From Friend To Fake Fiancé. Jules Bennett

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From Friend To Fake Fiancé - Jules Bennett

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her mother to turn to the bottle. Those years were pure hell, but with love and the unshakeable bond between a mother and her daughters, Jenna and Amy were able to turn their mother around.

      Mac shoved his cell into his pocket and headed back her way.

      “You okay?” she asked, bundling up the flower assortment she needed to take back to the bungalow.

      “Just work.” He caught a cluster of tissue-wrapped greenery that had started to slide off the table. “We hired a new manager at the main office in Boston. I just needed to get her into Miami to handle some issues concerning the upcoming auction.”

      Guilt slid through her. “If you need to go, it’s fine, really.”

      Mac reached for her hand and squeezed. “I’m not going anywhere. This is nothing I can’t fix with a couple of phone calls. Now, tell me where to take these so you can feed me that promised lunch.”

      Rolling her eyes, Jenna came to her feet and pointed to a pile of flowers. “Be careful with those or you’ll get yogurt and fruit again.”

      He picked up the bundle and laughed. “Not many things scare me, but I know if I lose one petal you’ll torture me.”

      Jenna carried her own stack and headed out. She informed the staff that they could put the rest away and she’d be back tomorrow to get more. With the flowers in hand, Jenna led Mac back toward their bungalow. The sun was already bright and it was still early. This would be a perfect day to lounge on her deck, fiddle with arrangements and continue working on her tan. Though she knew she wouldn’t be more beautiful than the bride, Jenna wanted to be at her best when she had to walk next to her cheating jerk ex.

      As soon as she saw a familiar figure heading her way, Jenna froze. It was as though she’d conjured up the devil himself. She knew the moment was coming, but she was hoping her ex would avoid her for the sake of saving face. Apparently his ego had gotten the best of him.

      “Martin’s here,” she muttered, clutching the stems of her bundles even tighter. “Let’s turn around.”

      “Like hell.”

      Before she knew what was happening, Mac shifted his stash of flowers in the crook of one arm and wrapped his other arm around her. In the same instant, his lips crushed hers, forcing her to hold on to him with her free hand and enjoy the ride. Mac’s mouth demanded more and she was all too willing to give it. This kiss, if something so powerful could have such a simple term, didn’t feel like an act at all. This felt more like a stepping stone to something more private and intimate. And it certainly wasn’t like the one from the other day. This kiss held...promise.

      Jenna’s entire body heated. Tingling started low in her belly and she had aches in places she’d never ached before. Mac’s hold on her tightened and Jenna couldn’t prevent the moan that slipped from her lips.

      Martin cleared his throat and Mac pulled away. His lopsided grin and a naughty gleam in his eye told Jenna he was enjoying this. Just another reason she couldn’t let her heart tumble into this charade. Mac was a professional player. This game was well within his comfort zone. That made one of them.

      Once Mac stepped to her side, his free arm still draped around her shoulders, Jenna got a good look at her ex...and he was fuming.

      “What the hell are you doing?” he demanded, staring at Jenna. “I told you I’d be here so we could talk and you’re with this guy? He’s more of a liar and a cheater than I ever thought of being.”

      Before she could respond, Mac spoke up. “Apologize to her now.”

      Martin’s narrowed gaze darted to Mac. “Who the hell are you to tell me anything? Jenna belongs with me.”

      Mac pulled his arm away and stepped between her and Martin. “Not anymore. I’m her fiancé.”


      “I cannot believe you just did that.”

      Mac watched as Jenna stormed through their bungalow. She’d carefully set the flowers on the kitchen island and then took off pacing, throwing her arms in the air and muttering words that would make his Irish mother, God rest her soul, blush.

      “I only wanted you to pretend to be my boyfriend,” she yelled as she turned to pace in the other direction. “Then you go and tell me you want to be my lover, you have my mother and sister thinking we’re quite serious and you tell my ex we’re engaged.”

      Finally, she turned to face him, her hands propped on her hips, her chest heaving. “Are you going to say anything?”

      Mac shrugged and placed his flowers next to hers. “That guy is an ass. I’m not sorry for what I said.”

      “Are you sorry for the position you put me in?”

      Maybe a little, but Mac hadn’t liked this ex. He’d had possessive written all over him and nobody laid a claim on Jenna. Well, this week Mac did, but there was no way in hell Mac would let a guy like Martin have another chance with Jenna. Mac knew the type Martin was—a wealthy playboy who got whatever he wanted...damn it. Mac had just described himself.

      But still, Mac worked hard for everything he had and he’d work just as hard to make sure Jenna never had to deal with that jerk again. The fact that Martin knew of the O’Sheas was helpful. Mac didn’t purposely hide behind his name, but clearly Jenna had spoken of him and that only made Mac feel even more protective of her.

      “You called me here to help.” Slowly he closed the space between them and rested his hands on her shoulders, bending his knees so he could look her in the eyes. “The whole engaged thing slipped out, but now that it has, we’ll deal with it the same way as before. Once this week is over, we just explain to your family that we decided we’re better off as friends.”

      Jenna let out a heavy sigh. “You make this sound so easy.”

      He stared down into her mesmerizing eyes. She had a way of drawing him in before he even knew what was happening. Jenna was one of the most important people in his life and he wouldn’t let her down.

      “Trust me?” he asked, tipping his head to hold her gaze.

      Her features softened as her shoulders relaxed beneath his touch. “You know I do. And it’s not just my family I’m worried about. I’ve dragged you into this—”

      “Do I look like I mind?” he asked, offering her a smile.

      “You look like you’re having the time of your life.” She laughed. “Don’t get so caught up that you forget we’re just acting.”

      Oh, no worries there. No matter how amazing Jenna was, he didn’t want to be tied down to anyone for a lifetime commitment. And that was exactly how he viewed marriage.

      “I think I can handle kissing you in public and still remember that we’re just friends,” he told her.

      Something flashed across her face, but before he could analyze what it was, the emotion was gone. He wanted inside that head of hers, wanted to know what she truly thought about this entire arrangement...about him. But perhaps it was better to be in the dark. Maybe the truth

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