The Covert Wolf. Bonnie Vanak

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The Covert Wolf - Bonnie  Vanak

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expression became guarded. “Spells for warding off pyro demons. And bank receipts, a business ledger and a Craigslist ad. Evidence.”

      As she sucked in a breath, he added, “Don’t worry. I let them burn on purpose. All the info’s up here.”

      He tapped his head again. “The ad was cryptic, selling secrets revealed by a crystal ball. The witch recorded the transaction in the ledger, making a note of the seller’s name and place of business for future reference. She paid two hundred thousand dollars for the intel about myself and Adam from the Orb’s holder. She sold it to a Darksider Fae for three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, a nice little profit for herself. Only she didn’t realize who the real client was until it was too late, when the pyro demons decided to cut out the middleman.”

      Cold dread crept up her spine at the SEAL’s hard expression. “Who was the seller?”

      Eyes the color of an icy ocean swept over her. “His name is Tim McMahon. He’s Fae. Seelie Sidhe.”

      Words sank into her like steel claws, shredding her insides. “It can’t be … The thief was a Draicon.”

      “No, Sienna. He’s Fae. One of your own.” His words sent a chill through her. “From your own colony, Los Lobos.”

      He stretched out on the sofa and fell fast asleep. Never had Sienna seen anyone crash that fast. He’d muttered something about taking a combat nap and bam!

      Sienna brought in their bags, showered and changed into fresh jeans, a cable-knit turquoise sweater and sneakers. Her suede boots were ruined. She sighed and set them aside. A month’s pay from the little convenience shop where she’d worked and they were good only for the garbage can.

      The kitchen was bare of food. Her stomach rumbled. Sienna rubbed her arms. She was low on energy herself. Unlike Draicon, Fae didn’t need beef. They could survive on sprouts and berries. They were creatures of the forest, protectors of innocents.

      Betrayers and dealers of dangerous secrets to pyrokinetic demons.

      Her palms gripped the granite countertop. Tim. She knew him. He was quiet, introspective and hovered on the fringes of the society. He’d left the colony the same time the Orb went missing. Why hadn’t Chloe suspected him? It made no sense.

      Because Chloe wouldn’t dare suspect one of her own pure-blooded Fae would commit such treason, Sienna realized. Instead, she blamed a Draicon who’d been seen in wolf form near the sacred ground.

      All her beliefs and convictions about her people crashed like a house of cards smashed by an uncaring hand. Emotion rose in her throat. Not Draicon but Fae had been the real enemy all along.

      She had to regain herself. Everything in her world was collapsing. Sienna lifted her head and stared at her watery reflection in the microwave.

      “I am Seelie Sidhe of the Los Lobos colony, guardians of the Orb of Light. I am pure and honorable, a protector of nature and innocents. I will never defy the land, nor bring shame to my people. I embrace all living things good and natural, and walk with honor.”

      But the pledge sounded hollow to her ears. Walk with honor? Tim had not. One of her own kind!

      Exhausted, confused, she needed to eat, regain her composure. Which was she?

      Draicon or Fae?

      Was either species truly honorable?

      Lieutenant Matthew Parker certainly was. His actions dictated it. Tim may have recited the oath along with every other colony member, but it had been a lie.

      Matt lived the oath of honor with every step he took.

      And yet he was Draicon, like the man who’d fathered her, and then killed her mother.

      Could she ever trust a Draicon?

      Sounds of the shower began. Matt was so quiet, she hadn’t heard him wake up. An image, unbidden and erotic, filled her mind. He was soaping himself, running the bar along those smooth, taut muscles, water beading off his sun-darkened skin. His head flung back, eyes closed, growling with pleasure as she fell to her knees, removed the soap from his hands and began lathering him much lower …

      No longer cold, Sienna gulped down a breath.

      As a distraction, she paced the kitchen. It was pretty, homey and welcoming. Layered through the air was a scent of love and deep affection that pulled at her in deep yearning. It was the type of cozy house she’d always envisioned for herself.


      Dressed in jeans and barefoot, he stood in the doorway, hair slicked back, droplets beading the thick waves. The bandages were gone from his now-healed wounds. A long-sleeved flannel shirt hung open, showing a muscled abdomen strong enough to break bricks. Dark hair feathered his chest, arrowing down his stomach and vanishing into the waistband of the jeans.

      Arousal filled her as she thought about following that line much lower. Her body loosened with want and yearning. Sienna felt warm and open.

      His pupils darkened as he swept his gaze over her. Matt’s nostrils flared. He’d scented her desire.

      She licked her lips. “There’s no meat here. Um, I mean, nothing here to eat … and I’m hungry.”

      “Me, too,” he said, his voice hoarse as he stared at her wet mouth.

      He pushed back at his damp hair. “Let me get dressed, and we’ll go out for a quick bite. I saw a sandwich shop around the corner.”

      When they reached the restaurant, she ordered a hamburger with cheese and an order of fries. Matt paid for their purchases and brought them over to a quiet table by the window, facing the door.

      He always had his back to the wall, facing whoever walked inside. Tension tightened his body, but not from the hot encounter with the pyro demon.

      Nope, this tension was purely sexual from something equally smoking hot. He watched with avid hunger as Sienna poured ketchup over a fry and delicately licked it off with her small, pink tongue. Thinking about what delights that tongue could deliver.

      Desire heated his blood until all he could think about was how much he wanted this woman in his bed. How much he wanted to bury himself deep inside her, driving into her until she clung to him and screamed, and all the animosity between them became animal passion.

      Big mistake. He lowered his gaze and dove into his hamburger.

      They had the dining area to themselves. Still, he kept a guarded eye on the street. Small houses dotted the lane, some with bicycles scattered over the driveways. It was a solid family area, known among his kind as a safe zone. Draicon lived here among humans.

      His gaze shot back to Sienna, who was devouring her burger with zest.

      “I thought Fae were vegans.”

      She stifled a burp with her hand and gave an apologetic look. Damn, she was so cute, so charming.

      So Fae.

      Matt took another bite, grimly concentrating on his other, more appeasable hunger.

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