Not Just Friends. Kate Hoffmann

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Not Just Friends - Kate  Hoffmann

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strolled down the hill. She tripped on the same tree root she had the night before, pitching forward before she righted herself. Hopping on one foot, Julia rubbed her toe and turned back to see if he was watching. “Are you all right?” he called.

      “Fine,” she replied, giving him a wave.

      “Breakfast,” he murmured as he moved back to the bed. He grabbed the clothes he’d chosen and tugged them on, then slipped his feet into a pair of boat shoes. Though he was anxious to see Mason and Ben again, there was only one person on his mind right now and she had a sweet mouth and a soft body and a smile that made him crave her more than her cinnamon rolls.

      A FEW MINUTES later, once he was sure he was decent, Adam jogged down to the dining hall. When he walked inside, he found all his old friends gathered around a table near the kitchen doors.

      “Well, there he is!” Mason cried. “We were about to send out a search party. We’re burning daylight and you’re getting your beauty sleep.”

      Adam crossed the room, grinning at Mason. “I can see you’ve had a bad case of insomnia. There’s nothing pretty about you, Mase.” He held out his hand and Mason grabbed it, pulling Adam into a hug.

      “Good to see you.”

      Adam gave Frannie and Ben a wave, then shook Derek and Steven’s hands. “I always thought you two belonged together. I’m happy for you both.” He glanced around. “Where can I get something to eat?”

      “Kate has everything set up in the kitchen. Grab yourself a plate. Coffee is out here.”

      As Adam walked to the swinging door, Kate burst through with a tin of maple syrup in her hand. “I found it! I don’t know if this is—Adam!” She threw her arms around his neck and gave him a fierce hug. “There are pancakes and sausage in the kitchen. I can make you eggs if you like. When did you get here? Where did you sleep?”

      “Late. I brought along my sleeping bag,” he replied. He wasn’t sure that Jules had explained last night’s sleeping arrangements, so he decided to play it cool. “Pancakes will be terrific.”

      Adam pushed the door open and stepped inside, following Julia back into the huge camp kitchen. Julia pulled a baking sheet out of the old commercial oven. “If you’re making more of those cinnamon rolls, I could eat four or five.”

      She turned around and smiled at him. “Scones,” she said. “Raspberry.” Julia plucked one off of the baking sheet and tossed it at him. “Be careful, they’re hot.”

      He pulled up a stool and sat down at the huge prep table, dropping the hot scone in front of him. “So what’s the plan for today? Can I just stay here and watch you bake, or do I have to do some work?”

      “You need to move your stuff out of my cabin,” she said.

      “Why? Nothing happened last night. I’m sure we can cohabitate peacefully.”

      “This week isn’t about us. It’s about Mason and Kate.”

      “But we’re not going to be working all day and night. We’ll have time to ourselves. So, maybe we could go into town tonight for dinner? Just you and me?”

      She stared at him for a long moment, as if trying to figure his motives. Hadn’t he been clear? Or did she simply not trust him? Was he moving too fast, expecting more than she was ready to give. But that kiss. It was all there in that kiss—the need, the longing, the desire. Was he supposed to ignore that?

      “You’re right,” Adam said, picking up the warm scone and biting off a corner. “We need to focus on the job at hand.” He held up the biscuit and nodded. “It’s good.”

      With that, he turned and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Julia to think about how she wanted to play this. If he was right about the kiss, then she’d come around to his way of thinking sooner or later. And for a woman like Julia, Adam was willing to wait.

      “So, what’s on the agenda for today?” he asked his friends, reaching for the carafe of coffee.

      “We’re re-roofing three of the cabins,” Mason said. “The girls are going to be replacing the screens in two of them and then I’m hoping someone will volunteer to wallpaper the nurse’s office. The last time Kate and I wallpapered, we almost came to blows.”

      “I’m good at wallpapering,” Julia said as she came out of the kitchen, a basket of scones in her hand.

      “Me, too,” Adam added. “I’m an expert.”

      “Good,” Mason said. “You two can work on that project tomorrow.” He stood and grabbed his coffee mug. “Well, men, it’s time to get down to business.”

      Adam circled the table to Julia and reached for another scone, resting his hand on the small of her back. “Just one more,” he murmured.

      She glanced at him, her gaze fixed on his mouth, and he knew instantly what she was thinking. Could he steal one more kiss without anyone noticing? “You know, I think I’ll wrap up a few of those scones to go.”

      “I’ll get you a bag,” she said. Julia turned back to the kitchen and a few seconds later, Adam followed her through the door.

      She spun around when she realized he was in the room with her, her hands braced against the edge of the work table. Adam slowly crossed to stand in front of her. She was so close, he could feel the heat from her body and hear her breath coming in quick gasps.

      He slipped his hands around her waist and pulled her against him. Adam didn’t bother to ask. He could see what she wanted the moment their gazes met. His mouth came down on hers, and this time, there was no hesitation, no doubt about what it all meant.

      They wanted each other and denying it was an exercise in futility. His tongued delved into the warm depths of her mouth and she responded eagerly, matching his desire in every way. Adam’s hand skimmed over her hips and he cupped her backside, drawing her even closer.

      But there was a limit to what he could take from her before the evidence of his desire was on display for all to see. He stepped back, knowing if he went on, he’d need a cold shower or at least ten minutes alone to recover.

      “I’ll see you later,” he said, letting his palm smooth across her back.

      A smile touched the corners of her mouth. “Don’t you want your scones?”

      Adam shook his head. “No. It will give me a chance to come back.

      “Later,” she repeated.

      When he reached the door, he glanced back to find her still standing where he’d left her, her hand pressed to her chest, her lips still damp from their kiss.

      Adam strode through the dining room and out onto the porch. “It’s going to be a good day,” he said to Mason as they strolled out into the sunshine.

      JULIA’S KNEES WOBBLED and she drew in a deep breath, trying to steady herself. But the rush of oxygen only made her dizzy. She stumbled to the sink and splashed some cold water on her face. Would she ever get accustomed to kissing him? Would the after-effects wear off more quickly the more they did it?

      Since their kiss in the cabin,

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