The Mighty Quinns: Tristan. Kate Hoffmann

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The Mighty Quinns: Tristan - Kate  Hoffmann

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What was it about him?

      Was it the nearly black hair that looked as though he had just gotten out of bed? His face was a perfect balance of features, so composed that a search for any flaw was impossible. Or was it his voice? Deep and warm and so sexy that it made her heart beat just a tiny bit faster with every word that he spoke.

      Violet held out her hand, arching her wrist and waiting for the customary kiss rather than a polite shake. Lily was surprised that he took the cue and touched his lips to a spot just above her fingers.

      “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Violet.”

      Violet introduced her sisters and Quinn kissed their outstretched hands, as well.

      “Quinn James, at your service,” he said. He sat down next to Lily, his thigh brushing against hers. Warmth seeped into her bare leg and she found her attention fixed on the spot, her pulse pounding in her head.

      “Where are you from, Mr. James?” Violet asked.

      “Call me Quinn,” he said. “The Twin Cities. I was born in St. Paul. I’ve lived there all my life.”

      “And how long have you been writing?” Rose asked.

      “Five years, on and off. I’ve only just decided that it’s something I really want to pursue.”

      “Lily tells us you’d like to stay with us for a while,” Rose said.

      “I’m not sure that we have an opening,” Lily interrupted. “You may have to share a cabin. And we rarely take unpublished writers. Unless, of course, we have a chance to read their work first.”

      “Now, darling, I’m sure we can find him a suitable place to stay. After all, he has important work to do.” Violet fixed her gaze on him.

      “There is the other side of Finch’s cabin,” Rose suggested. “And I’m sure Finch would enjoy the company.” Rose turned to smile at Quinn. “What say you, Mr. James? We’d be happy to have you stay.”

      “I don’t mind sharing,” he said.

      * * *

      “WELL DONE,” VIOLET SAID. “Now that everything is settled, would you care for a cup of tea, Mr. James?”

      Tristan was trying not to fist-pump. “Actually, I’d rather head back to the city right away,” Tristan said. “I need to pack a few things.”

      “You didn’t bring your things along?” Violet asked.

      “I suppose I wasn’t sure that you’d let me stay.” He stood and gave them a smart bow. “But now that I am, I’m anxious to move in and get started. Ladies, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

      “Do be sure to arrive by seven tomorrow night,” Rose said. “Billy Farnsworth-Chadwick will be doing some scenes from Othello in our little theater, and he’s asked Violet to dust off her Desdemona. She hasn’t done that role since she was a stand-in opposite Olivier in London.”

      “I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Quinn said.

      Lily walked out the front door and held it open for him before they both went down the front steps. “I probably should’ve warned you about the aunts,” she said.

      “No,” he said. “They’re wonderful. Did she actually play opposite Laurence Olivier on the stage?”

      “You can never be sure with the aunts,” Lily said. “Sometimes their stories are true. And sometimes they’re just wishful memories. I usually don’t try to differentiate between the two. As long as they’re happy, so am I.”

      When they reached the car, Tristan took her hand and pressed his lips against her wrist. A shiver skittered down her spine as the aftereffects of the simple kiss seeped through her bloodstream.

      It had been a long time since a man had placed his lips on her body. And he hadn’t been able to hide the fact that he was attracted to her. Surely there was some way she could make that work to her advantage.

      For now she’d simply keep her eye on him. She’d find out the real reason for his appearance here and if he was working for the family, she’d send him packing.

      “I suppose I’ll see you tomorrow, then,” said Lily.

      “Is there anything you’d like me to bring you from the city?” Quinn asked.

      “Not that I can think of,” Lily said. “Just bring me something interesting to read. Your novel would be nice.”

      He chuckled softly before slipping behind the wheel and starting the car.

      “Goodbye, Lily,” he said.

      “Goodbye, Quinn.” Lily stepped back from the car and watched as he drove off, a small cloud of dust trailing after him.

      She would have to keep a clear head if she was going to figure out his motives. He was quite a charmer, and she’d have to keep her wits about her. If he wasn’t who he claimed to be, she’d find a way to expose him.

      Expose him... Lily smiled to herself. It wasn’t often that someone young and attractive wandered into camp, but Lily usually took advantage when it happened. A summer romance was always good for the creative juices. In the past, she’d done her best work while indulging in a little affair.

      She shook her head. She had to remember that Quinn wasn’t all he appeared to be. For now and the near future, she would keep Quinn at a safe distance.

      She shivered, then rubbed her arms against the goose bumps that prickled her skin. It was at that moment she realized she wasn’t wearing underwear beneath the loose cotton shift she wore.

      Lily groaned, then turned and headed back to her cabin. She was used to running around in anything that she tossed on. With a dangerously attractive man nearby, she might actually have to put some thought into being more conservative with her wardrobe.

      * * *

      “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, our firm has been working on this case for over three years and we have very little to show for it. The three sisters are still living happily on the property with no plans to vacate. I propose to get close to them, to live with them at the colony and find out what they really want. The big question I will answer is, what settlement would make them happy?”

      Tristan scanned the conference room, searching for support for his unconventional idea. The law firm of Forster and Dunlap was not the kind of establishment that encouraged unconventional ideas. In fact, from the start, Tristan had felt like the odd man out among so many straightlaced and buttoned-up lawyers. But the firm had offered a start to a guy who was high on charisma and a little low on his law school GPA.

      Getting through law school had been much tougher than Tristan had ever imagined. But then life had never been easy for him—or his two brothers. From a young age, they’d been forced to fend for themselves, first because their parents hadn’t cared, then because their parents had abandoned them and then because they’d been in the foster care system.

      He and Thom and Jamie had survived, but just how, he’d never been able to explain. Maybe it was the strength they’d found in

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