Reclaiming the Cowboy. Kathleen O'Brien

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Reclaiming the Cowboy - Kathleen  O'Brien

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summoned an answering smile, surprised at how un-thrilled he felt. Supposedly, the more points a woman scored in the anti-Bonnie game, the better. By that measure, Indiana was an A-plus. Her body was darn near perfect, too. And look at that face! The earrings kept swinging against her elegant jawline, sending out sparks of light that accented her blue eyes. Normal blue, nothing otherworldly, cryptic and mystical like Bonnie’s.


      “Coffee sounds great,” he said. Though he couldn’t possibly swallow coffee, or anything else, as he was swimming in tea already, he knew she had no intention of brewing anything. Coffee, said in that particular tone, with that dimpling curve of the lips, was just another word for sex.

      In fact, sex had been the foregone conclusion of this evening from the get-go. This was probably their fifth dinner, and they liked each other. A lot. Tonight, as he was leaving her office, she’d suggested a restaurant only two blocks from her condo here in Grand Junction. Their eyes met, and she had smiled with an honest, confident candor that said it all. She might as well have slapped a condom on the desk.

      And so what? He really did like her, and not just because she was helping him make a lot of money. She was smart, beautiful, worldly, divorced and straightforward. He was tired of being alone.

      If he said no to a woman like Indiana, he might as well go get fitted for a hair shirt...or a shroud.

      The starry night was cool, so he gave her his jacket. Her hand was warm in his, but her long, immaculate nails grazed his skin, so unlike...

      For crying out loud! No more of that. He was finished playing that game. If they were going to have sex, he owed it to her to be making love to Indiana Dunchik, not just the anti-Bonnie.

      But he couldn’t help thinking how different her fingers would be on his skin. Some men had fantasies about long, predatory red nails tickling across intimate parts. But he’d developed a preference for scruffy, hardworking hands.... In fact, some of the best sex he’d ever had was the minute they got in the door from work, before either of them even showered to wash the mud off.

      Suddenly, Indiana swiveled into his arms, and her face was so close it would have been rude not to kiss it. So he did. He dimly realized, by the warm temperature around them, that they must have entered the condo while he’d been distracted. He peeked between his lashes and noticed a lot of red and beige. Okay, not bad. A little impersonal, maybe, but a lot of elegance and a lot of clean.

      Her eyes were firmly shut, so he risked looking more thoroughly. Yeah, her living room was superneat and tidy. Not a speck of dust anywhere, not a cushion out of alignment. If she had hobbies or quirks, she kept them out of sight.

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