From Best Friend To Daddy. Jules Bennett

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From Best Friend To Daddy - Jules Bennett

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was just as turned on as he was if the way she’d rubbed herself against him proved anything.

      Gray slid his hands over the curve of her hips, to the dip in her waist, and back down. “Tell me to stop and I will.”

      He leaned in, trailing his lips over her collarbone, breathing in that jasmine scent that belonged only on her.

      “Tell me, Kate,” he whispered, smiling when she trembled beneath his touch. “I have to hear the words.”

      He was torturing himself. If she told him to stop right now he would. But damn it, being pulled away after having a sample would be hell.

      Slowly her hands slid up around his neck, and her fingers threaded through his hair. “Gray,” she murmured.

      Music to his ears. He’d always wondered how his name would sound sliding through her lips on a whispered sigh. Now he knew...and he wanted more.

      Gray hovered with his mouth right over hers, his hands circling her waist. “You want me.”

      She nodded.

      “Say it.”

      “I want you,” she murmured. “But I need you as a friend. Please. Tell me we won’t lose that.”

      He didn’t want to lose anything. He wanted to build on what they had. They couldn’t ignore this pull between them, so taking this risk to see where things went was the only option.

      When he said nothing, she eased back as much as she could with the bar at her back. “Gray, this night is all we can have. We’ll still be friends come morning.”

      One night? Did she think she’d be done with him that soon?

      “And nobody can know,” she added. “I don’t want Lucy or Tara to know.”

      Her girl posse. He understood the need for privacy, but at the same time, he didn’t want to be her dirty little secret and he sure as hell wanted more than one night.

      He was a guy. Wasn’t he supposed to be thrilled at the idea of a one-night stand with no strings? He should’ve had her dress off by now.

      But this was Kate and she was special. Always had been.

      “I wondered.”

      Her words stopped every single thought. “What?”

      Bright blue eyes came up to his. “About this. I wondered before.”

      “Kate,” he growled.

      “I mean it, Gray. Just this night and it stays here, between us.”

      There was so much he wanted to say, so much he wanted to fight for because Kate was worth fighting for. He’d worry about the semantics tomorrow. He’d come too far and had a willing woman in his arms right now. There was only one thing to do.

      Gray lifted her up onto the bar and kissed her.

       Chapter Three

      Kate didn’t want to think about why this could potentially be a disastrous idea. How could she form a coherent thought when her best friend had his mouth and hands all over her? She’d never felt this good in her life and her clothes were still on.

      Was it the champagne? Surely not. She’d only had two small glasses.

      No, it couldn’t be the alcohol. Gray was more potent than any drink he could give her. Why was she just discovering this fact?

      Kate’s head spun as she continued to clutch his shirt. She didn’t want to analyze this moment or her emotions. She only wanted to feel.

      Part of her wanted to rip off his clothes, but she’d never been that brazen a woman. The few lovers she’d had were all calm, tame...and she’d never tingled like this for any of them.

      She’d never ached with desire for her best friend, either, but here they were. A new wave of emotions swept her up, giving her no choice but to go along for the ride and enjoy every glorious moment.

      Gray’s firm hands rested on her knees as he spread them wide and stepped into the open space. He continued kissing her as his fingertips slid beneath her short skirt. Every single nerve ending inside her sizzled. When was the last time she’d sizzled?

      Oh, right. Never. How did he know exactly what to do and how was she just realizing that her bestie had skills?

      Kate tipped her head back as Gray’s lips traveled over her chin and down the column of her throat. She circled his waist with her legs, toeing off her heels. The double thumps of her shoes hitting the hardwood floor sliced through the moment. Gray eased back and pinned her with his dark gaze. She’d never seen that look on his face before—pure hunger, passion, desire. All directed toward her.

      Kate looked in his eyes and the need that stared back had her figuring maybe this wasn’t a bad idea at all. No one had ever looked at her with such a need before. Something churned within her, not just arousal, but some emotion she wasn’t ready to identify that coupled right along beside it, making her feel more alive and needed than ever.

      Keeping his eyes locked on hers, Gray flipped her skirt up and jerked her by the waist toward the edge of the bar. Kate was completely captivated by the man before her. This passionate, sexual side of Gray had her reaching for the buckle on his belt, more than ready to hurry this process along. He quickly shoved her hands aside and reached for his wallet.

      The second he procured a foil packet everything clicked in her mind. This was real. All of this was actually happening. She was about to have sex with her best friend...and she’d never been more thrilled, more excited in her life.

      Shouldn’t she be freaking out? Where had all of this come from? Clearly the desire had built up over time.

      But she didn’t. Kate waited, anticipation coiling through her. She’d address those questions later. Right now, she had a need, an ache, and judging by Gray’s urgency, he did, too.

      He tossed the packet next to her hip on the bar and unfastened his pants. Then, in a move that both shocked and aroused her, he reached beneath her dress, gripped the strip of satin that lay against her hip, and gave a jerk until the rip resounded through the quiet bar. So much for that pair of panties. They were a worthy sacrifice to the cause.

      Kate didn’t even get to enjoy the view before Gray sheathed himself and stepped toward her. With his hands firmly circling her waist, he nudged her forward once again, until he slowly joined their bodies.

      On a groan, Kate took a moment to allow her body time to adjust, but Gray clearly was in a hurry. He framed her face with his strong hands, tipped her head and covered her mouth as his hips jerked forward once again.

      There was not much she could do but lock her ankles behind his back and match the perfect rhythm he set with their bodies.

      “Kate,” he muttered against her mouth.

      She didn’t want words. She had no clue

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