One Night, Two Babies / Valente's Baby: One Night, Two Babies. Kathie DeNosky

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One Night, Two Babies / Valente's Baby: One Night, Two Babies - Kathie DeNosky

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not? If you’ll recall, you didn’t seem to have that problem almost four months ago,” she retorted before she could stop herself.

      His smile fading, he uncrossed his arms and reached out to lightly trace his index finger along her jaw. “The circumstances are entirely different than they were then. Now, if you don’t get out of this car and into mine voluntarily, I swear I’ll pick you up and put you there myself.”

      A shivering thrill raced up her spine at his touch. “Is that a threat, Mr. Forsythe?”

      “No, darlin’. That’s a promise.”

      Chapter Two

      Zach steered his SUV out of the school parking lot and onto the street. After giving him her address, Arielle plastered herself to the passenger-side door and clutched the front of her oversize raincoat like a security blanket. He’d also noticed she’d become quite pale.

      His earlier irritation with her stubbornness quickly turned to concern. The woman he’d known in Aspen had been vibrant, outgoing and exuded good health. But Arielle’s demeanor and the disturbing pallor of her complexion gave him every reason to believe that she was coming down with something.

      “Are you all right?” he asked, glancing over at her again.

      “I’m fine.”

      Stopping at the red light on the corner, he turned to face her. “I don’t think so. You make a ghost look colorful.”

      She shook her head. “I’ll be a lot better if you’ll just take me home. Once I have something to eat, I’ll be okay.”

      When the light changed, he gave serious consideration to taking her to her apartment, bidding her farewell, then leaving town as he’d planned. But his conscience nagged at him and he just couldn’t do it.

      Arielle was new to town, had no family in the area that he knew of and he’d bet his last dime that her only acquaintances were the people she worked with. How could he possibly leave her to fend for herself when she was obviously ill?

      Making a snap decision, he headed straight for the interstate. She might not like it, but she needed someone with her until her illness passed. And the way he saw it, he was about the only choice she had.

      “What are you doing?” she asked, raising her head from where it had rested against the passenger window. “Why did you pass up my street?”

      “It’s obvious you’re sick and I don’t think you need to be left alone.”

      “I told you, I’m fine,” she insisted. “Now turn this truck around and take me home.”

      “No.” He changed lanes to avoid a huge amount of water covering the road ahead. “I’m taking you to my weekend place north of the city.”

      “I’m not going anywhere with…you.” Her voice sounded a bit shaky and her pale complexion had taken on a sickly, greenish hue. “All I need is something to…eat and I’ll be…good as new.”

      “I’ll let my housekeeper, Mattie, be the judge of that.” He’d feel a lot better having her oversee Arielle’s care. Mattie had been like a grandmother to him and Lana and nursed them through every one of their childhood illnesses with a jar of VapoRub in one hand and a bowl of homemade chicken soup in the other. “Her home remedies are as effective as any prescription medication.”

      “I’m sure they are. But my apartment is a lot closer and…I told you, I’ll be fine as soon as I—” She stopped suddenly. “Pull over. I think…I’m going to be…sick.”

      Zach had the SUV stopped before she could finish the thought. Throwing open the driver’s door, he rushed around the front of the truck to help her out. Putting his arm around her shoulders, he supported her while she was sick, and if he wasn’t sure before that he’d made the right decision, he was now. The last thing she needed was to be left alone to contend with a very bad case of the flu.

      “I think I’ll be…all right now,” she finally said, raising her head.

      After helping her back into the truck, Zach got in behind the steering wheel and turned on the heater. “Let’s get you out of your raincoat,” he proposed, reaching over to help her. The garment was completely soaked. “I’m sure you’re cold and uncomfortable in that thing.”

      “I’d rather keep it on,” she objected, shaking her head as she clutched the folds of the coat. “It’s waterresistant and the inside is still warm and dry.”

      Had that been a flash of panic he’d seen in her expressive hazel eyes? Why the hell would she be afraid to take off her wet coat?

      “I’m not absolutely certain that’s a good idea, darlin’.”

      “I am.” As she leaned her head back against the headrest, he watched her close her eyes as if it was too much of an effort to keep them open. “Now, will you please stop telling me what to do and listen to me? I want to go home to my apartment.”

      “I’m sorry, Arielle, but I just can’t do that. Try to rest. We’ll be at my ranch before you know it.”

      “This could easily be considered a kidnapping,” she relayed, sounding extremely tired.

      “Not if the alleged kidnapper is only trying to do what’s best for the alleged kidnappee,” he elaborated, shifting the SUV into gear and merging back into the busy rush-hour traffic.

      “Best in…whose opinion?” she argued, delicately hiding a yawn behind her hand.

      “The only one that counts right now—mine.” He smiled at the long-suffering expression on her pretty face. “Now, try to take a little nap. I’ll wake you once we get to the ranch.”

      When she felt herself being gathered into strong, capable arms, Arielle’s eyes snapped open. “Wh-what on earth do you think you’re doing, Zach?”

      Lifting her to him, he gave her a grin that curled her toes inside her soggy shoes. “You’re not feeling well, so I’m helping you—”

      “Just because I’m not one hundred percent doesn’t mean I can’t get out of the truck on my own,” she interrupted, desperate to put some distance between them. What if he felt the bulge of her stomach?

      “You need to conserve your energy to fight whatever bug you have,” he explained, setting her on her feet. When he shut the SUV’s door, he placed his arm around her shoulders, tucked her to his side and guided her from the garage across the covered breezeway into the house. “Besides, I’m not running the risk of you passing out and possibly adding a concussion to your other ailments.”

      His secure hold caused her heart to thump even harder. “H-how many times do I have to tell you? All I need is something to eat and I’ll be fine.”

      He stopped ushering her along when they entered the kitchen. “Mattie?”

      “Stop your hollerin’, Zachary. I’m old, but I ain’t deaf.” A gray-haired woman in her late sixties walked out of a pantry and stopped short at the sight of Zach holding her. “Did I forget about you bringin’ company for the weekend?”


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