The Australian's Bride: Marrying the Millionaire Doctor / Children's Doctor, Meant-to-be Wife / A Bride and Child Worth Waiting For. Marion Lennox

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The Australian's Bride: Marrying the Millionaire Doctor / Children's Doctor, Meant-to-be Wife / A Bride and Child Worth Waiting For - Marion  Lennox

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Emily eyed her over the rim of her water glass. ‘Past tense?’

      Susie shrugged. ‘I guess I was wrong. He’s OK.’

      Emily’s eyebrows shot up. ‘OK? He’s gorgeous!’ She turned her head to give the top table a deliberate stare and her sigh was wistful. ‘Maybe it’s being Greek that does it. They do the tall, dark and handsome thing so well, don’t they?’

      ‘Hmm. Don’t try and set me up, Em. The man lives in Sydney. If he’s not already spoken for, he probably has every single socialite in the city after him. And he already has a family. I want my own kids, remember?’

      Emily made a sound that suggested she understood. She would, too. Susie knew she had spent her share of time considering all the reasons why nothing would happen between herself and Mike. Plus, she was a woman. What was it about being a woman that could make you feel attracted to a man and then get a sudden insight into all the pitfalls a future together could produce? It was crazy.

      Mind you, it had worked out rather well for Emily and Mike, hadn’t it?

      The two women were silent for a minute, watching the gathering. The other people at their table were all engrossed in their own conversations and the noise level was growing steadily as coffee and exquisite petits fours were being served to mark the end of the dinner. Around them, people were leaving their allocated table seating and starting to mix. A five-piece band was setting up at one side of a small dance floor.

      The subdued lighting did nothing to dampen the glitter of this occasion. Silverware and crystal caught the light and sparkled on the white linen tablecloths. The women sparkled in their gorgeous dresses and jewellery and the men were all in black tie, which always seemed to automatically increase their attractiveness. Or maybe it was the champagne. Whatever. Susie couldn’t help sneaking another glance at the front table herself.

      Charles was there, of course. So was the mayor of Crocodile Creek, their member of parliament and George Poulos, who had spearheaded the huge support that had come from local businesses for the building of the new medical centre. Partners were also present…or supposed to be. There was an empty seat beside Charles.

      ‘Where’s Jill?’ Emily wondered aloud.

      ‘She’ll be with Lily. Did you hear she had to have a lumbar puncture this morning?’

      ‘Yes. I flew back to Crocodile Creek with Mike when he took those urgent samples.’

      ‘I thought you didn’t like helicopters?’

      ‘I don’t.’

      Susie grinned. ‘But you like Mike enough to get over it, right?’

      ‘Right.’ But Emily’s smile faded. ‘Lily couldn’t really have meningitis, could she? It’s too awful to imagine.’

      ‘I hope not. Alex seemed to think he was just being careful and doing the test to rule it out, but she looked pretty sick.’

      ‘You’ve seen her?’

      ‘I had to help with the lumbar puncture. Alex asked me to.’

      ‘Did he, now?’

      Susie had to steer the conversation away from Alex. Why did everything seem to get pulled back to that man? ‘Did you know that Jill and Charles are officially engaged now?’

      ‘Sophia said something but she’s always trying to marry people off. I didn’t take too much notice.’

      ‘She’s got this gorgeous ring. Really unusual. An opal instead of a diamond.’

      ‘I’m really pleased. Just a bit surprised, I guess.’

      ‘Why? I think they’re perfect for each other.’

      ‘Yes, but do they think that?’

      Susie sighed. ‘Charles did say it was just a marriage of convenience. For Lily’s sake.’

      ‘Maybe they think it’s the sensible thing to do, seeing as they’re practically living together.’

      Susie drank another mouthful of her wine. ‘God, I hope I never get married because it’s the “sensible” thing to do.’

      ‘You won’t,’ Emily promised. ‘The right guy is going to come along and you’ll get married because you’re hopelessly in love. You’ll see.’

      Susie’s gaze strayed back to the top table again.

      Alex, like Charles, was alone as far as female companionship went.

      Alone… Available?

      Susie drained her glass of champagne and eyed the bottle in the silver ice bucket. It was still more than half- full. She looked at Emily’s glass. The flute didn’t appear to have been touched.

      ‘You’re not keeping up with me, here, Em. What’s the story?’

      ‘I just don’t feel much like drinking alcohol tonight.’

      The sinking feeling in Susie’s gut was too intense to ignore. ‘Oh, my God…you’re pregnant, aren’t you?’

      ‘I’m not sure.’ Emily’s eyes shone with joy. ‘Maybe. Hey, what’s the matter?’

      Susie shook her head, trying to blink back stupid, stupid tears. She had got this out of her system the other night, hadn’t she?

      ‘I was going to tell you.’ Emily was frowning now, her joy replaced by concern for her friend. ‘Honestly, you were going to be the first person to know. It’s just that I haven’t even done a test yet. I’m only a couple of days late and…’

      Susie blinked harder. She tried to smile. ‘It’s great news, Em. I’m so happy for you.’

      ‘Could have fooled me.’

      Susie tried again, stretching her smile. ‘You’re not going to believe this, but Hannah’s pregnant, too. She rang the other night. Tuesday it was…’ Susie sucked in a breath to try and stop herself babbling. ‘She’d only just done the test. You’ll probably be due at the same time. They’ll be like…like twins…’ The effort of sounding happy was too much. Susie picked up the starched linen napkin that matched the tablecloth, screwed it into a ball and pressed it against her mouth.

      Emily had been listening quietly, her eyes huge. Then she put her arm around Susie. ‘Oh, hell! I didn’t even think. You’re the one that’s always wanted a family. Hannah’s the career girl. And now it’s me.’ Her arm tightened. ‘Do you want to escape for a bit? Go for a walk or something?’

      ‘No. I’m fine.’

      ‘Your nose is dripping. Have you got a hanky?’

      ‘No.’ Susie sniffed inelegantly.

      ‘Use the napkin.’

      ‘Ooh, gross!’ But it made Susie smile. ‘I’m

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