Fortunes' Women: Mistress of Fortune. Kathie DeNosky

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Fortunes' Women: Mistress of Fortune - Kathie DeNosky

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had boarded a real riverboat.

      “Are all the rooms decorated like this?” she asked, letting curiosity get the better of her.

      “No. Only the suites.” He opened the door to the bedroom. “Standard accommodations are pretty much like any other hotel room.”

      When she walked into the bedroom, her breath caught at the sight of the huge poster bed with a lace canopy and matching crocheted bedspread. “This is absolutely gorgeous, Blake.”

      A half smile curved the corners of his mouth and she could tell her comment pleased him. “When I bought the Belle some people thought I was crazy to insist the decorator use real antiques for the high–end suites. But it’s been a big hit with those looking for the old West experience.”

      “I can understand why your guests like it,” she said, spying her small suitcase. Walking over to it, she picked it up and started back across the room toward the door. “It goes along with the casino’s riverboat theme and is quite charming.”

      His expression turned to a deep frown as he pointed to her overnight bag. “Is something wrong? Would you rather have a different suite?”

      “No, this is very nice,” she said, shaking her head. “But I think … That is, I …”

      Her voice trailed off as she tried to think of something to say that wouldn’t reveal the real reason behind her early departure. There was no way she was going to admit that the chemistry between them was about to send her into sensual shock. Opting for silence, she simply continued to stare at him.

      A confident expression slowly replaced his dark scowl. “I make you nervous, don’t I, Sasha?”

      “D-don’t be ridiculous,” she stammered, wondering what had happened to the articulate, intelligent woman she’d always prided herself in being.

      As he moved closer, she had to force herself not to take a step back. It would have only proven his theory right and that was something she was determined not to do.

      “You want to know what I think, honey?” he asked, moving even closer.

      “Not really.” She did take a step back when he continued to slowly, deliberately close the distance between them.

      “I think you’re feeling it, the same as I am.” He smiled knowingly. “And I think you want to run from it, from me.”

      “I don’t have a clue what you’re referring to, Blake.”

      His confident grin sent a knot to the pit of her stomach. “Liar.”

      She set her case down and took a step back, then another. “I don’t know what you think I’m supposed to be feeling, but—”

      “Don’t play dumb, Sasha. It doesn’t become you.” He shook his head. “We both know you’re a hell of a lot smarter than that.”

      “All right, I’ll give you that much.” She felt her knees come into contact with the edge of the bed. Great. Her retreat had been stopped and he was still advancing. “But you have one thing wrong.”

      “What would that be?”

      “I never run from anything.”

      At least, that was normally the case. But in this instance she wasn’t certain that standing her ground would be all that smart. Especially when Creed’s warning kept echoing in her ears—Blake wasn’t one to be trusted.

      “Really? You aren’t nervous about the way I make you feel?”

      Unable to make her vocal cords work, she shook her head.

      He came to stand in front of her and as close as he was, if she drew in a breath—which wasn’t possible at that moment—her breasts would brush the front of his sports jacket. “If that’s true, Sasha, then why do you want to go back to Sioux Falls this evening? Why not stay and enjoy your weekend here?” His voice dropped when he added, “With me.”

      She swallowed hard as she tried to think of something to say that wouldn’t refute her adamant denial. “I didn’t say I was going back tonight.”

      “Then why did you pick up your suitcase and head for the door?” Before she could come up with a plausible excuse, he reached up to lightly chafe her lower lip with the pad of his thumb. “You aren’t wanting to get back to see someone, are you?”

      His light touch sent a tingling awareness skipping over every nerve in her body and she had to concentrate hard on what he’d just said. “N-no … I mean yes. That’s it. There’s someone I’d like to see.”

      His deep chuckle let her know he wasn’t buying her excuse for a minute, but to her relief, he stepped away from her. “Did anyone ever tell you that you can’t lie worth a damn, sweetheart?”

      Drawing in some much needed air, she trembled all over as anger streaked through her. “If you’ll remember, I’m here at your request for help with your promotion. Nothing more.”

      As they stared at each other like two prize fighters sizing up their opponent, the phone on the bedside table rang several times before she finally reached over to answer it. She had no idea who the caller could be, but whomever it was, she definitely owed them a debt of gratitude.


      “Sasha, are you all right?” Creed’s deep voice was a welcome sound.

      “Hi, Creed. I’m fine. Why do you ask?” At the mention of his brother’s name, she watched Blake’s easy smile disappear and his eyes narrow dangerously.

      “You sounded a little shook up when you answered the phone.” She heard him release a frustrated breath. “You know I don’t trust that son of a bitch. I guess I was reading something more into the tone of your voice than was there.”

      “I suppose so,” she said, careful to keep her voice as noncommittal as possible. From the dark frown on Blake’s handsome face, he wasn’t happy to hear that his brother was on the other end of the line, nor did he intend to leave the room until she’d ended the phone call. “Was there something you needed, Creed?”

      “Not really.” From the slight hesitancy in his voice, she could imagine his sheepish grin. “I was a little worried about you and I wanted to make sure you’re being treated well.”

      “I am.”

      “Good,” he said, sounding a little more at ease. “Just remember, if you have any problems all you have to do is give me a call. I’ll be more than happy to fly down to Deadwood and give that jerk an attitude adjustment.”

      “Thank you, that means a lot, Creed.” She couldn’t help but smile at her friend’s concern. “I’ll see you Monday morning.”

      When she hung up the phone, Blake’s expression was congenial enough, but there was a spark of anger in the depths of his blue gaze that sent a chill coursing through her. “Your boyfriend checking up on you?”

      “Creed and I are good friends, but that’s as far as it goes,” she said, wondering why she felt the need to explain her relationship with his brother.


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