Second-Chance Seduction. Kate Carlisle

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Second-Chance Seduction - Kate Carlisle

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she wasn’t expected to sleep with him, she had a feeling he wasn’t talking about a plain old dinner date here and there.

      Services, indeed!

      At that, her stomach nerves began to twitch and buzz with excitement. Services!

      Oh, this wasn’t good.


      “Yes, damn it. Yes, I’ll do it,” she said, waving her hands in submission.

      He hesitated, then took what looked like a fortifying breath. “Good.”

      “But I won’t sleep with you.” She pointed her finger at him for emphasis.

      He tilted his head to study her. “I told you I don’t expect you to.”

      “But...the hotel suite.” She let go of the breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. “Okay. But...never mind. Good. Fine. That’s fine.” She stopped talking as she felt heat rise up her neck and spread to her cheeks. She tended to turn bright pink when she was embarrassed, so Connor probably noticed it, too. Even though he’d made it clear he didn’t want to sleep with her, she’d assumed...well. That’s what she got for assuming anything. Apparently he just wanted to keep tabs on her.

      If she’d thought about it for a second or two, she would’ve realized that he could have any woman he wanted. They probably waited in line outside his door and threw themselves at him wherever he went. Why would he want to sleep with Maggie, especially after he’d spent all these years thinking she had betrayed him? All he wanted was a date, someone who knew something about the brewery business. And that description fit her perfectly.

      “I misunderstood,” she admitted.

      “Yeah, you did,” he said, his tone lowering seductively as he approached her. “Because if you and I were to do what your mind is imagining, Maggie, there wouldn’t be much sleeping going on.”

      Staggered, Maggie felt her mouth drop open. “Oh.”

      “So it’s settled,” he said, breezily changing tempo again as he tugged her arm through his and walked her to the door. “I’ll pick you up Sunday morning and we’ll drive together. Be sure to pack something special for the gala and a few cocktail dresses. We’ll be dining with a number of important business associates, and I want them to walk away impressed.”

      She refused to mention that she only owned two simple cocktail dresses and nothing formal, having given away most of her extensive wardrobe to the local consignment shop three years ago. Instead she turned and jabbed her finger in his chest for emphasis. “Just so we’re clear, Connor. I’m not going to have sex with you.”

      He looked down at her finger, then up to meet her gaze. “Still negotiating, huh?”

      She whipped her hand away and immediately missed the sizzle of heat she’d gotten from touching his chest. She told herself it meant nothing. It had just been a while since she’d touched a man. Like, years. No wonder she was getting a contact high.

      “I’m serious, Connor,” she said, hating that her voice sounded so breathless. “I’ll share your room with you, but that’s it.”

      “It’s a suite,” he corrected, and slowly leaned over and kissed her neck.

      Dear Lord, what was he doing? She knew she should slap him, push him away, but instead she shivered at the exquisite feel of his lips on her skin.

      “Say it with me,” he murmured. “Suite.”

      “Suite,” she murmured, arching into him when he gently nipped her earlobe. This had to stop. Any minute now.

      “Sweet,” he whispered, then pulled her into his arms and kissed her.


      The heat was instantaneous. Maggie felt as if she were on fire and she reveled in the warmth of his touch. She couldn’t remember feeling this immediate need, not even years ago when she and Connor first made love. And certainly not in all her years with Alan Cosgrove, her less than affectionate ex-husband.

      Good grief, why was she thinking about a cold fish like Alan when Connor’s hot, sexy mouth was currently devouring her own?

      She gripped his shirt, knowing she ought to put an end to this and leave right now. Talk about taking a risk! This was madness. She had to stop. But oh, please, no, not yet. For just another moment, she wanted to savor his lips against hers, his touch, his strength, his need. It had been much too long since any man had needed her like this.

      Connor had always been a clever, considerate lover, but now he was masterful as he maneuvered her lips apart and slid his tongue inside to tangle with her own, further melting her resistance. His arms encircled her, his hands swept up and down her back with a clear sensual awareness of her body as his mouth continued to plunder hers.

      And just at the point where she was ready to give him anything he wanted, Connor ended the kiss. She wobbled, completely off balance for a moment. She wanted to protest and whine for him to kiss her again. But she managed to control herself, taking time to adjust the shoulder strap of her bag and straighten her jacket.

      Then she glanced up and caught his self-satisfied smile. He looked as if he’d just won a bet with someone, maybe himself.

      She remembered that smile, remembered loving it, loving him. Times changed, though, and just because they’d shared an amazing kiss didn’t mean she had any intention of sleeping with him. Still, at least she knew what she was up against now. Was she crazy to have such strong feelings for him after so many years? No, it would only be crazy if she acted on those feelings. She needed to remind herself of the only thing that mattered: getting the loan, by almost any means necessary. Which meant that she would walk through fire to get it. And Connor MacLaren was fire personified.

      She took a deep breath and struggled to maintain a carefree tone. “I guess I’ll see you Sunday, then.”

      “Yes, you will.” And with a friendly stroke of her hair, Connor opened the office door. “Drive home safely.”

      “I will. Goodbye, Connor.”

      She strolled from his office in a passion-soaked haze. But despite her earlier concerns, she somehow found her way out of the large office maze and down to the parking garage. And before she knew it, she was driving toward the Golden Gate Bridge and heading for home.

      * * *

      The kiss meant nothing, Connor assured himself as he closed his office door. He’d just been trying to teach her a lesson. Testing her. Keeping her on her toes. He’d wanted to prove she was lying when she claimed she wouldn’t dream of having sex with him. And, he told himself, he’d done a hell of a job. She had practically ripped his shirt off right there and then. Hell, if he hadn’t put an end to the kiss when he did, they would be going at it naked on his office couch by now.

      And didn’t that paint a provocative picture? Damn. The image of her writhing in naked splendor on the soft leather couch was stunning in its clarity, causing him to grow rock hard instantly. In his mind’s eye, he could almost touch the gentle slope of her curvaceous breasts, could almost taste her silky skin.

      “Idiot,” he muttered, straining

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