Her Irresistible Protector. Michelle Douglas

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Her Irresistible Protector - Michelle Douglas

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not the impression I got.’

      She knew she’d been churlish, but... She tossed her head. Given their history, the least he deserved was churlish. He sure as heck couldn’t imagine she’d be doing cartwheels about any of this.

      She backed up a step. ‘I’m going to go for that swim.’ She didn’t wait for him to answer, but shot straight out of the door and down the track that led to the beach.

      The headlands on either side pushed straight out to sea, the weathered rocks grey and smooth. In a storm or high seas it would probably be dangerous to swim here, but on a clear easy day like today curling waves rolled up to shore, set after perfect set. It was the ideal surf for body boarding. Not that she had a body board. She’d have to content herself with body surfing instead.

      She dropped her towel to the fine white-gold sand and, refusing to turn around and glance back behind her, set straight off for the water.

      She paddled for a couple of moments, the shock of cold water tightening her skin. Lifting her face to the sun, she relished the contrast between the cold and the heat.

      And then she surveyed the surf. She’d never swum at a deserted beach before. Even though she was a strong swimmer she preferred the safety of a patrolled beach. Today, though, knowing Mitch would undoubtedly be watching from some hidey-hole, she moved forwards into the water, greeting the waves and finally diving beneath one. She caught a couple of waves and in less than five minutes she gave herself up to the joy of being in the water.

      And every time thoughts of Mitch or Rick and the threat to her wellbeing intruded, she pushed them right back out again.

      She practised handstands until waves knocked her over. She caught waves until she was worn out. She floated, relishing the sense of weightlessness and the cool water enveloping her.


      The shout came from the shoreline. She started and gulped a mouthful of water, remembering in a rush that someone wished her ill. She turned to find Mitch waving her in.


      Could this whole nightmare be over already?

      With a queer twist in her abdomen, she headed for the shore. She took the towel he handed her. ‘What’s up?’

      ‘You’ve been out there for an hour and a half. Don’t you think it’s time for a break?’

      An hour and a half? She blotted moisture from her skin and tried to appear unfazed and unflustered.

      She had nothing to be flustered about.

      Except for the way Mitch’s eyes kept flicking to her legs...and her hips.

      He jerked away. ‘And beyond time to top up the sunscreen.’

      She squeezed water from her hair, towelled off as best she could and then pulled her dress back over her head. She did her absolute best to ignore him, but it wasn’t easy when he paced a few short metres away, back and forth, back and forth, on those strong tanned legs of his.

      She tore her gaze away to slap a sunhat to her head and spread her towel out. She collapsed on it and then pulled a tube of sunscreen from her bag. She reapplied it to her face, and then her arms and legs. She finally donned a pair of sunglasses.

      He didn’t say a word.

      His silence irked her. ‘Any news?’

      He stopped pacing and shook his head. ‘No news.’ His face softened slightly. ‘But I thought you might be hungry so I made lunch. Only sandwiches and fruit.’

      She didn’t want his face to soften when he looked at her! She didn’t want her belly softening when she looked at him! She didn’t want him looking out for her, bossing her around or telling her what to do!

      ‘I don’t need you doing things for me or telling me what to do. I’m capable of deciding when I need to put on sunscreen and I can make my own lunch!’ The words rocked out of her with too much force.

      He stiffened and his eyes flashed. ‘I think you meant to say, “Thank you, Mitch, for going to the trouble”.’

      Ha! ‘You, at least, are being paid to be here, being paid to make lunch, being paid to keep an eagle eye on me, while I’m supposed to just submit and say “Thank you, Mitch”?’ She let fly with a loose laugh. ‘As if that’s going to happen.’

      He threw the picnic basket to the sand. ‘You want to quibble about money when your life is in danger?’

      She hated the way her pulse leapt at his wide-legged stance and flashing eyes.

      He wheeled away. ‘If you think I’m going to keep taking this crap from you, Tash, you’re sorely mistaken.’

      He wheeled back and she leapt to her feet. ‘What are you going to do about it,’ she shot at him, slamming her hands to her hips. ‘Throw me in a police cell?’

      ‘The NSW Police Force is doing everything it can to keep you safe! Would it seriously hurt you to show some gratitude?’

      ‘If it were any other officer here then there’d be no problem on that head. Get another officer down here today and I’ll show all the gratitude you want!’

      His face twisted and his voice rose. ‘It’s school holidays. Summer. There isn’t another damn person available unless I call Peters in from her holiday with her kids. Is that what you want?’

      She almost said yes, but in all conscience couldn’t.

      He slashed a hand through the air. ‘Rick has timed this perfectly!’

      It was as if he’d hurtled her back eight years—back to the confusion, the pain and the rage. The helplessness. The realisation of what she’d done. The realisation of what he’d done. ‘Rick is innocent you block-headed idiot!’ she screamed as loud as she could.

      His eyes blazed like blue fire. ‘You’re the idiot—the blind idiot—where Rick is concerned.’

      Every muscle bunched and tensed until she shook with it, frustration a murderous black bile in her blood. She not only knew how to disable, but how to make a person scream with pain while she did it. And she wanted to make Mitch howl. Her hands clenched and her temples pounded with such force she thought her head would explode.

      She clenched a fist...raised it...

      And then her father’s image rose up in her mind and she went cold all over. She took a step back, her hand falling to her side, her chest rising and falling and burning. ‘I have never loathed anyone in all my life with the intensity I hate you, Officer Mitchell King.’

      He paled.

      ‘I do not want to be here with you.’ She’d almost struck him! ‘What are my other options?’

      ‘There’s a safe house in Hornsby. You’d need to remain inside at all times, hidden.’ He swung away, raked a hand back through his hair. ‘I remembered how active you were—how much you hated being cooped up—and figured you’d prefer being out here.’


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