She's Expecting. Barbara McMahon

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She's Expecting - Barbara McMahon

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He became my partner. His ideas are great, and we’re doing better than ever—but I miss that town. I don’t reckon Jackson will ever go back. He hasn’t seen his folks since the funeral. Or Sara’s parents. We all lived in Fort Collins.”

      “I am so sorry,” Mandy said. “What happened to the gunman?”

      “He turned the gun on himself before the cops could stop him. Which makes it even harder, I think—no one around to blame. Come on, I’ll walk you back to your trailer. You feeling up to it?”


      But there was something she needed to get straight.

      “But this fainting doesn’t matter to my position here. I’m not traipsing around the construction site, so I’m not in danger. Please, talk to Jackson. I’ll promise to do whatever you ask.”

      Jeff studied her for a moment, then nodded. “We’ll see what he says come Friday. We’re partners, Mandy. And I set a lot of store by his thinking. If we can’t bring him around by Friday, then I think I’ll have to go along with his decision.”

      She nodded, her optimism slipping. She had hoped to count on Jeff to argue on her behalf. “I understand.” And she did. If the shoe had been on the other foot, would she want an employee who proved to be a liability?

      “If you want to go for a walk tomorrow, tell me. I’ll go with you,” Jeff said as he stopped by her door.

      “Thanks. I appreciate that.”

      “But just a gentle ramble, no trying out for the Olympics.”

      Mandy laughed. “I wasn’t!”

      He nodded and gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder. Mandy let herself out of the office, relieved that her doctor had not seemed concerned. But fainting wasn’t something she wanted to repeat.

      Was there a certain wisdom in Jackson’s wanting her to leave?

      After a hot shower and a quick meal, Mandy sat on the sofa in her living area for a long time, her mind wandering to the revelations Jeff had made, trying to assimilate the horror of the tragedy with Jackson and his family. No wonder the man was as hard as nails, she thought again. He’d have to be to survive such a loss.

      It gave her a different view of her boss, maybe one she could figure out how to tap into. She not only had to prove she would be a valuable member of the team, but also that she was in no danger. Today’s fainting spell had not helped. Maybe she should have him talk directly to her doctor. Would that reassure him?

      Wasn’t anything ever easy? she wondered with a sigh as she rose to wash her plate and utensils. It sure hadn’t been so far.

      The primrose-yellow dress Mandy donned the next morning was soft and feminine. She stared at herself in the mirror, suddenly struck by her image. Maybe she was her own worst enemy. No wonder Jackson doubted her abilities, her suitability at the construction site and her safety. She looked as if she were heading out for a tea party or something. Her own style in clothes was working against her.

      Quickly she changed into a dark, hunter-green dress that seemed more businesslike, and tied her hair back, trying to look as competent as she could. There was only so much she could do with her hair. She frowned at her reflection, deciding she still looked too soft for a construction site.

      She needed to go into town and get some jeans and flannel shirts. Her own jeans were in storage in Denver. Not that they’d fit, anyway, these days. Maybe she’d even get some boots. If she dressed like everyone else on the site, then maybe Jackson wouldn’t even notice she was different.

      Saturday she’d make the trip to Julian to see about expanding her wardrobe. Until then, she had only her skill and experience on the job going for her. It would have to hold her.

      Neither Jackson nor Jeff were in the office when Mandy entered. She gave a sigh of relief. She had plenty to do. They’d undoubtedly have more tasks when they returned.

      She liked working alone. Otherwise, she was self-conscious with Jackson staring at her, listening to her phone conversations, judging her with his critical attitude. Or distracting her by just sitting in his chair!

      She had completed the calls Jackson had requested she handle, and was once again plunged into matching invoices and purchase orders. There was a discrepancy with one vendor—Andrews Tool and Die. Curious, she pulled out the folder on the company. It was thick, showing years of a business relationship with the firm.

      Further research turned up other discrepancies. The cost overruns and extra billings added up to a tidy sum over a period of several months.

      Did Jeff and Jackson know this? She noted scrawled initials in the corners of the invoices. Obviously Pete had obtained approvals to pay. From whom?

      When Jackson entered the office some time later, Mandy forgot about business, seeing only the man who had lost his family so tragically. She immediately wanted to extend her sympathies, but one glance at his dark expression, and she wisely kept her mouth shut.

      In fact, she suddenly wondered how he’d react if he discovered Jeff had been talking about him. Today was Thursday, not an auspicious time to take a chance. She had only today and tomorrow to prove herself. Making him angry wouldn’t be a smart move.

      She reached for the phone when it rang. It was her doctor, checking on her again. She spoke briefly, and when she hung up, Jackson was studying her.

      “My doctor. I talked with her last night and she wanted to see how I was doing today. I’m fine. She said to just take it slow adjusting to the higher altitude. Which won’t be a problem. I know what to look for now, and it won’t happen again!”

      He gave nothing away in those dark eyes, just nodded once and returned to the site drawing he was marking.

      When the phone rang again, Mandy snatched it up, grateful for the interruption. Would anything change his mind?

      “Mr. Norris calling for Mr. Witt,” a smooth voice on the other end said.

      Mandy held up the phone. “A Mr. Norris for you.”

      Jackson took the call.

      Mandy half listened to the one-sided conversation. It was hard to get the gist from his yes and no and that-would-be-fine comments. When he hung up, he glanced over at her.

      “Norris is the liaison between our firm and Windhaven’s board. He’ll be out next week to check on our progress.”

      She nodded, a small bud of hope blossoming. Was Jackson telling her because she’d be here next week and needed to know? He must be, otherwise why bother clarifying the situation?

      He turned back to the clipboard he had brought into the office, and jotted some notes on a sheet of paper. Mandy watched him, wondering how he had felt when first informed of his son’s death. Of the wanton killing of his wife—especially when he’d loved her since they were kids.

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