The Illegitimate Heirs: Luke, Zach and Jake: Bossman Billionaire. Kathie DeNosky

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The Illegitimate Heirs: Luke, Zach and Jake: Bossman Billionaire - Kathie DeNosky

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I get started, the better.”

      Luke could tell from the look in her turquoise eyes that Haley thought he’d lost his mind. And truth to tell, he wasn’t entirely sure he hadn’t done that very thing.

      But after seeing Emerald Larson’s desperation to find family members to take over her vast holdings, he’d realized that building a corporate empire meant nothing without someone to carry on the legacy. That’s why he had thought about who would take over his company and what they would do with it when the time came for him to retire.

      It had taken a couple of sleepless nights, but to be certain Garnier Construction continued to grow and prosper long after he was gone, he concluded he would have to spend years grooming his own replacement. And who would have more of a vested interest in learning all that he knew than his own son?

      That’s when he’d decided to have a child. Luke could start by taking him to the job sites as a toddler, then by the time the boy understood how to avoid the pitfalls of the business and how to encourage Garnier’s growth, he’d already be familiar with the way the operation worked.

      “Are you really serious about hiring someone to have your baby?” she asked, finally finding her voice.


      He wasn’t at all surprised by Haley’s astonishment. He’d had much the same disbelieving reaction himself when the idea first took shape. But the more he’d thought about it, the more it made sense to hire a surrogate from a reputable agency in order to produce his heir. The last thing he wanted or needed was the hassle of finding someone, then the trouble of convincing the woman to have his child without the slightest possibility of a future together. It would be much easier to choose a woman who had already decided to serve as a surrogate.

      “If you think about it, it’s actually the smart thing to do.”

      She raised one light brown eyebrow. “Maybe it makes sense to you. But I seem to be missing your rationale on this.”

      Why he felt compelled to explain himself to her was something of a mystery. He never explained his reasoning or actions to anyone, for anything. But he suddenly felt it was very important that Haley understand.

      “I need an heir. I don’t have a wife, nor do I want one. That’s why surrogacy is the obvious answer. I get what I want without any further obligation to the boy’s mother. Once the heir is born, she goes her way and I take the child and go mine.”

      “And you’re definitely going through with this?” she asked, looking more doubtful with each passing second.

      “Yes.” He leaned back in his desk chair. “I want you to research the state laws and compile a list of reputable agencies specializing in surrogacy. I’ll expect it on my desk by noon.”

      “Is there anything else you need?” she inquired, rising to leave.

      “No. That will be all for now.”

      As he watched her close the door to his office, Luke could tell that she strongly disapproved of his decision. But he knew her well enough that she wouldn’t voice her objections. And that was one of the many reasons Haley Rollins made the perfect executive assistant. She was amazingly efficient, had business instincts that rivaled his own and knew when to voice her opinions and when to keep them to herself.

      An hour later, Haley breathed a tiny sigh of relief as she closed the Internet browser on her computer. It appeared that Luke would have to forego his plan of producing an heir through a surrogate. From everything she found on the subject, the state of Tennessee had taken a clear stand and only allowed married couples to enter into surrogacy agreements.

      Nibbling on her lower lip, she glanced at his closed office door. It wasn’t that she didn’t think Luke should have a child of his own. She did. But only for the right reasons. And she certainly didn’t consider having a baby simply because he needed someone to run Garnier Construction eventually to be one of them.

      Unfortunately, her boss wasn’t the type to give up that easily. He’d made up his mind, set his course of action and that was that. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that he would somehow find a way to get what he wanted. He always did.

      Her chest tightened at the thought. She’d been giving babies a lot of thought herself after receiving a birth announcement from a friend and would give almost anything to have a baby. Considering her feelings for Luke, she’d like nothing more than for him to be her baby’s daddy. But aside from the fact that he’d never looked at her as anything more than his extremely competent executive assistant, she wanted all the things he wanted to avoid. She wanted love, marriage and the close family life she’d never had.

      She slowly pushed away from her desk and walked over to tap on his office door. There was no sense in thinking about any of that now. His plan had run into a huge obstacle and was effectively stalled, at least for the time being.

      “Luke?” He was on the phone and motioned for her to enter, so she seated herself in front of his desk as she waited for him to end the conversation.

      “I’ll be there on Saturday. Set up a special meeting for me with the office staff, then I want to visit the job sites to meet the construction crews. In the meantime, reassure them that I have no plans to make any major changes. Their jobs are just as secure now as they were when Emerald, Inc. owned Laurel Enterprises.”

      Hanging up the phone, he turned his attention her way. “I take it that you’ve already compiled the list of surrogacy agencies?”

      “I didn’t get that far,” she stated, shaking her head. “It appears that your plan has run into a bit of a snag.”

      “And that would be?” he prompted.

      “State law allows only married couples to hire surrogates.”

      She could tell when he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand that he wasn’t at all happy with the news. “Are there any exceptions?”

      “If there are, I couldn’t find them.” Shrugging, she added, “There are a few states where the law is more liberal on surrogacy, but this isn’t one of them. How-ever, it doesn’t appear to be illegal to enter into a verbal agreement with a woman as long as there’s no compensation other than medical expenses and she willingly signs over her rights to the child.”

      “Did you consult with my attorney?” he asked, a deep frown creasing his forehead.

      She shook her head. “Mr. Clayton is out of town for the next week and I hesitated calling anyone else due to the discretion needed for a matter this sensitive. Besides, from everything I could find on the issue, the state law is quite consistent—married couples only.”

      Luke nodded slowly but remained silent, mentally reviewing what new course of action to take. “In other words, I need to find a woman with the traits I want and one who would also sign over her custodial rights immediately after giving birth.” He looked thoughtful for several long moments. “That would be taking a huge risk without the protection of a binding contract.”

      Haley should have known he’d immediately start thinking of other options to obtain his goal. That was the way Luke worked. When he ran into a roadblock, he found the best way around it.

      But the thought of another woman bearing his child caused a tight knot to form in the pit of her stomach and she suddenly felt the need to escape

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