Italian Bachelors: Brooding Billionaires: Ravelli's Defiant Bride / Enthralled by Moretti / The Playboy's Proposition. Leanne Banks

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Italian Bachelors: Brooding Billionaires: Ravelli's Defiant Bride / Enthralled by Moretti / The Playboy's Proposition - Leanne Banks

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in, Mr Ravelli,’ Isa Kelly invited politely over her granddaughter’s crouching figure.

      Belle’s head came up fast, green eyes stormy. ‘I wasn’t going to ask—’

      ‘Mr Ravelli is a guest,’ her grandmother decreed. ‘He will visit and you will talk like civilised people.’

      Tag growled at Cristo from the security of Belle’s arms. ‘Your father kicked did mine,’ she confided grudgingly. ‘That’s why he doesn’t like men. He’s too old now to change his ways.’

      The older woman studied Cristo, hostility creeping into her voice, despite the civility of her words.

      Cristo strolled into a hideous lounge with pink walls, hot-pink sofas and embellished with so many pink frills and ostentatious fake-flower arrangements that it was as if his worst nightmare had come to life. ‘I’ve never liked dogs,’ he confided.

      A curly-haired toddler clamped both arms round his leg before he could sit down.

      ‘No, Franco,’ Belle scolded.

      ‘Or kids,’ Cristo added unapologetically.

      Franco looked up at him. He had Gaetano’s eyes and Cristo found that sight so unnerving that he sat down with the kid still clamped awkwardly to one leg.

      ‘Man,’ Franco pronounced with an air of discovery and satisfaction.

      ‘He’s a wee bit starved of male attention,’ Belle breathed, setting down the dog to grab the toddler in his place and convey him struggling and loudly protesting into the kitchen with her.

      ‘Cristo drinks black coffee,’ her grandmother told her from the doorway.

      Belle gritted her teeth but she knew that the older woman was talking sense; she did have to talk to Cristo and, having set out her expectations, at least he already knew her plans.

      Cristo ignored the dog snarling at him from below the coffee table. It was little and grey around the muzzle and should have known better in his opinion than to embark on a battle it couldn’t possibly win. Cristo never wasted his time on lost causes or thankless challenges but Belle would, no doubt, have been pleased to learn that her threat had focused his powerful intellect as nothing else could have done.

      The instant the tray of coffee and biscuits arrived, Cristo rose back upright, feeling suffocated amidst all that horrible pinkness. ‘I don’t want you to take the question of the children’s parentage into court.’

      ‘Tough,’ Belle said succinctly, not one whit perturbed by his statement because she could hardly have expected him to be supportive on that score. ‘My brothers and sisters have been ignored and passed over far too many times. I want them to have what they’re entitled to.’

      ‘A few years ago, Gaetano sold up most of his assets and he salted away the proceeds in overseas trusts, which no Irish court will be able to access,’ Cristo volunteered. ‘With the exception of the sale of the Mayhill estate there is very little cash for you to demand a share of on behalf of your siblings.’

      ‘I’m not looking for a fortune for them.’

      ‘I have a better idea,’ Cristo told her.

      ‘I imagine that you always have a better idea,’ Belle quipped helplessly, leaning back against the kitchen door with defensively folded arms while she wondered how any man could look so fit and vital clad in a tailored business suit that belonged in a boardroom.

      She was slim as a whip in her tight faded jeans and an off-the-shoulder black tee that revealed an entrancing glimpse of a narrow white shoulder bisected by a black strap that Cristo savoured, glorying in the fact that he was now free to appreciate her glowing beauty while he speculated as to whether or not she was that pale all over, her skin in vibrant contrast to her bright hair and eyes. The instant he developed an erection, he regretted that evocative thought.

      ‘I will make a settlement on your siblings in compensation for their not pursuing their rights through the courts,’ Cristo delivered, half turning away from her to look out of the window overlooking the drive.

      ‘We don’t want Ravelli charity,’ Belle traded, lifting her chin.

      ‘But it wouldn’t be charity. As you said, they’re my father’s children and I should make good on that for all our sakes. My family would find a court case embarrassing,’ Cristo admitted tight-mouthed.

      Belle didn’t shift an inch. ‘Why should I care about that?’

      ‘Publicity is a double-edged sword,’ Cristo warned her. ‘The media loves sleaze. Your mother won’t emerge well from the story. At least three of the children were born while Gaetano was still married.’

      At that blunt reminder, a veil of colour burned up below Belle’s fair complexion. ‘That can’t be helped and Mum can’t be hurt now. I have to consider the children’s future. I want them to have the right to use the Ravelli name.’

      ‘No court that I know of has the ability to bestow that right when no marriage took place between the parents,’ Cristo countered, exasperated by her pig-headedness. ‘You’re being unreasonable. If you keep this out of court and allow me to handle things discreetly, I will be generous. It’s the best offer you’re going to get.’

      ‘Forgive me for my lack of trust. As I learned today with regard to the ownership of this house, your father was a good teacher.’

      ‘I will not allow you to take this sordid mess into a public courtroom,’ Cristo spelt out harshly. ‘If you do that I will fight you every step of the way and I warn you—you don’t want me as an enemy.’

      ‘Fight me all you’s still going to court,’ Belle replied thinly. ‘We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.’

      ‘What would it take for you to drop this idea?’ Cristo growled, almost shuddering at the threat of how much damage a media smear campaign could do to his brother. Zarif’s standing in Vashir was delicate, his having only recently ascended the throne. The last thing Zarif needed right now was a great big horrible scandal that would give all too many people the impression that he was from a sleazy family background and was far from being the right ruler for a very conservative country. Zarif, Cristo reminded himself grimly, had already taken the fall for revealing Nik’s biggest secret to Nik’s estranged wife, Betsy, when the first careless spilling of that secret was entirely Cristo’s fault.

      ‘I’d probably be asking for the impossible,’ Belle admitted ruefully, ‘but I want my siblings to have the lifestyle they would have enjoyed had Gaetano married my mother. It’s very unfair that they should have to pay the price for the fact that he didn’t marry her.’

      ‘You’re being irrational,’ Cristo condemned, impatiently, moving out of the room. ‘You can’t change the past.’

      ‘I don’t want to change the past. I simply want to right the wrongs that have been done to my siblings.’

      ‘Leave the past behind you and move on.’

      ‘Easy for you to say,’ Belle quipped. ‘Not so easy in practice. And I’m not irrational—’

      In the hall, Cristo swung round, surprisingly

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