The Reaper's Heart. Michele Hauf

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The Reaper's Heart - Michele  Hauf

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knew my father—or what he was, exactly—but I suspect it’s because of my paternal line that I was born…lacking.”

      “I don’t think you’re lacking in any way, Ananda.” The way he said her name on a hushed breath stirred the passion in Ananda’s breast. Oh, to be wrapped in his arms…

      She shook away the image. Naughty, pining heart!

      “As for magic,” she continued, “we’re like any other witch. I practice earth magic and rely on ley lines to forge my power.”

      “I sense ley lines are near.”

      “Two cross beneath my house. It is here where I am most powerful. If I must restore my magic or recover from injury, I simply bunker down in my home.”

      “Your magic is not so powerful as mine,” he said, and Ananda did not miss the challenge in his voice.

      Instead of arguing with him, she summoned a hefty load of energy in her fist and swung around, releasing it toward him. The blast of air magic slammed his shoulders and body against the door, and chuffed out his breath.

      * * *

      Vashon gathered up a hefty wallop in his hand and swung his arm back to deliver the payload toward the white witch. But before he could follow through and release the zap that would surely blow the witch off her feet, he paused.

      Had he noticed before how blue Ananda’s eyes were? And that pretty little dip at the center of her top lip. Too exquisite for a creature such as he to even ponder. And yet, he couldn’t stop wondering if that dip had been placed there by something divine. It was so sensual. He wanted to taste it, and maybe—

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