The Covert Wolf. Bonnie Vanak

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The Covert Wolf - Bonnie  Vanak

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order was said in a soft tone, but steel threaded through the commander’s voice. Sienna sat, clenching her hands, refusing to look at the Draicon.

      “Let’s get one thing straight before we start,” Lieutenant Commander Curtis said as he joined her. “This arrangement goes against my guts. I wanted my team alone on this. It’s too risky. The Fae are insular. Your aunt didn’t even want to meet. We had to work out details in a damn telephone conference. Unfortunately, she had a point. And a weapon I can’t do anything about. She can control the weather.”

      Now a grim smile played on his mouth. “Unless I’d like a permanent hailstorm in Little Creek, we have to work together. You know the Orb, and your ability to glamour is powerful. I agreed to this, but no Fae is going to dictate the SEAL I chose. I don’t care if my house gets pelted by hail for the next thirty days. You’re with Matt. He’s a damned fine tracker. He could find an ice cube in a snowstorm.”

      Sienna’s cheeks burned. She gestured to the blonde, who looked amused at the tension.

      “I’d rather work with a woman,” she told him. “What about her? I don’t need a navy SEAL.”

      Lieutenant Parker laughed. “Shay?”

      Stunned, she watched Samantha’s body and face shimmer, and change shape. Full, lush lips became firm, the round cheekbones concave …

      Replacing Samantha was a man dressed in black jeans and a cutoff black T-shirt. A shock of sandy-brown hair spilled down to his collar. Boyish mischief danced in his hazel eyes as he took a seat opposite her.

      “Chief Petty Officer Sam Shaymore at your service, Miss McClare.”

      Sienna gave him a warm smile. Finally, someone she could relate to. “You’re a Fae.”

      Lieutenant Parker took a chair, swung it around and straddled it. “Shay’s a Phantom. A Mage who can shift into any kind of life-form.”

      “Just one of my talents.” Shaymore opened a palm. A current of electricity sizzled there. He closed his fist, and the energy vanished.

      Unease raced through her as she studied Shaymore, leaning back in his chair and folding his heavily muscled arms. Mage. They were much higher on the food chain than Seelie Sidhe. Some were endowed with powers that could cut a Fae in half before she could chant a spell.

      She slid her chair out from the table and glanced at Lieutenant Commander Curtis. “Are all of you … paranorms?”

      Curtis flicked a hand and she found herself sliding back toward the table, as if an invisible, courtly hand had pushed her chair in. “Primary Mage.”

      Sweet mercy, a Draicon, and two Mages. Three powerful men who made her magick look puny and small. They studied her like an insect pinned on a board. Sienna resisted the urge to bolt. She lifted her chin and forced herself to calm.

      “Primary Mages can do advanced telekinesis, throw energy bolts and shift into animal form. Just to let you know.” Contempt etched Lieutenant Parker’s face. “Or didn’t they teach you that in forest school?”

      “Lieutenant Parker, are you going to have a problem working with Miss McClare?” Curtis’s tone was even, but held an edge of command.

      “No, sir.”

      Words seemed forced, his jaw taut. Chief Petty Officer Shaymore looked amused. “I can work with her. Be a real pleasure and I can be friendlier than old sour wolf here.”

      “Screw you, Shay.”

      “Up yours, Dakota.”

      Parker gave a mocking grin. “Go grow a set. Steel ones.”

      “Nothing wrong with mine. That’s what all the ladies say.”

      They were a team, males who shut her out. Sienna gave them a cool look. “All the ladies?” she asked politely. “Or just the ones you disguise yourself as?”

      The men turned and stared. A deep laugh rumbled from Lieutenant Parker’s throat.

      The rich sound was as enticing as warm chocolate on a cold night. Sienna guarded herself against it. This man was a Draicon wolf.

      Parker checked his laugh. “You mind changing back? Those ears are distracting, Mr. Spock.”

      Sienna fought the urge to glamour into a poodle. What was his problem? She assumed her human form and pointedly ignored him.

      “I don’t care what history you both share. Whatever it was, it ends now. I need both of you sharp, alert and working together as a team.” Curtis leaned forward. “This goes beyond any personal differences. Understood?”

      “Yes, sir,” Parker said as Sienna nodded. When everyone sat at the table, Curtis began.

      “We’re meeting here because ST21’s compound may be compromised….”

      “ST21?” she asked.

      “SEAL Team 21,” Curtis explained, snapping open his briefcase and pulling out a file. He handed a sheaf of papers to Parker, along with credit cards and a thick wad of cash. “Your cover to find the Orb is a couple traveling the country and looking for antiques. Miss McClare will be posing as your wife.”

      “Sister,” the lieutenant said roughly.

      “Fine. I’m placing you on official leave, Matt, to cover your absence. Can’t take chances.”

      Sienna held up a hand. “Can you please explain what’s going on?”

      Silence hung in the air. No one looked at her. She sensed no one wanted to tell her, or work with her. They were a team and she wasn’t one of them.

      Just as the Fae had, they were shutting her out.

      “I don’t like this. We don’t need to work with a Fae. I can find the Orb on my own.” Parker gave her a pointed look. “I don’t trust the Fae. It was a Fae bullet that—”

      He cut off his words, staring at the wall.

      Oh-kay. Wonderful. She’d made enemies just by flashing her ears. Sienna swept them all with a level look. “Are any of you, or anyone in ST21, an expert in Old Sidhe? Can you decipher Fae runes?”

      Not waiting for an answer, she continued. “Scribbled on the Orb are ancient Fae runes. The runes reveal the Orb’s magick and will only react to someone of Fae blood, or someone who’s absorbed a power burst from the Orb. Since no one’s touched the Orb in years, except for the Draicon who stole it, you’re stuck with me or another Fae of your choice. Unless you want to check out every crystal ball from here to California.”

      “No Draicon stole the Orb,” Parker said, glaring at her.

      Curtis’s expression became stony. “I agreed to have you on this assignment, Miss McClare, against my will. Lieutenant Parker’s identity has been exposed. His life is in danger. No one must know Matt is a Draicon. No paranorms, no humans, not even the POTUS.”

      At her confused expression, he added, “President of the United States. Is that clear, Miss McClare?”

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