Cake. Lauren Dane

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Cake - Lauren  Dane

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do not get back together with her. We’re divorced. She wanted it, but years later, I’m certainly relieved I gave in.”

      “I’ll be blunt. Stop having sex with her. Ex sex is never a good thing. You fuck her a few times and then it always crashes and burns. It’s not like you’re hurting for company.”

      He supposed, though, that he was. Not hurting precisely, but he was lonely. Prentiss was someone he’d known, intimately, for several years. Sometimes that was comforting. Not so much these days. He’d grown up, but she hadn’t. It was less exciting and more vexing.

      The truth was, he found the woman across from him far more interesting than the one he’d left several years before. Apparently his mother had been right and he was finally growing up.

      “Also? You’re not a nice person when you two get back together.”

      He paused. “I’m not?”


      “What do you mean?”

      Wren looked up from her cup and right through him. “You know what I mean.”

      “No. I don’t. Be honest.”

      “You’re a selfish dick when you’re with her. You drink way more. You party too hard. Harder than you already do. She wrings you out and fucks you up and toys with you and then she leaves and you have to put yourself back together again. Your work suffers. You’re not even like those artists who work better when they’re depressed.”

      He sucked in a breath. He’d told her to be honest. She’d taken him at his word.

      “It’s been a year since the last time. I’m not interested anymore. That’s why I’m grumpy. She’s persistent.” A year ago it would have worked. Now it agitated him.

      “So you yelled at her in Russian?”

      He laughed. “I did. It’s my emotional language. When I’m really pissed off, I end up thinking and speaking Russian. She doesn’t speak it. But she gets the swear words and the tone. She went through my mother to get my new number. I don’t like that. I’m trying to keep her away.”

      “That’s why the door downstairs was locked.”

      “Yes. I don’t want her stopping by.”

      His ex-wife was a drain. On his life. On his bank account. On everything.

      “That’s good. Locking the door, I mean. Try not answering her calls. You know, to underline it.”

      “That’s some pretty sage advice. Do you have a pesky ex I don’t know about?”

      “No. My life is considerably less exciting than yours. I’m a woman. I think she’s going to keep coming at you until you finally underline your no. That back-and-forth has been part of your relationship. Part of the zing.”

      He paused. That part was true. And maybe his hunger for someone who knew him as more than the guy in the headlines. But really, Prentiss didn’t know him that much better than the hangers-on did. Not anymore. It’d been a long time since he was the man who she’d been married to.

      “Maybe at one time. But I’m too old for it now. I just don’t have the energy for it.”

      “So stop having sex with her.”

      He leaned back, feeling a lot better. “It was good sex.” But the emotional hangover wasn’t worth it.

      She rolled her eyes. “Pfft. Good sex isn’t that rare. I’ll never understand men who keep going back to the crazy-ex well. Jeez. Then you all act so surprised when she goes nuts.”

      “Enough about her. Show me your work.”

      She put her cup down and pulled a pad from her bag. But she didn’t hand it over right away, clutching it to her chest. “Some of this is still rough.”

      He leaned forward, totally unable to resist. “I like it rough.”

      She sucked in a breath, a pretty flush building up her neck. She thrust the pad into his hands and grabbed her coffee.

      He paged through, impressed. Her work had a sense of humor but with an edge.

      “Do you handle all of this? The story and the drawing? Or is this a group project thing?”

      “That’s all me. A new series I’m working on. Once it’s polished I’m going to shop it around. Time to really get out there and see if I can do this for a living.” She shoved a cookie into her mouth and jiggled her knee.

      Why she was nervous he had no idea. He paged through, amazed and impressed by her work. “I like this a great deal.” Her protagonist was an artist who bore a strong resemblance to the woman sitting across from him. Right down to the Docs on her feet. An assassin but not always a very good one.


      “The story is interesting. Will there be sex scenes?”

      She shook her head, smiling. “Maybe.”

      “She’s very sarcastic. I wonder where you get all the material for her.”

      She snickered. “I’m really only at five or six on the sarcasm scale when I come to see you. You should see me when I’m not working.”

      He should. He got the feeling it would be a hell of a lot of fun to see Wren Davis when she wasn’t on duty.

      “You don’t need company manners here with me.”

      “Oh, don’t worry, these aren’t my company manners. I’d never tell any of my other clients to stop fucking their crazy ex-wives.”

      He nearly choked on his coffee. “I think I’m flattered by that. Give me a while to really be sure though. I might have some contacts. Publishing ones, I mean.”

      She shook her head, reaching for the pad, which he kept because he wasn’t done looking.

      “No. It’s okay. I can do this on my own.”

      “Of course you can. But why not let a friend help you? Do you think this business isn’t rife with connections and networking? Isn’t that part of why you told me you went to school? The connections?”

      “I appreciate the offer, but for now, I’m fine.”

      “Other people would jump at that offer.” Was his help so terrible?

      “I’m not other people, Gregori. I’m not your ex-wife. I’m not a hanger-on. I’m not a groupie.”

      He was quiet a while as he continued to look through her work. Yes, she was most definitely not other people. Which fascinated him even as he knew he should be wary.

      “I’ll offer again, when you’re closer to sending the project out. In the time between now and then, I want you to think on accepting help when it’s offered. If I wasn’t genuinely interested, I wouldn’t have said anything.”


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