The Bloody Ground. Bernard Cornwell

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The Bloody Ground - Bernard Cornwell

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event. Swynyard’s maimed left hand beat against his sword scabbard in time to the closest band, then, almost unaware of it, he began to sing. “Dear mother,” the colonel sang softly, “burst the tyrant’s chain. Maryland! Virginia should not call in vain, Maryland!” His voice became louder as the emotion of the hour embraced him. “She meets her sister on the plain; Sic semper! ’tis the proud refrain that baffles minions back amain, Maryland, my Maryland.”

      A burst of clapping sounded from the nearest company of the Faulconer Legion and Swynyard, oblivious that he had raised his voice loud enough to be heard, blushed as he turned and acknowledged the ironic applause. There had been a time, and not long before either, when these men cursed the very sight of Griffin Swynyard, but they had been won over by Christ’s grace, or rather by the workings of that grace inside Swynyard, and now the colonel knew that the men liked him and for that blessing he could have wept this day, except that he was already weeping for sheer joy at this moment.

      For the Southern army of Robert Lee, which had fought again and again against the Northern invaders of its country, was crossing the Potomac.

      They were going north.

      The Confederacy was taking the war into the United States of America. For a year now the Yankees had marched on Southern soil, had stolen from Southern farms, and boasted of sacking the Southern capital, but now the invaded had become the invaders and a great dark line of men was crossing the ford beneath the battle flags of the South. “I hear the distant thunder-hum,” Swynyard sang and this time the Legion sang with him, their voices swelling beside the river in wondrous harmony. “Maryland! The old line’s bugle, fife and drum, Maryland! She is not dead, nor deaf, nor dumb; Huzzah! She spurns the northern scum! She breathes, she burns, she’ll come, she’ll come! Maryland, my Maryland!”

      “They’re in good voice, Swynyard, good voice!” The speaker was Colonel Ned Maitland, the Legion’s new commander, who spurred his horse to Swynyard’s side. Swynyard was on foot because his horse, the one luxury he possessed, was being rested. A man like Maitland might need three saddle horses and four pack-mules loaded with belongings to ensure his comfort on a campaign, but Swynyard had forsworn all such fripperies. He owned a horse because a brigade commander could not do his job without one, and he had inherited a tent and a servant from Thaddeus Bird, but the tent belonged to the army and the servant, a half-witted soldier called Hiram Ketley, would return to Bird’s service when Bird was recovered from the wound he had taken at Cedar Mountain.

      “What will you do, Maitland, when Bird comes back?” Swynyard asked, needling the self-satisfied Maitland, who rode to war with two tents, four slaves, a hip bath, and a canteen of silver cutlery with which to eat his scumbled vegetables.

      “I hear he won’t return,” Maitland said.

      “I hear he will. His wife wrote to Starbuck saying he was mending well, and when he does come back I’ll have to give him the Legion. He’s their proper commander.”

      Maitland waved the problem away. “There’ll be plenty of other vacancies, Swynyard.”

      “You think I might be killed, eh? You reckon you’ll be brigade commander? You look the part, Maitland, I’ll say that for you. What did that uniform cost?”

      “Plenty enough.” Maitland was a placid man who rarely rose to Swynyard’s baiting, perhaps because he knew that his connections in Richmond would ensure his smooth rise up the army’s senior ranks. The trick of that rise, Maitland reckoned, was to have just enough battle experience beneath his belt to make it plausible; just enough and no more. He took a pair of field glasses from a saddlebag and trained them on the distant Maryland shore while Swynyard watched a squadron of Stuart’s cavalrymen spur into the river. The troopers reached down with their hats to scoop up water that they flung at each other like children at play. The army was in a holiday mood.

      “I wish the Legion still had a band,” Swynyard said as the nearest musicians launched into “My Maryland” for the umpteenth time. “We did have one,” he said, “but it got lost. At least, the instruments did.”

      “A lot of things seem to get lost from the Legion,” Maitland said airily.

      “What on earth does that mean?” Swynyard asked, trying to disguise his irritation at Maitland’s condescension. Swynyard was not certain that Maitland intended to give the impression he did, but that impression was of a superior man who observed and disapproved of all he encountered.

      “Officers, mainly,” Maitland said. “Most of the officers seem to have come up from the ranks in the last few weeks.”

      “We were fighting,” Swynyard said, “which meant officers got killed. Didn’t you hear about it in Richmond?”

      “A rumor of it reached us,” Maitland said mildly, cleaning the lenses of his field glasses. “Even so, Swynyard, I reckon I need some better men.”

      “Fellows who know what knife and fork to use on their hardtack?” Swynyard guessed.

      Maitland let the sarcasm sail past him. “I mean more confident fellows. Confidence is a great morale booster. Like young Moxey. Pity he’s gone.” Captain Moxey had gone to Richmond to serve as Washington Faulconer’s aide.

      “Moxey was useless,” Swynyard said. “If I was going into battle, Maitland, I wouldn’t want weak reeds like young Moxey, but men like Waggoner and Truslow.”

      “But they’re hardly inspirational men,” Maitland observed tartly.

      “Victory’s the best inspiration,” Swynyard said, “and men like Truslow deliver it.”

      “Maybe,” Maitland allowed, “but I’d have liked to have held onto Moxey. Or that Tumlin fellow.”

      Swynyard had to think for a second to place Tumlin, then remembered the man from Louisiana who claimed to have been a prisoner in the North since the fall of New Orleans. “You wanted him?” he asked, surprised.

      “He seemed a decent fellow,” Maitland said. “Eager to serve.”

      “You think so?” Swynyard asked. “I thought he was a bit plump for a fellow who’d spent five months in a Yankee prison, but maybe our erstwhile brethren can afford to feed their captives well. And I have to say I thought young Tumlin was a bit glib.”

      “He had confidence, yes,” Maitland said. “I suppose you sent him back to Richmond?”

      “Winchester,” Swynyard said. Winchester, in the Shenandoah Valley, was the campaign’s supply base and all unattached men were now being sent there to be reappointed. “At least he won’t get wished onto poor Nate Starbuck,” Swynyard added.

      “Starbuck could count himself lucky if he had been,” Maitland said, raising the glasses again toward the far riverbank. That bank was heavily wooded, but beyond the trees Maitland could see enemy farmland basking in the strong sunlight.

      “If Starbuck’s lucky,” Swynyard said, “he’ll be back with this brigade. I requested that his battalion be given to us if it’s ordered to the army. No one else will want them, that’s for sure.”

      Maitland shuddered at the thought of seeing the Yellowlegs again. His appointment to its command had been the nadir of his career and only the most energetic string-pulling had rescued him. “I doubt we’ll see them,” he said, unable to hide his relief. “They aren’t ready to march and won’t be ready for months.” Not ever, he reflected, if Colonel

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