the years are yours to own, Gossamyr. Nothing can strip your physical prowess or your battle technique.”

      She nodded and slid a hand upon the Glamoursiège coat of arms that she also wore on her hip belt, her family’s sigil, it was carved from the same applewood as her staff. “What of my essence, er…my soul? Do I have both? Can the Red Lady take either from me?”

      “Your mortal blood—as well, the fact you are female—will serve a boon. The succubus will not have the slightest interest in you.”

      Her father’s voice, deep and strung with a melodious harmony, vibrated within her. Ever and anon he had protected her—even when that protection had hurt her heart. When all other fée would look upon her with a strange reluctance that would keep them an armshot away, yet still amiable, Shinn stood at her side, his pride in her apparent in the determination that pressed back the naysayers.

      “Desideriel will be glad of my absence,” she remarked.

      “He is a fine match, Gossamyr. We have discussed this overmuch.”

      “I do not like him. Do you not sense his distaste for me?”

      “You see things only you wish to see.”

      With a sigh she offered a silent agreement. So, too, did Shinn see only what he wished to see.

      So little to look forward to with her marriage to a man who saw only her faults, and yet, she did anticipate taking the Glamoursiège reign.

      “I have groomed him.” Reluctance cautioned Shinn’s voice. “He understands what is expected.”

      “As well do I.” A marriage for Glamoursiège, her heart be cursed to suffer for it. But she did respect her father’s choice.

      She would speak to Desideriel Raine. Perhaps

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