Twin Secrets. Jules Bennett

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Twin Secrets - Jules Bennett

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back, ready to battle the enemy, Annabelle stepped into the spacious office complete with a wall of windows overlooking back acreage. The second she shifted her focus to the other end of the room, she stilled. Her heart clenched, breath caught in her throat.

      “You,” she gritted through her teeth. If it wasn’t Shirtless Stable Boy himself.

      * * *

      Colt had been right. She was just as stunning as he remembered. He wondered if he’d still feel the same way once he’d had time to process the events of earlier. But now that Annabelle Carter was in his home, he took another moment to appreciate the entire package.

      That vibrant red hair, wide green eyes, simple makeup and a green dress that she probably thought practical...he found it tempting. How long would it take to undo each of those tiny buttons down the front?

      “You lied,” she accused him, not moving any farther into the room.

      Colt rose from behind the antique desk that had belonged to his father, and his father before him. He circled it and came to lean against the front. Crossing his ankles, he rested his hands on either side of his hips and shrugged. He always appreciated a good sparring opponent.

      “I didn’t lie,” he amended. “I told you Mr. Elliott was busy when you asked. And I was. I had just finished exercising my stallion and needed to get him brushed and fed. I wasn’t getting a manicure or stealing puppies. I save those fun events for Saturdays.”

      Her expressive green eyes narrowed as she slowly made her way across the room. Oh, she was going to be so fun. He didn’t miss the way she took her time in assessing him, as well. Let her look. If all went as planned, she’d have plenty of opportunities to do more than caress him with her eyes.

      “What is it you wanted to see me about?” he asked, ready to hear what she thought she could do to rectify this situation. He had a plan of his own to throw at her.

      “I hardly recognize you with your shirt on.”

      So, Ms. Annabelle had claws. He liked that in a woman, preferably when she clawed at his back, but verbally would do...for now.

      Colt couldn’t hide his smile. She was definitely going to be more of a joy to deal with than Neil Carter.

      “If you’re requesting I take it off, I’m happy to oblige.”

      She crossed her arms over her chest, doing nothing to deter him from appreciating her lush shape. “The only thing you can oblige me with is discussing the terms of this contract you have with my father.”

      “Not my first choice during a meeting with a beautiful woman.” Colt stood straight up, ready to get down to business. Obviously, they would have to get this out of the way first. “The arrangement is simple, as I’m sure he told you. He has six payments left on the property. I paid off his loan and now he owes me. I’m not charging interest like the bank, so the payments are actually cheaper than he was used to. He came to me for help, and—”

      “How kind of you,” she stated drily.

      Colt shrugged with a smile. “I thought so.”

      Annabelle sucked in a deep breath and dropped her hands to her sides. Stepping forward, she came within a couple feet of Colt, enough for him to see the variation of green in her eyes. Definitely eyes a man could get lost in. Not him, but some other man. Colt only did physical relationships, nothing more.

      “You’ll be dealing with me from now on.”

      Oh, he sure as hell hoped so.

      “I will take over the payments, but I need you to give me a few weeks to get on my feet. I have no job, since I came back to Stone River sooner than I’d expected,” she went on, a flash of sadness flickering in her eyes. “Our savings are...well, that’s none of your concern. But I already called a few places this afternoon and I’m sure I’ll have a job shortly.”

      She couldn’t be playing any better into his scheme. Before he could present her with his brilliant plan, she held up her hand.

      “If you can give me two weeks off initially, I’ll make sure you get interest as a sign of good faith.” Annabelle’s lips thinned. She was furious with her old man, as she should be. “I have plans for my home, so believe me, I don’t want to drag this out any longer than necessary.”

      Colt admired her determination. Hell, he knew all about setting sights on a goal and going straight for it. Hadn’t he lived his entire life by such ideals?

      The dude ranch dream he shared with his father was just the final piece of his life he needed to click into place.

      There had been setbacks along the way. Colt hadn’t expected his father to slip into dementia and require around-the-clock care. Colt hadn’t planned on breaking his back and shattering his hip bone while rebuilding the barn after a tornado ripped through town last year. His brothers had instantly reminded him there was no need to lift a hammer, they hired their work done.

      But Colt loved manual labor. He loved this farm and he wasn’t about to let anyone, even his sexy neighbor, stand in the way of him taking it to the next level.

      “Here’s the deal.” He took one step forward, closing the gap between them. Head tilted up, her eyes locked on to his. “You will make the payment on time, as was agreed by your father. One late payment and the land will permanently be mine.”

      It would be in the end anyway, but if a payment was missed, at least Colt would have his property sooner.

      Those green eyes narrowed. “I had no idea about this deal until last night when I returned home. I’ve been back less than twenty-four hours. I need some time to make job arrangements before the payment is due next week. Surely you’re not that coldhearted.”

      Part of him felt sorry for her, but he was about to extend the proverbial olive branch...whether or not she chose to accept it was on her. Either way, he would be the real winner at the end of the day.

      “Not at all.” He offered a smile that he knew had brought women to their knees...literally. “I have a position for you right here at Pebblebrook.”

      Silence settled between them as he waited on her response. They both knew he held the upper hand, but she could make this entire encounter much easier on herself.

      The muscles in her jaw clenched as she glared at him. Damn if her sass and grit weren’t the sexiest things he’d seen in a long time.

      Agreement or not, this woman would be in his bed. Visions of that crimson red hair spread all around his navy sheets flooded his mind. But seduction would have to wait, at least until she wasn’t shooting daggers at him.

      “I don’t even want to know the position you think I’m qualified for.”

      Colt laughed, realizing he’d felt more alive being the target of her snarky attitude than he had in a long time. “I like you.”

      “Well, right now, I hate you.”

      He shrugged. “You’re the yin to my yang. Sounds like we’re going to get along perfectly in the stables.”

      “Stables?” she repeated, with a quirk of a brow.


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