At the Billionaire's Beck and Call? / High-Society Secret Baby: At the Billionaire's Beck and Call? / High-Society Secret Baby. Rachel Bailey

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At the Billionaire's Beck and Call? / High-Society Secret Baby: At the Billionaire's Beck and Call? / High-Society Secret Baby - Rachel Bailey

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any sign of joy.

      She closed her eyes for a long moment, willing herself back from that place of despair before opening them again and nodding. “More than devastated. My father and sister turned to each other, and I—” learned to never rely on anyone “—learned to cope with life on my own.”

      She shook her head, banishing the thoughts, and changed the subject. “Do you wish you’d had siblings to grow up with?”

      He opened his mouth, about to reply, then frowned and shut it again. She had the feeling he’d been about to offer her a standard reply, but for some reason had changed his mind.

      When he spoke, his voice was pitched even lower than usual. “I used to, when I was a boy. But I don’t think I would have made a good brother.”

      Her heart softened, honored that she’d been given this gift of truth from a man seemingly unused to bestowing it. “I think anyone would be lucky to have you.”

      Ryder’s dark eyes changed, sparked, and the awareness that had been simmering between them leaped to life.

      Her insides melted.

      She watched Ryder swallow then reach across the table and lay his hand on hers.

      Her blood pounded through her veins and she felt the world slow to a stop. Noises retreated until the only sound she was aware of was her own breath. There was no one but the two of them, connected through their hands on a polished metal table.

      Eyes locked on his, she turned her wrist so their hands lay palm to palm. The burning heat from his hand suffused hers and traveled throughout her body, bringing goose bumps across her skin and desire coiling low in her belly.

      His chest rose and fell in the same erratic rhythm as hers. His lips were slightly parted, ready to speak … or kiss. And with startling clarity she realized she wanted his kiss more than she’d ever wanted anything. Wanted to hear him whisper sweet words in her ear, to lose herself in his embrace.

      Then he whispered, “Macy,” and the world came crashing back with reality.

      Spell broken, she lowered her eyes and extricated her hand from his gentle clasp, leaving it to lie in her lap. Ryder slid his hand across the table to grasp his empty glass.

      “Another margarita?” His voice was like gravel. “You said one drink,” she said softly, still not meeting his eyes.

      “I’d hoped you might want another.”

      “No,” she said. “Thank you for the offer, but no. I have a lot of work to get through tomorrow.” Feeling like she needed to make the excuse stronger, she added, “Making last-minute arrangements for our trip to Sydney in a couple of weeks.” They would look at potential retail space for one of their first brand-name stores, a companion to the Melbourne shop.

      “I’m looking forward to it.”

      She stood, smoothing down her jacket with a trembling hand. “So, I’d better make it an early night.”

      He moved to her side and settled his palm into the small of her back. “I’ll see you home.”

      Macy bit down on her lip. She needed this date over before she did something truly stupid—like press herself against him and wind her arms around his neck. “That won’t be necessary.”

      He guided her through the room. “It’ll be my pleasure. I’ve always seen my dates home.”

      Once they stood on the pavement, she turned to face him in the dappled streetlight. “No, really, I’m fine.”

      Ryder gave a half smile, as if he knew exactly what she was doing. “I won’t compromise on this.”

      He picked up her hand and laid a soft kiss on her wrist that sent a slow burn through her bloodstream. She snatched her hand back—she couldn’t let herself be dazzled.

      Ryder gave another half smile. Then he turned to hail a cab. A bright orange car pulled up on the street in front of them and she slid into the backseat, soon joined by Ryder. He was close, so close, and it was much more intimate sharing the backseat of a sedan than in a public bar.

      “Where to, Macy?” Ryder asked.

      She clipped her seat belt, determined to keep her distance at all costs—a promotion was worth more than a night in the boss’s bed.

      Ryder listened to Macy give the driver her address and frowned. Having never been to Melbourne before, there were only a few streets that were familiar to his ears.

      “You live next door to our office?”

      She settled back into her seat. “Yes.”

      Though it would have been covered in her resume, he remembered the location of both her previous workplace and home address from the dossier he’d had prepared on her once he’d decided they would marry. And her home those three weeks ago was not their current destination.

      He cocked his head on the side. “Your last job was on the other side of Melbourne.”

      “It was,” she conceded, glancing at the city streets and the evening traffic through her window, before returning her gaze to him. “I moved.”

      Ryder adjusted his long legs to turn his frame more toward her. This little pearl of insight was too valuable to let pass. “You moved for a two-month project?”

      She raised one shoulder and let it fall. “I like to be near my work.”

      Very near. “Do you always move when you change jobs?”

      Macy shifted in her seat, not quite squirming, but definitely not happy answering the question. Interesting.

      Then she called up another polite smile. “Usually. It makes sense to be near where I spend the majority of my day. And it means I can be called in on short notice.”

      He frowned, considering the pieces of the puzzle. There was more to it. “You live in temporary places.”

      She nodded once. “They suit my purposes.”

      They pulled up at the downtown high-rise apartment block and Ryder leaned forward to look at the building through the windscreen. “In what way?”

      “They’re temporary.” Macy clasped the door handle. “Thanks for seeing me home.”

      He swiveled back to her. She thought he’d leave her alone on a city street? Not likely. Besides, it was time he put his proposition on the table. They’d made a connection—now he had to hope it was enough to back up the logic of his offer.

      Ryder thrust some Australian notes at the driver. “I’m seeing you to your door.”

      Her lush lips compressed into a flat line. “There’s no need. Really.”

      He took his change and thanked the driver. “Yes, there is.”

      She inclined her head, accepting graciously, if a little reluctantly.

      Feeling upbeat, he stepped out onto

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