The Child They Didn't Expect. Yvonne Lindsay

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The Child They Didn't Expect - Yvonne Lindsay

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him directly. “And I’m deeply sorry for your loss.”

      Her eyes raked over him, taking in the shadows that lingered under his eyes and the fine lines of strain that hadn’t been on his face the first time she’d met him. She must have been too preoccupied to notice them when she’d seen him at his house the other day. He looked haggard, as if he’d been on the go non-stop.

      “Thank you. It’s why I had to leave you so suddenly the night we met. My father called to say my sister and her husband had been in a fatal accident. My nephew was born by emergency C-section immediately before his mother died. I left your room on autopilot. I wasn’t really thinking clearly, I just knew I had to get home. By the time I realized how unfairly I’d treated you, I was already back here, and when I contacted the hotel, they said you’d checked out.”

      “I understand,” she assured him, her heart breaking for the shock and pain he must have felt. She was close to her sisters and couldn’t begin to imagine how she’d feel if the same thing had happened to one of them. “I would have done exactly the same thing.”

      He dipped his head in acknowledgment. “It’s been hell this past week. So much to organize, so many people to see.” He swiped a hand over his face. “And the baby. It would have helped if CeeCee hadn’t been such a superstitious thing and had organized the nursery already. I could have simply transported everything to my house.”

      “Or stayed at theirs?”

      “No,” he shuddered. “That would have been too much. I couldn’t.”

      “What about your parents? How are they coping?”

      “They’re devastated. The stress is playing havoc with my mother’s heart condition.”

      Ali felt her heart break a little at the note of sheer anguish in his voice. She could tell he was holding on by a thread. Had he even had the chance to begin grieving himself?

      “Oh, Ronin. I’m so sorry. If there’s anything I can do, just name it.”

      “There is,” he said, pulling himself together before her eyes. “Given the circumstances, you’ll understand why I need you to complete the nursery. I don’t want any mistakes or oversights. Everything has to be perfect.”

      She was about to point out that she wouldn’t have put Deb on the assignment—with Best for Baby’s reputation hanging on it—if she hadn’t been confident that things would be done to his satisfaction. Instead, completely understanding how vital this all was to him, she murmured her assent.

      “So you’ll come back on the job?” he asked, lifting his head and looking straight into her eyes.

      She could see the worry behind them and his concern that everything be perfect.

      “Yes, but better than that, you’ll have two of us for the price of one. Deb will continue to assist—for good reason,” she clarified when it looked as if he might protest. “There is a great deal to be done in a very short time. Two heads will be better than one in this case. She’s already coordinating the work crews. I’ll get started on the nursery supplies and furniture tomorrow.”

      The tension that had gripped his frame from the moment she’d laid eyes on him seemed to slowly leach out.

      “Good,” he said on a harshly blown out breath. “Good. You know, I always imagined that one day I’d fill my house with a family. I just never thought for a minute it would happen like this.”

      He got up to leave and Ali rose with him. At the main door to her office he turned to her, composed once again.

      “I’ll be working from my home office tomorrow. Will I see you?”

      Ali ran through a mental checklist in her head before giving him an affirmative nod. “Probably after lunch time. I’ll bring some curtain swatches just to make sure we’ve got the right match with the walls.”

      “Fine. I’ll key you in to the biometric reader at the gate and the front door so you can come and go as you wish.”

      She blinked at that.

      “You’d trust me with that?”

      “Why not? You aren’t going to steal the family silver, are you?”

      “No, of course not,” she laughed in response.

      “Then what’s the problem? It’ll be more convenient while you’re coming and going in the next few days.”

      And, no doubt, it would ensure that it was her and not Deb going to the house, Ali thought after he’d gone. The idea wasn’t unappealing—now that she knew he wasn’t a dirty cheater.

      He wasn’t married. As the thought came back to her, she couldn’t help it—an ember of longing flickered to life deep inside her once more.

      * * *

      As soon as Deb returned to the office, Ali explained she’d be back on the nursery outfitting as well. Her friend seemed unfazed about the change in seniority.

      “Many hands make light work, and there’s certainly plenty of work on this job to go around,” Deb said, cocking her head to study her friend. “I get the feeling, though, that there’s something you’re not telling me.”

      Ali tried to hold her gaze and refute the underlying question on Deb’s face but in the end she gave in.

      “Look, I don’t want to go into details, but long story short, I met Ronin once a little while ago and we kind of hit it off, but nothing eventuated. Of course, when we got this contract and I saw him again, I assumed the baby was his and that he had been married when we first met.”

      “Oh,” Deb said on a long sigh of understanding. “I get it. You must have been pretty mad, huh?”

      “You could say that,” Ali responded. Her stomach twisted sickly with the memory of how she’d spoken to Ronin earlier that day.

      “But it’s all sorted now, right?”

      “It looks that way.”

      “So are you going to, y’know, see him again? And don’t get all coy on me and say that naturally you’ll see him in the course of the job. That’s not what I mean, and you know it.” Deb smirked and crossed her arms.

      Ali shook her head slightly. Deb knew her too well. That was exactly what she’d been about to say. “No. We won’t start seeing each other like that. He’s just been through the wringer with the loss of his sister and her husband, and he has the additional pressure of keeping an eye out for his parents—not to mention the worry of the baby.”

      “Sounds like he needs a bit of distraction then, wouldn’t you agree?” Deb said with a slow wink.

      “I think distraction is the last thing he needs right now,” Ali replied firmly, determined to close the subject. “Now, tell me, how did the paint finish turn out?”

      They discussed the dove gray walls with white trim that had been painted that morning, and Deb showed Ali a couple of photos she’d taken with her tablet. Ali gave an approving nod at the contractor’s work.


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