The Cowboy Wants a Baby. Jo Leigh

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The Cowboy Wants a Baby - Jo Leigh

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“It’s my turn,” Dylan said, taking the second of the purple-and-white packages. He, unlike Lily, took his time opening the gift. First the ribbon, then each piece of tape. It was maddening. Finally, though, he hit a box. He opened it and grinned as he pulled out a mahogany door plaque that read Finders Keepers in beautiful gold script.

       “For the new office,” Ashley said.

       “It’s a knockout, Ash.” Dylan passed the plaque to Lily, then kissed his little sister on the cheek. “You did good.”

       “Was there any doubt?”

       Lily didn’t respond. She was too busy admiring the beautiful workmanship on the plaque. The investigative agency was as real as the wood in her hands. Their intervention had brought three couples together and reunited two mothers and their children—everything Dylan and she had talked about when they’d decided to carry on the Trueblood legacy.

       She couldn’t wait until the offices were finished. Maybe she’d even open a bottle of champagne when they put this plaque on the door.

       Max cleared his throat, getting her attention. He nodded at the other presents on the table. She plucked a pink bag from the pile and read the card first. It was from her father, and the message was as sweet and corny as he was. Inside she found a jewelry box.

       She could sense, even before opening the lid, that she needed to sit down for this one. She settled on the couch, forcing Ashley to squeeze against the arm. When she opened the box, her heart stopped. She recognized the necklace instantly. It had been her mother’s.

       “We thought you ought to have that when you turned thirty.” William squeezed her hand. “She’d be so proud of you.”

       Lily lifted the elegant teardrop diamond on the slim gold chain. She’d seen her mother wear this on the most special of occasions. It had been her pride and joy. “Help me?” she asked, turning her back to her father and lifting her hair. His fingers trembled slightly as he struggled with the catch, but she didn’t mind the wait. It gave her time to settle her own emotions. She still missed her mother so much.

       “There you go, darlin’.”

       She let her hair loose and rose to look in the hallway mirror. The diamond hung beautifully on her neck, just below the hollow. It was stunning, but the importance wasn’t in the perfect three-carat stone. It was in the memories. And in the future. She’d give her daughter the necklace, and with it, all the stories of Lily’s mother, and her mother before her… . All the proud heritage of the Truebloods, who’d risen from the ashes of the worst epidemic the world had ever known, only to plunge into the work of reuniting families, finding lost loved ones, creating hope from despair.

       “Come back, Lily. Dylan’s opening the next one!”

       She left the mirror, but not before she said a silent thanks to her mother.

       Dylan had nearly finished his painstaking unwrapping by the time she sat back down on the couch. He got a jewelry box, too. Her father’s watch. The one William had been given by the Ranchers’ Association. The one he’d worn each time their mother had donned the necklace.

       “Dad, I—”

       “It’s your time, son. I’m just glad I’m here to see you wear it.”

       Dylan didn’t speak. He took off his own battered watch and put on the heavy silver timepiece. It looked right on his arm. As if it had always been there.

       “There’s only two more,” Ashley said impatiently. “So, would you guys please open them together? And, Dylan, I swear to God, if you don’t rip the paper like a normal human being, I’ll whack you with my racket.”

       “You try, little sister, and you won’t sit down for a week.”

       “Why? You’d take away the chairs?”

       “Very amusing.” Dylan stood tall, reaching his full six-feet-one-inch and folding his muscular arms across his chest. “Amusing, and yet highly annoying.”

       “Just open the damn present.”

       “Ashley, language.”

       “Sorry, Dad.”

       Lily interceded by grabbing the next gift. Inside the bag was the most beautiful journal. It had her name inscribed on the outside, and inside was page after crisp white page, just ready for her favorite purple pen and her most private thoughts. “Max.”

       He nodded. “I remember you saying you were reaching the end of your last one.”

       “Handsome and smart. What a combination.”

       He blushed, which had been her intention, and she stood to give him a thank-you kiss on the cheek. But as she turned, her attention was diverted. Sebastian Cooper stood in the doorway, his face ashen and his eyes dark and terrible. She hadn’t seen him much since his wife had disappeared. He looked like he’d been chewed up and spit out.

       She got Dylan’s attention and motioned toward the door. She heard a small gasp as he turned to see his best friend. Which meant Sebastian’s condition had worsened very recently.

       Dylan rushed around the couch and reached Sebastian’s side at the same time Lily did.

       “What is it?” Dylan’s hands formed fists, something he’d done his whole life when he was terribly scared.

       “I’m sorry. I should have called.”

       “What’s wrong? Is it Julie?”

       Sebastian shook his head. “It’s not that. Or maybe it is, I don’t know. All I’m sure of is the San Antonio cops couldn’t find the River Walk without a guide. It’s been seven months—”

       Lily winced at his obvious pain. It must be torture. Julie had vanished early in January, the apparent victim of a car-jacking. So far the police had no leads, and Dylan had only been able to do so much investigating without tipping his hand. He hadn’t wanted to push his services on Sebastian, but it had been impossible for him to sit by and do nothing. Julie and Sebastian meant too much to him.

       When Lily had asked Dylan why he didn’t just insist on heading the case, he’d talked to her about friendship and loyalty and male pride. She hadn’t completely understood, but he remained adamant that before he could pull out all the stops, Sebastian needed to ask for his help.

       It appeared he just had.

      DYLAN GOT OUT the Johnnie Walker Black and poured Sebastian two fingers. The family had dispersed until dinner, so Dylan joined his friend at the kitchen table, handing him the glass. “Tell me what you know.” Dylan probably knew as much as Sebastian did about the case, but he had the feeling his friend needed to talk about it.

       Sebastian’s hand shook as he held the amber liquid. “The only evidence they found was some blood on the back seat of the car. Julie’s blood.”

       Dylan made sure he didn’t react at all to the bald words. At least not outwardly. Sebastian needed him to be strong now. But it was damn hard.

       Julie and Sebastian meant more to him than anyone outside his family. Hell, he’d grown up with Sebastian, the two of them riding the

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